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EP 231: Creating the Core Four and the Systems that Allow Us to Grow

The concept of the “dream team” is one many of us know well and aim to assemble, but for any entrepreneur who’s ever set out to create their dream team, you know it is easier said than done. 


In full transparency, it took me years to build what we at AddoAesthetics call “The Core Four,” so today, I wanted to get us all on the mic as we discuss the journey to getting where we are today and how we make it work. 


Hint: we talk heavy on the systems. 


As a fully remote team (in addition to The Core Four, there are 10+ additional freelancers and contractors on Team AddoAesthetics), systems have been critical for our growth and success since Day One when it was just me running the company from my kitchen table. 


As we’ve grown, Annie, Christy, and Danielle have built up and witnessed the backend evolution of the company and it’s systems, and in this episode, we’re giving you a peek behind the curtain so you can steal some of our insights and use them to reinforce your own systems-based business.  


In this episode, we discuss:


  • Everyone’s key job responsibilities and how we’re structured within the AddoAesthetics organization chart to take ownership over certain focus areas in the company 
  • What specific systems are critical for everyone’s individual roles and how these systems play into the overall picture and vision of the company
  • Why systems are critical for being able to reach our quarterly and annual goals as well as move closer to the overall mission and vision
  • How we each approach our roles from a systems-based perspective and structured framework plus how our core values predicate our individual and collective success 


References Mentioned in Episode #231: Creating the Core Four and the Systems that Allow Us to Grow



P.S. – Ready to scale your spa to the next level? Join us for the 5-Day Spa Business Bootcamp kicking off May 31 at 3 p.m. EST! Head here to learn more and register!


As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


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Have you heard about the free Spa Business Bootcamp happening May 31st to June 4th in the Spa Marketing Made Easy Facebook group?



Each day, we’re going to take a deep dive into the four phases of the Growth Factor Framework, your sales process, your social media, your systems and your structure before wrapping up on the final day with how to scale this bootcamp is a must for spa owners who are truly looking to build a company and a brand not just create a job for themselves. Click the link in the show notes to get registered and I can’t wait to see you in the group. 



You’re listening to the Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast where we share simple proven strategies just respond to street professionals to help you get more clients in the door so that you can create a life you love. I’m your host, Daniela Woerner, licensed aesthetician and spa marketing strategist.



Hello, my dears, Daniela here and welcome to the Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast. Hey, let me ask you a question. Are you making money in your business every single day? And let me just go a little bit deeper with that, okay. If you don’t work, would your business still make money every day, that may be the biggest vulnerability that I see with solo aesthetician. And really, even with spas that are still developing their teams. And I know you may be thinking, I don’t want to manage people or it just may not align with your vision. 



But building a team does not have to mean building a team of providers. You don’t have to have other aestheticians or massage therapists, even if you are a solo, I believe that you still need a team of people around you to help you grow this business to help you manage multiple streams of revenue. Okay. 



So there’s marketing, there’s customer support, there’s project management, there’s social media, there’s admin and tech, right? So there’s all these important areas that need your attention for your company to grow. Now, I had my son in April of 2020. And I went on to take a four month maternity leave during a global pandemic, when all of the spas were shut down. And we actually ended up having it was our best year ever, we had some pretty massive growth from the year before. Think about that for a second that as a company, the leader, the owner of the company, was out for four months, during a global pandemic, we still had our biggest year, right? 



That’s what I want for you. That’s what I want you to create for yourself. And I know that that would not be possible without a team. It’s as simple as that. But team development is hard, right? knowing who to hire, how to train, how to manage, it is a real skill. It’s a learned skill. And I’m really grateful to have worked in some incredible companies prior to starting my own business because I learned so much in this area, right? So bits and pieces that I have taken with me to create my own leadership style. I just want to do a side note real quick. I know we talk about books all the time, but the “Five Dysfunctions of A Team”. I think it’s such a quick read, but it is such a great read for someone that’s learning how to manage their team. 



Okay, now we get a ton of questions in Growth Factor about team development, about leadership, who does what, so we thought it would be really fun to do an episode with our leadership team. I like to call them our Core Four. So it’s me, Annie, Danielle and Christy, right? We wanted to give you an idea or just to give you an idea. We currently have five employees and seven contractors that we work with on a regular basis. 



But you guys, it started with just me doing all the things. Okay, we are currently in year seven of our company. And I brought on a VA shortly after. I think it was it was at the end of year one I probably brought on the VA and then Danielle came on pretty much right after that. So Danielle has been with us. She’s been like six years now. I think were in year six. 



