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EP 014: Giving Back and Owning Your Role in Supporting the Aesthetic Industry

As aestheticians, I wholeheartedly believe we provide more than just beautiful skin. We’re also healers and confidence creators, so when I heard from one of my guests on today’s episode that 50-60 percent of aesthetic schools have closed since 2009, I was honestly shocked.


I had no idea our industry was experiencing such a shortage of educational avenues, and it got me thinking, “How can we as aestheticians be doing more to support and enrich the community and industry we’re a part of to ensure that it doesn’t slowly die?”


As I pondered that question, one of my guests on today’s episode, Maxine Drake, a leading spa consultant and coach, stepped in to help shed light on the subject and share how she’s giving back and creating educational opportunities on a larger scale.


Along with Maxine, I’m also talking with Malinda McHenry, a veteran aesthetics educator and Co-Owner of Bronzed n Beautiful (among many other notable accolades), about the current state of aesthetic education, the importance of giving back to the aesthetic community and industry, and how we can continue to professionally thrive through education.


In addition to those topics, we’re also talking about the incredible event Maxine is hosting in Hawaii on October 14 and 15, the 2018 Beauty Business Summit!


When you buy your ticket to the Summit, not only are you investing in your professional growth, but you’re also giving back to the aesthetic community since all proceeds from the event will go toward a funding grant for an aesthetic education institution.


I’m honored to have been invited as a panelist at the event where I’ll be speaking on “Retail Selling With Confidence.” I would love to meet you and learn with you there, so get your ticket today!


During this episode you’ll learn:


  • The current state of aesthetic education institutions and why it’s critical they receive outside support from those thriving in the aesthetic industry
  • Various ways we can give back to the aesthetic industry by imparting our gifts of knowledge and helping up-and-coming aestheticians gain greater experience
  • How Maxine saw an opportunity to help up-level aestheticians’ business acumen while simultaneously giving back to aesthetic education through the Beauty Business Summit
  • The benefits of participating in industry events and making professional connections
  • How you can get involved with giving back no matter where you’re located or how much time you have


References Mentioned in Episode #014: Giving Back and Owning Your Role in Supporting the Aesthetic Industry


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