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As a spa professional, one of the biggest keys to creating a life you love is getting more clients in the door. Easier said than done, right? With the Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast, you can get all the tools you need. Join host Daniela Woerner, licensed esthetician, to get simple, proven strategies for marketing your spa business.

EP 403: Why Planning is the Most Important Factor of Future Success

As we turn the corner on Quarter 4, it’s time to start thinking about the year ahead, and no, it’s not too soon. Especially in the spa industry, where Q4 is often our busiest time of year, it’s critical to carve out the time and thinking space to ask yourself what you truly want from your life and business. 

In this episode, we’ll explore what questions to ask yourself as you begin mapping out your plans for next year, how to craft a calendar that incorporates what matters most for you to feel balanced and fulfilled, and why Next Level Growth is the can’t-miss event of the season as you plan for a successful 2025. 

In this episode, we discuss: 

  • The power of putting everything on your calendar to create time for what matters most 
  • How often to reflect on and reassess our plans to accommodate our season of life 
  • What you’ll learn during our free Next Level Growth event and why this is a can’t-miss training for spa owners and aesthetic industry professionals ready to grow to the next level in their life and business

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers,

join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community 

References Mentioned in Episode #403: Why Planning is the Most Important Factor of Future Success

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    EP 402: New Website Reveal: What’s coming up for Addo Aesthetics?

    Year 10 of our business has been packed with exciting moments and achievements! I’m excited to share even more good news in this special bonus episode of the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast!

    In this special milestone episode, we’re thrilled to celebrate a decade of Addo Aesthetics and unveil our brand-new website!

    Join me as I reflect on 10 years in business, specifically highlighting the growth of our community. I dive into the key features of our new site, explain our three new avenues for our clients, and I give you an inside look at what’s in store for Addo Aesthetics over the next decade!

    Whether you’re a loyal listener or just discovering us, this episode is packed with excitement and insights. Don’t miss it—tune in and celebrate with us!

    In this episode, I discuss: 

    • Addo Aesthetics’ focus for the next decade
    • The significance and influence we’ve made on building community for spa professionals
    • A guided tour of our new website, including an overview of our three core avenues
    • Introduction to Addo Professional Association

    To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers,

    join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community 

    References Mentioned in Episode #402: New Website Reveal: What’s coming up for Addo Aesthetics?

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      EP 401: Reframe: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities

      Your dive into entrepreneurship is one of the most extensive personal development journeys you can go on. 

      In all the uncertainty that can come with being a business owner, the one thing you can be sure of is that you’ll face plenty of challenges and obstacles along the way. While many of those factors may seem outside of your control, the one thing you do have ultimate control over is your grit and ability to get back up and keep going, which I believe is most vital to your success. 

      I know this year has been a challenging one for many Spa CEOs and aesthetic industry professionals, so whether you’re finding this episode on a particularly bumpy day or during a season where it feels like you’ve been on a constant uphill climb, I hope it’ll give you an injection of positivity that helps you to reframe your obstacles into massive opportunities.

      In this episode, I discuss: 

      • How grit impacts your ability to overcome obstacles along your entrepreneurial journey and how to gain more of it
      • Inspiring success stories behind some of the most iconic household names and brands 
      • The three most common obstacles that might be standing in your way and how to overcome them
      • A reframe that will allow you to look at your most challenging moments through a lens of positivity

      To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers,

      join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community 

      References Mentioned in Episode #401 – Reframe: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities

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      EP 400: Creating Spa Profit & Flow with Daniel Lang, CEO of Mangomint

      We’re 400 episodes into the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast journey, and we couldn’t imagine a better way to celebrate and kick off the next 100-episode run (500 here we come!) than with a sit-down with our return guest, Daniel Lang, Co-Founder and CEO of Mangomint.

      Over the past couple of years, we’ve had the privilege of not just partnering with Mangomint, but also witnessing their remarkable evolution.

      From their humble beginnings to now creating some of the most advanced software for salons and spas, it’s been an inspiring journey. Join us as we delve into Mangomint’s latest feature, their renewed mission, and how they can help your spa significantly increase its profit margin.

      In this episode, we discuss: 

      • All the exciting details of Mangomint’s newest feature debut, “Flows”
      • How to use “Flows” within your spa’s marketing to craft customized messaging for your existing clientele and potential customers
      • How Mangomint is shifting their mission to focus on helping salons and spas become more profitable in their operations
      • Why profit is paramount in your business and how growth is not always the goal
      • Mangomint’s future feature rollouts and what to expect when making the switch to Mangomint as your spa’s all-around software solution

      To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers,

      join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community 

      References Mentioned in Episode #400: Creating Spa Profit & Flow with Daniel Lang, CEO of Mangomint

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        EP 399: Shifting from Solo to Storefront with Daniela & Sara of Team Addo

        Many aestheticians start as solos, and with time and business growth, a natural next step is shifting out of a solo suite and into a storefront. In that shift, there are countless things to consider and decisions to make. Still, unless you have some element of previous personal experience in scaling a business space, it’s all too easy to make the storefront transition without thinking of all the longer-term considerations that will impact future business growth, not for lack of strategic thinking, but simply because you don’t know what you don’t know.