So we have grown each year, which has enabled us to hire and yes, we do have a lot of people on our team. But time wealth is something that is incredibly important to everyone here at Team Addo. So we are going to continue to grow so that we can all have this, you know freedom and flexibility that we desire. And you’ll see as we do this interview, knowing what your people want is incredibly important to you. Building a successful team. 



Okay, so in this episode, we’re talking about what each person in the Core Four does, what helps them to thrive in that role and kind of getting their two cents, which was really a neat perspective. 



We also give examples of what the role would be in a brick and mortar spa. So I really hope that this behind the scenes look at Team Addo helps. Feel free to tag us over in the Spa Marketing Made Easy Facebook group if you guys have any questions. But remember, a team is not just about providers, there’s so many other areas of your company that really need help and support. Because if you are doing it all, you are doing a disservice to your company, right? You’ve really got you cannot be the person that’s doing the treatments and handling marketing and being the visionary. And doing customer support, you will burn out, right and you will not your company will not grow as fast as it possibly could. Because you just don’t know one person can do all of those things. 



Alright, so lots of love to you guys. Let’s go ahead and play that interview. And again, be sure to tag us if you have any questions.



Alright guys, this is going to be a really cool behind the scenes interview with the core four on the Addo Aesthetics Team. We wanted to do this podcast episode because I get so many questions about how do I build my team? Who do I hire next? What do these people do? How do you find them? And it’s really important to note that when I first started, it was me, myself and I doing all the roles. And my first hire was a VA from the Philippines. So it started, you know, very small, I think Danielle was, when did we connect Danielle?



Like right after your VA like a month after.



Yeah, so Danielle has been with the she has been on the whole journey with us. And I I don’t think I can actually take credit for how awesome she is. That was pure luck. But we’ve been able to grow and develop year over year over year. So what I want to do in this interview in this episode is really give you some insight into who’s each person on the team, what is their role, what do they do, what systems are crucial, and how we interact with one another. 



So let’s just go through and just first like maybe each one of you guys will start with Christy, maybe Christy you can just introduce yourself and say like what your role is at the company. Then we’ll go to Annie and Danielle.



Right. I’m Christy. And I think my title is Client Success Manager.



I know we gave you…



It feels so fancy, like I’m so not fancy. Um, but I feel like I do a lot of different things like community management, accountability, and…



That’s right, watering plants, my specialty, the calendar, just a lot of different random things.



Very good. Annie?



But um, well, I feel like with me, it’s always been a little bit uncertain what is any doing, but I do have the title of Director of Operations, and also Project Manager. And yeah, creating SOPs, updating SOPs. And I would say just overall making sure that everyone knows what they need to do and when they need to do it. And yeah, just making sure everyone is clear on what’s happening and by when.



And Danielle,



I am I think my title is Content Director. I’m kind of in the same boat as Christy where I’m like, changed, but basically anything. Yeah, it’s evolved. But any piece of content, social media, podcast emails, any piece of content is something I’m typically writing or touching in some sort of way. And that’s my role all things content.



So when I look at each of you guys, like I see Christy, as really being the high touch person with our students she’s client facing, she’s handling all the little details to make sure that we are a very high touch company that each of our people feel loved and supported. All the small touches and then also keeping my life organized. That is a huge I mean, Christy always will be sending me reminders and even like sweet little messages on boxer like, Oh, you know, just just great things that really keeps the keeps us organized. Keeps all have us feeling loved and happy and appreciated. And Annie basically runs the company. So it should be Annieaesthetics.



But Annie, really like all of the, me as the visionary coming up with, here’s the idea. Here’s what I want to do. I have the idea, I have the direction, and Annie figures out how we’re going to make that happen, and how we’re going to who we’re going to assign what I’m and Danielle, you, you create the content, right? You create the content. And I think, something that you do as well, that is not really talked about, but you are brilliant with strategy and funnel mapping and really understanding offers, and where, yes, you’re creating content, but you, you really do have a marketing mind and a branding mind, which has been incredibly helpful. And so for, and I guess, you know, I kind of touched on the fact that me as the owner, as the CEO, I’m acting as the visionary, I’m really the face of the brand right now delivering the content. But what I’m doing behind the scenes is a lot of team development. You know, we’ve talked a lot about, okay, we have these fancy titles now, but like, my job is to take each person, develop them, find the direction that they want to go, this is what we do with our students. But this is also what we do in our team to a big degree, make sure that everybody’s happy. And find what they thrive in what they’re the best at. And make sure that we have a clear path for growth. 



