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EP 304: The Questions to Ask Before Planning Your Year

I know I’m not the only planning nerd out there who loves a fresh notebook, clean slate spreadsheet and new year marked on the calendar! 


However, as eager as we may be to start plotting our 2023 plans, diving right in doesn’t serve our goals in the long run.


If we want to set goals that actually make us feel accomplished and aligned, are a joyful process to achieve, and get met and surpassed in the realistic timeframe we aim for, we have to be intentional with WHY we’re setting those goals in the first place. 


That’s why in this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, we’re covering the questions I ask before setting any “New Year’s” goals or devising any annual plans to make sure that they not only happen, but they feel good to work toward all year long and beyond.


In this episode, you’ll hear: 


  •  The five key questions I ask myself before doing any goal-setting, planning or creating financial benchmarks 
  • A perspective shift around why we set goals and the intentions behind them
  • How to align your life aspirations with your business goals so that the flow together and feed each other in a way that feels good on a soul-level
  • Why it’s critical to do this work first before we dig into annual planning and why it’s beneficial that we start this process now 

References Mentioned in Episode #304: The Questions to Ask Before Planning Your Year 



Episode Transcript


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