        Joining me on the mic to shine a light on the common pitfalls to avoid and the key considerations and answers to arm yourself with when exploring making the shift is Team Addo coach Sara Sykes Moore. As a Spa CEO, Sara has navigated this road and brings a wealth of insight to the table in this stage of your spa business growth journey.

        In this episode, we discuss: 

        • Key considerations to make before you decide to leap your solo spa or solo suite space to a storefront in a retail area or office suite
        • Areas that are up for negotiation when finding the storefront location that will fit you and your future growth
        • Important expense considerations to build into your budget when making the switch from solo to storefront
        • Why you need to get crystal clear on the client experience you’re aiming to create

        To read the full show notes for this episode, visit:

        Keep the conversation going inside the Spa Marketing Made Easy Community by clicking here.


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          EP 398: Taking Vacation to Reflect as a Spa CEO

          “Building a business and life you love” has been integral to the Addo Aesthetics mission statement since day one.

          Part of how building a business and life you love manifests is that when it comes to taking vacation time, it’s not an attempt to escape the trappings of life and work.

          Instead, it’s an enrichment, a time to reflect, reinvest in yourself, and pour back into your cup in a different environment so you return to life and work with a fresh perspective and a renewed sense of purpose.

          If you’re not at that place yet, don’t fret; this is why we work to build systems-based businesses so that vacation time doesn’t feel like an escape or even an impossibility.

          In this episode, I’m sharing some of my biggest takeaways from time spent disconnected this summer and how you can take a “vacation” (no plane ticket required) to reflect and make big moves in your life and business, too.

          In this episode, I go over: 

          • How I define “vacation” in the context of taking time away from your business and why I believe it’s a critical activity for Spa CEOs
          • What vacation time allows us to do as the leader and visionary of our businesses
          • Four of my key takeaways and top lessons from taking a month-long vacation in Europe this summer
          • Insights gleaned from my time on vacation why they’re my North Star in building a business that supports a life that I love and how you can do that, too

          To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.


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            EP 397: Strategic Partnerships for Spa – Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

            As a brick-and-mortar spa owner, you have the great advantage and opportunity of using nearly every avenue of marketing to benefit your business. 

            Digital marketing and advertising, grassroots and in-person events marketing, and both online and offline strategies are available to you, but the backbone of all marketing is going to be your bread and butter, especially in today’s economy. 

            That backbone is relationship marketing, more specifically, strategic partnerships. 

            In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, we’ll explore what makes for a strong strategic partnership and my top tips for finding and building them. 

            In this episode, we discuss: 

            • Why you’ll want to focus your marketing efforts beyond the screen and dive deep into relationship marketing 
            • What makes for a solid strategic partnership and how to begin identifying who your ideal strategic partners would be 
            • The tool I use and questions I ask to ensure that partnerships are mutually beneficial 
            • My top tips for getting started in building your business relationships and bridging the gap from a contact being a connection into a strategic partner

            References Mentioned in Episode #397: Strategic Partnerships for Spa – Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

            To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

            Want to learn more about how Addo Aesthetics can help you? Book a call today.


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              EP 396: 6 Key Areas of Ownership for Your Spa Manager

              Suppose you’re burning the candle at both ends and acting as the owner, team manager, lead marketer, head housekeeper, and front desk supervisor at your spa, among other things. 

              In that case, you’re not only trending toward burnout but also leaving money on the table in your spa. 

              Typically, I don’t like leading  with such a downer of a statement, but when working to grow and scale a small business so that it becomes sustainable and profitable, it’s critical that we focus on what’s truly needed to succeed. 

              As a Spa CEO with a team, you need someone with the leadership and management skills to properly handle your spa’s daily operations so you can be free to do the visionary and strategic work required of a Spa CEO.

              In this episode, you’ll learn: 

              • The two routes you have to choose from in bringing in and training a spa manager for your team 
              • The danger of promoting your top aesthetician into your spa manager role and how to navigate hiring within or from outside the company 
              • What a spa manager should be doing in their day-to-day and the six key areas of ownership they should have in your spa 
              • How you or your spa manager can develop the management and leadership skills needed to effectively build an operationally efficient business with a strong team culture

              References Mentioned in Episode #396: 6 Key Areas of Ownership for Your Spa Manager 

              To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


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              EP 395: Launching Your Spa’s Shopify Store with Ryan Files of High Level Marketing

              Retail sales are a big chunk of your spa’s revenue, and while you may feel like you’re maximizing your sales opportunities in the spa, the truth is, if you don’t have an online storefront for your retail, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table. 

              Back on the podcast to talk all things spa e-commerce and retail sales utilizing the power of the Shopify platform is Ryan Files. 

              Beyond being our most frequent guest here on the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast, Ryan is the Vice President of Sales with High Level Marketing and a marketing expert who has worked with hundreds of individual practices on their marketing and SEO efforts, from spas to dermatologists and plastic surgeons, as well as aesthetic manufacturers such as BTL, Rohrer Aesthetics, PDO Max, Emage Medical, and The Salt Facial.