Because I am a big believer in when you’re bringing on a team, you want to make sure that you get the right people and that when you do have those right people that you keep them happy, right, that’s a very important thing. And, and part of the way that you do that is by regularly checking in understanding what motivates them understanding what they want their life to look like, right? And that’s different for every single person. But I think that that if I have to say, one of my superpowers, I think is really being able to check in regularly, and create a space where everybody on the team can kind of carve out their path that works for their lifestyle.



Um, okay, so let’s jump into Christy, you as the Customer Success Manager, that’s your fancy title. What are the what are some of the things that you’re doing? What are some of the systems that make your life easier, so for anyone who would have customer support customer success, this would probably in a brick and mortar spa, this would likely be filled by someone who’s doing the front desk, what sort of things have really helped you what sort of systems have just been like game changers in your role.



So I would say, definitely starting out having really good SOPs. So we store all of our SOPs in Process St. And that’s something that Annie started and continues to update, I feel like it’s a full time job. But those in general, have been amazing, because I know, they’re, you know, very detailed and labeled. And I know if I get some questions relating to a specific program, I can go right to that SOP, I can copy and paste and then kind of fill in the details from there. So I would say that’s probably for someone in customer support. That’s probably the number one system that you really need to have in place. I think it would have been a lot harder to make it as I go. So so nice to just jump into the role and just have those. 



Yeah, and and what Christy is referring to for those of you that are in spa, so we have our frequently asked questions, right? So in customer support in a spa, you’re going to get a lot of the same questions. What are what’s this policy? What’s that policy? What’s the pre-care instructions? What’s the post-care instructions? Do you have this available, etc. And what’s your membership about so having templated emails in an easy to access place that and your customer support person can actually create these if you’re just bringing if you’re a solo and you’re just bringing somebody on for the first time. All you have to do is every email that you’re sending out as you’re transitioning this over you template that and you just say okay, now add this to our SOP portal you may be used Process St. , you may be using Google Drive, whatever it is, but making it as easy as possible that your front desk person can then just copy and paste the response. And just add one or two customized slides in there. 



Okay, Annie, so as Project Manager, and as someone who works with the visionary in the company, right. So the CEO role, a lot of times, I think one of the things that you do quite a bit for me, is, okay, yes, you think you like, I have all these ideas and think that we can do it in a quarter. And you’re like, let’s take it back a notch and see what we can actually do. Because there’s a big difference in having an idea. But then when you really break it down, to see Well, what needs to happen in that, that’s where, like, the magic of actually getting things done, happens, because you’re not putting so many things on the plate. So for you, what do you think are the most important systems and what has really allowed you to thrive in this role?



Well, to be honest, I feel there’s, there’s a couple of things that will really bring things together. For me, everything always starts with the owner, which is you and then you know, your great at, already coming in as a role model, who is already supporting and investing into systems, because it’s really hard if you’re coming into a company and you want to make a change, but if that’s not already supported by the owner, so in general, just as a company, and the owner always comes as a role model is having the mindset of creating systems, and having the mindset that, like always seeing which task, every task that is being repeated should in the end of very soon be created as an SOP. And then being automated, because that’s how it takes time. And it takes a little bit of an investment in the beginning to set those SOPs up. 



But they’re gonna pay off in the long run really, really quickly. And as long as the Project Manager and the Owner are having the same mindset, and the same vision that already helps big times. And besides that, I would say, my number one thing really is having a project management tool. I feel like I mean, we use But there’s also another tool out there, which is Asana, that’s even for free. It’s super intuitive, but it’s basically replacing the old school to do list. It’s everything that needs to be done, it needs to be written down. And it needs to be outlined every single step, which is what you just said, it’s, it’s so easy to have a vision in mind. And we usually have a tendency to always think we can get so much more done in a shorter period of time, or when we actually sit down and we we lay out the year, the quarter and the month. And we actually write on every single step with a deadline, we actually end up noticing, it’s definitely going to take a little bit more time. It’s all just a little bit. But that’s why it’s important to have that clarity with a project management tool.



