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EP 137: Navigating the Economic Impacts of COVID-19 with Growth Factor Students, Sykes & Lanno

If you’ve been a Spa Marketing Made Easy listener since at least early 2020, you’re already familiar with my guests on this episode. 


But in case you’re new, here’s the quick recap: all throughout 2020, my Growth Factor students, Sara and Melissa, the co-founders of Skyes & Lanno Skinbar, are chronicling their journey to becoming a 7-figure spa with a monthly episode where we pull back the curtain to show the real behind-the-scenes of the process of building an empire. 


As fate and timing would have it, the last episode we recorded together was a couple of weeks before I was anticipating going on maternity leave and wanted to do a March episode to cover their growth in Quarter 1 and what was coming down the pipe for Quarter 2.


Little did any of us know that in a couple of weeks time the world would shut down and Sara and Melissa, along with thousands of other aestheticians and spa owners across the country, and the world, would be forced to shut their doors due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. 


Now, after a whirlwind April, we’re back on the mic discussing just how they handled the hard pivot, how they’re keeping their spa afloat (and at no surprise to me or anyone who knows them — thriving), and what they anticipate for their business moving forward.

If you’ve found yourself wondering how to navigate these uncharted waters, you won’t want to miss tuning in and taking this page out of Sara and Melissa’s playbook. 


In this episode, we discuss:


  • How they felt when the news first broke regarding COVID-19 and that they would have to shut their spa’s doors for the unforeseeable future
  • Their top priority for maintaining a strong relationship with each other and their clients through the shut down and how they immediately sprang into creative mode to keep cash flowing
  • What they’ve done over the course of the last two months to keep clients coming back for more and being able to introduce new and exciting offerings to their audience
  • The biggest shifts they’ve noticed in their business model moving forward and their top mindset tips for other aestheticians navigating the “new normal”



References Mentioned in Episode #137: Navigating the Economic Impacts of COVID-19 with Growth Factor Students, Sykes & Lanno




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