              Tune in as we discuss what you need to consider and plan for if you opt to expand your spa’s retail into the online marketplace and how to set yourself up for success. 

              In this episode, we discuss: 

              • The first steps to getting started with building a Shopify storefront 
              • Leveraging your know, like, and trust factor to build the e-commerce side of your business 
              • How to integrate a Shopify storefront with your existing spa website 
              • Key considerations and pieces to prep before building and launching your e-commerce store 
              • Ryan and Daniela’s top tips for making your e-commerce revenue stream worth the work

              References Mentioned in Episode #395: Launching Your Spa’s Shopify Store with Ryan Files of High Level Marketing

              To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


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              EP 394: Managing Your Spa’s Cash Flow with YNAB with Nicole Cooley

              Your sales are going great, and you’re expecting one of your spa’s highest revenue months yet, but when it comes time to do your monthly bookkeeping, what you brought in seems to have flown out the door just as fast. Does that feel familiar? 

              Whether it’s constantly feeling like you’re in a state of catch-up with your business finances, or you honestly don’t know where all the money is going — Team Addo coach Nicole Cooley and I are here to break down all your cash flow woes so you can start seeing exactly where your money is going and manage it to flow where you want, when you want. 

              If you ever feel like trying to manage your business’ finances is a rollercoaster ride, we’re going to shine a light on our biggest tips and top tool, YNAB (short for You Need a Budget), to smooth out the bumps so your cash flow can actually be in, well, flow! 

              In this episode, we discuss: 

              • How getting a hold of your spa’s cash flow allows you to pay yourself more and find opportunities for your business to absorb expenses that can be tax deductible 
              • Why you need to look at managing cash flow as a marathon, not a sprint, and how we use YNAB (You Need a Budget) as a tool to help demystify where money is going and flowing
              • An overview of the Profit First enveloping system, how we tailor it to spas and tips for how to gradually shift your cash flow percentages 
              • Understanding the big picture of your business’s financial health and how profit, savings, and taxes put the puzzle together 

              References Mentioned in Episode #394: Managing Your Spa’s Cash Flow with YNAB with Nicole Cooley

              To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 



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              EP 393: 5 Money Mistakes Spa Owners Make On Their Journey to a Million

              The magic “million dollar mark” is a goal my team and I frequently hear within our coaching programs and among our Spa CEO students and clients, and for good reason. 

              Being a seven-figure business owner is a huge accomplishment, one that many small businesses don’t achieve, especially women (a statistic we’re set out to change among spa owners!). 

              However, just as frequently as we hear that goal, we see the same mistakes made by spa owners that hinder their ability to grow to that million-dollar-per-year mark. 

              The good news is that these mistakes aren’t complicated to fix. But they do require consistency in your commitment to being and acting like a Spa CEO because, when you own that role and what you need to do to fulfill it, these are mistakes you’ll naturally avoid. 

              Join me and Team Addo coach Nicole Cooley for our second episode of Finance Month on the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast, where we discuss: 

              • The five most common mistakes spa owners make keeping them from hitting $1 million in annual revenue
              • Why knowing your numbers is critical to your ability to reach $1 million as well as how to analyze those numbers so you can leverage them 
              • Nicole’s tips for creating a cash reserves calculation that works specifically for you 
              • Understanding lines of credit and how to leverage loans and other financial assistance to grow your business
              • How scheduling and capacity planning play into your big picture goals, plus how to have several success plans so you’re never left wondering what move to make next on your journey to $1 million in annual revenue

              Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

              To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 



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              EP 392: Strategically Lowering Your Spa’s Expenses with Nicole Cooley

              “It’s one-click to get this, that and the other, so we really need to do a deep-dive and check in a few times per year to really make sure we’re scaling back and focusing on not wasting.”

              That’s just one of the nuggets you’ll glean from this week’s episode, which is all about lowering your spa’s operating expenses. 

              Beyond making more sales, the other simplest way to create more cash available in your business is to slash those expenses, especially the ones that aren’t bringing you a return on your investment. 

              Joining me on the mic on this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, we have Nicole Cooley, one of our Team Addo and Growth Factor Framework coaches who approaches money in a way that combines numbers, values, beliefs, and dreams, making it a topic you can actually feel excited about and empowered by as you work toward growing and scaling your spa business. 

              In this episode, we discuss: 

              • Where to begin analyzing your expenses and what you can easily cut first 
              • Why it’s critical to begin incorporating your patterns and behaviors into your financial system 
              • How tracking your marketing efforts plays into your overall financial plan, and key points of consideration on how to adjust your marketing budget
              • Nicole and Daniela’s top tips on making money decisions that align with your overall business vision and growth plan  

              References Mentioned in Episode #392: Strategically Lowering Your Spa’s Expenses with Nicole Cooley

              To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

              Want to learn more about how Addo Aesthetics can help you? Book a call today.


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