Yeah, and I’m thinking for spas like if they are hosting an event or something, right. Like when we get back to that space where we can do in person events. It’s like, yeah, let’s have an evening of beauty. But you have to what is the offer going to be? What are you going to be doing live demos? Are you going to be connecting with the reps? How are you going to invite the people? How are you going to market the people, I mean, there’s a huge project management board that goes into creating a successful event. And, you know, we have that instagrammable quote, that’s like when you fail to plan you plan to fail. And planning an event can be the difference of 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of dollars. If you spend an hour or two mapping out what you actually need to do, you can have just an event that is like, Whoa, like knocks your socks off. But if you just put it together last minute. And that is the power of a Project Manager, a Project Manager is really making sure that every single thing that you do in your company is planned out and organized. You work as Project Manager, but you do also simultaneously work as Director of Operations and really just making sure that every single person on our team and I think now there’s 12 people, if I’m correct. So we’ve got this is our leadership team here. 



But I think we have 12 people combination of employees and contractors and Making sure that everybody has their what you’re calling spark a single point of contact, right? Yes. And so they have their direct report and they understand, like, every single person understand who’s responsible for what. And that is something that having a project management board, and also an org chart in your company can really, really help with.



Yeah. And Daniela, building on that, in general, as a company to be successful. And for projects or everything to get done is, it’s also having that clear understanding of which role is everyone playing, and which ones responsibilities everyone has, and making sure there’s no overlap, that there’s like clear ownership of every person, everyone knows what they need to do. And then also being integrity of what is the work that you’re committed, what are you’re asked to do, and then actually delivering the work because in the end, the whole company and as a team, projects and sustaining a spa, like you have so many members, and team members building something together. So the end, it’s really everyone needs to be crystal clear. What are they doing? What’s their contribution to the company? And then everyone will be delivering on that? Because, yeah, as you’re saying, it’s like everyone has a single person of contact, everyone has some sort of ownership of the task.



Yeah, that’s, I think that’s been extremely helpful. Because, you know, what I think is important, too, is like, you know, we’re sitting here talking about how every single person’s role has evolved. And in a growing business, that’s going to happen, you’re never going to have all your systems figured out, you’re never going to have your exact job description or your exact org chart, because you get it mapped out. And then as the business grows, as the demands change, as family situations change, right, like all of that kind of stuff contributes to what is required in that specific role. 



So you’ve got to be, there’s a another handful of instagrammable quotes today. There’s another one that says, Be like bamboo, strong and flexible. And so you’ve got to be strong as a company and understand, like what’s required, but you also have to have flexibility, because things will always be growing and changing.



Okay, Danielle, tell us about your systems, like what helps you thrive in this role? What systems what processes?



Well, I’m starting my system right now, you probably saw me taking notes. So systems are a really big piece for me, especially because when it comes to a lot of our marketing, I’m the point person that it starts with, with the exception of the podcast where you record first, but then everyone else, their job depends on me getting my job done. And they can’t do what they need to do if I’m behind and not on schedule, or unclear of what my role or responsibility or my task ownership is. So I would say for me, I, a lot of times start from a blank slate in terms of, I get to just create, and I love doing that. But the systems are super important for me to understand how what I’m creating actually ends up as a tangible result that ends up getting seen, distributed, and ultimately helping the company grow and create the impact that we seek to make and move forward with the vision that you’ve set in place. So for me, the systems are really about making sure that I’m in integrity with what we’re doing vision wise.



One thing that I want to point out to you that I think is really interesting, I was just thinking about this as you were talking when we bring people onto our team, we’re big on the “MBTI, Myers Briggs Type Indicator”, I think our Core Four, we are all “ESFJ or “ISFJ”. And that is we are naturally operators, and we are very systems based people. And that is something that can be good or bad, but the way that we operate our company, it’s funny that like because we are all so structured in the way that we like things in the way that we focus on systems, you’ll find that it works either really well to have the same personality type or to have a different personality type that can fill the gaps. 



And I think Annie and I are “ESFJ” and I think Christy and Danielle are “ISFJ”, Is that right? Yeah, yeah. Very cool. I am surrounded by ESFJs, ISFJs and INTJs. So, food for thought. 



Okay, so any advice from any of you guys before we wrap up for spa owners who are looking To build their dream team. Like, what were some of the things  about our company that really helped you thrive? That like, I know having the systems in place, but what is it that really made you feel like you could step into your role and have that ownership that we could translate for something that a spa owner could do as they’re bringing people into their business?



I can start. I just think, Daniela, as you mentioned, you are always checking in and making sure that we’re happy, or that if there are additional tests that we want to do or go in a different direction, I think that can relate to spa because there’s so many different roles that a person could fill, you know, different service or whatnot. But I think it’s important to always be checking in and asking if they are happy, you’re not afraid to say what type of support do you need? I feel like a lot of times, you just know that, but that may not come naturally to some people. So I think just being upfront and asking is a huge thing for someone in a leadership role. Just find out what your people need, and support them and let them know that they have a voice as well. I think that’s one thing that you allow us to do is that even though you are the founder, we all have a voice and we are all encouraged to use it.



