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EP 104: Cultivating Community Through Hosting Events with Elaine Lou

With technology continually shifting and consumer behavior moving with it, there’s one constant you can always count on in business: change. 


However, there is one exception to that rule, and it’s been a mainstay of business since the beginning of time, and that’s the power of relationships. 


Behind every marketing campaign, strategy, or tactic and every new service, offer, or promotion, the success of your efforts all boils down to your relationships…


Always has and always will.


And on this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, my guest Elaine Lou, a business and career coach who helps women take aligned action in reaching for their wildest dreams, scaling their businesses, and doing it all in a way that’s anything but cookie cutter. 


In this episode, she’s sharing her secrets for using local events to build community and develop deeper connections with her past, existing, and potential clients for business growth, increased client retention, and creating word of mouth. 


As a spa owner or aesthetic expert with your own space to leverage, events hold some of the greatest potential and opportunity for growing your business while costing next to nothing. 


I speak with a lot of aestheticians who all talk about wanting a “word of mouth”-based business, and while I believe today’s business landscape requires more than relying solely on word of mouth, events are one of the best ways to begin building that kind of organic buzz. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How Elaine works with women to take aligned action and get out of their own way to go after their wildest dreams
  • The deeply-rooted mindset blocks that may be standing in your way of success and the number one thing you can believe and do to unlock those blocks
  • Why Elaine focuses on hosting local events and how this can translate to building community for your spa or aesthetic practice
  • Her top tips for crafting events that brings together people who are excited about the opportunity to connect with and work with you



References Mentioned in Episode #104: Cultivating Community Through Hosting Events with Elaine Lou



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