Good. So checking in with your people. I think I’m glad you feel that you have a voice. But I think it is so important for us as leaders, a lot of times there’s a problem, and we want to hire somebody, and we just want them to fix it right. And really developing a team is like helping them to understand the vision and what their role is in that company, and how they’re like, helping that vision. So yeah, I think that’s great in any business. 



Annie, do you wanna go next?



Yeah, and like building on what Christy just said, I would say, for me, the biggest part is, I mean, this is our business, and we’re doing our work, but it’s something that you’re great at, and it’s something that’s incredibly important for me is feeling like we’re all humans and being treated as a human and, like receiving that trust and freedom. But trust in the work that I’m doing that I’m gonna do the work. 



There’s micromanagers, macromanagers, and everything, you know, everyone works differently but, especially for me, as a Project Manager, it’s great that I’m not like you’re not micromanaging. I, you’re very clear on the guidance. I always know what’s your vision, and what’s your guidance, and then you let me one with the freedom and the trust that you give me. And that makes it incredibly joyful and easy for me to do the work. And still no, I’m a human. And we’re all having fun. Like in the end, it’s supposed to be fun, as much as we’re working. But it still needs to be fun and joyful.



Yeah. And I think that, you know, one of my mentors from spa, Matt Toronto, he said, Hey, we’re not curing cancer here. And that’s something that’s really important to remember. And that was, you know, we were just talking before we recorded the podcast, and in full transparency, you guys, I am behind on a bunch of my tasks. I am the bottleneck in the business right now. 



But I’m behind, because some of our students are going through some struggle right now with personal stuff. And they just needed some extra support. And so that means that my podcast episode didn’t get recorded. And that means that, you know, some other little tasks that I was supposed to do, didn’t get done. 



But family, for us is a core value and family affects your business. And so for me, if some of our students are having personal family struggles, we’re going to support them 100% even if that means the podcast episode gets pushed back, right. And we do that for our students, we do that for our team, you know, Annie, last week, or the week before you like guys, I’m just not gonna be able to make the meeting. And for me, I was like, Alright, cool. 



Because I know that there is if you say, you can’t make the meeting, I know you can’t make the meeting. It’s not like we have integrity is such a core value of who we are. That if someone says like, I’m sick, I’m not feeling well, I need to take a nap. I need to whatever. It’s like, Alright, I know that if you have that freedom to know that, because I know also, if it were like a crucial deadline, you’d be like, I’m going to do the, whatever needs to be done. And then I’m going to take my nap or whatever, you know, and I think that because we’ve built the relationship and know like what is required, and give each other that trust and flexibility which takes time, right? That’s not something that’s going to happen overnight. But that I think has really helped in everybody’s happiness. And in everybody’s, like, letting this feel like it is work but it’s it’s It is fun, I think that you it’s something that you desire to do and still can be motivated to do which is, is really important. 



So in spa, how can you create that, you know, it’s an It is like, just get interested in your people get to know who they are, and care about them. One of the things that I look for when I’m hiring is do I actually like this person? They may be so talented. But if I don’t like who they are as a person, I’m not going to hire them. Because I’m spending so much of my time with them. And if they are, like, high anxiety, or something that just doesn’t work with my personality, it’s not gonna happen. It’s higher the smile, train the skill, getting the right people is so important. 



Okay, Danielle, you’re up next.



I would say my biggest like tip that I learned through, it’s been interesting, just being one of the first people on the team, I’ve really seen the full evolution of systems like from the beginning. And I would say my big tip would be like, it’s truly never too early to start with systems. Like even if you are a solo, you still have systems. And they’re just living inside your head, and you need to document them. Because I remember when I started with you, you did not hand off this big SOPs to me, there was no Process St. , there was no nothing. 



But you did have I remember, vaguely…it was a Google Doc. Well, it was a Google Doc checklist, basically, of like, here’s what I’m doing. Here’s what I’m expecting in terms of like kind of the end result and what I’m hoping you will achieve with your role. But there was also that thing of you said, Now it’s your turn to like, you come up with the better system. And I think that’s something where it’s like we talked about SOPs. And you mentioned earlier about how it’s never going to be done. It’s always evolving and growing and shifting as the company grows, but starting somewhere and then building that trust with your team, that when someone has ownership and responsibilities over a certain role or process or an area of the business, that you say, now it’s your turn to iterate on the system, make it better, make it your own, so that it works for you, but also like documenting it so that if someone ever needs to step into that they can do it. And that’s how essentially it grows. 



So my biggest thing is just don’t be afraid to like start systems, even if you’re not planning on hiring anytime soon, it will only make the hiring and growth process so much easier when it’s actually time for that if it is ever time for that, which I think most people listening, like do have that goal, eventually, but it’s just, it’s never too early. And even if you’re solo, like having those systems set in place, and having them even very loosely documented is going to set you lightyears ahead and also just leadership wise, like I don’t know if you’ve actually read the book, “Dare To Lead”. Was that a book? Okay. I was gonna say from the beginning…



Clarity is Kindness. That was? Yeah.



Yes, you’ve embodied that from the very beginning, like clarity is kindness. And when it comes to team growth, because I’ve always known, and actually I do remember, when I was first starting you, I think had me rewrite your bio, and I did not nail it. Like, I just didn’t get it the way you were envisioning. And I remember being like, I blew it like, this is so not good. But you’re just like, no, this just didn’t end up how I want. This is what I’m looking for going forward, if we’re ever going to, like do this again. No big deal. And now you kind of know my expectations for this…



I do. Well, I do because I just remember being like, Oh my gosh, I blew the opportunity. Like she’s not gonna like have me write anything else for her. Because it was like an early task. But it was that thing of you didn’t make me feel bad or like I did something wrong. You just said I’m you actually I think took ownership of it. He said I didn’t clearly communicate what it is I was looking for. And I should have done that to begin with. And I just remember that really stuck with me where it was that thing of you told me like, this wasn’t what I was looking for. But I also didn’t clearly communicate that with you worked that out. And it’s been, you know, we have not run into anything like that before. And it’s because that was handled with kindness and clarity. It wasn’t that thing of like, Oh, well, I’m not going to tell her what’s you know, and then, and then you continue to have issues. It’s just there’s always been that culture within Addo Aesthetics. Whether it’s me or anybody else where we always I feel like I can communicate with Christy or Annie or anybody else on the team and say hey, this is can you please do this, this is what I’m looking for. And it’s just that clarity, peace and doing it with kindness. And that saves you every time.



Yeah, and and I think for me something that’s really important, as the owner is letting go of your ego. A lot of times we feel like we’re really cool because we started a business. 



But my job is like, how can I hire people that are better than me that are smarter than me, that can fill in the gaps. And a lot of people get intimidated by people that like, Oh, they know more than me, or Oh, that I never want to be the big fish in the room. And that goes in like my mastermind groups that goes in my friends circle. But it also goes in my team, it’s like, I have zero issue, I’m thrilled that I have people that are better than me, in their areas of expertise. Because the minute you think, you know, everything is the minute that you’re going to fail miserably, right?



And each person has their area that they’re just so good at. And if you can let them carve that out and let them really thrive. And do it don’t I think what I’m taking away here that we’ve done well is like giving you the space to do things in the way that works best for you. But also as the owner being comfortable saying no, that’s not aligned with the vision, let’s work it out, right, because people will be more productive. People will be happier when they can do things in a way that it works for their brain. So I think that’s really important. 



All right, you guys, let’s go ahead and wrap up this episode. So I hope that this helped for all the spa owners out there that are wanting to expand their team. It really like I just want to say even if you are a solo, you know, we’re dealing now like I’ve had some solo aestheticians, they’re having challenges, right, and they’re having to step away from their businesses because of health issues, or family emergencies or whatever. 



If you don’t have a system in place, for when something like that happens, it can feel even more chaotic, right? Because you’re not able to fully focus on the situation at hand. Even if it’s something planned, like maybe you’re going on maternity or maybe you’re going on vacation, and you need someone a virtual assistant for somebody to come in and handle the basic day to days of your company while you’re gone. Having those systems in place can just really tremendously help. So I want to encourage you no matter what level of business you’re at, to really consider that. It will help. Now, I hope you enjoyed this episode. And if you want to keep the conversation going, please head on over to the Spa Marketing Made Easy Facebook group and tag us we’ll be happy to answer your questions. 



As always, if you want to keep the conversation going, I want you to head on over to the Spa Marketing Made Easy Facebook group. The number one free resource out there for aestheticians focused on business building. We’ve got weekly marketing tips, a monthly goal setting and planning session, monthly aesthetician business book club, plus a community of thousands of aestheticians committed to business building in the spa industry. I’ll see you there.

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