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EP 117: 4 Simple Steps for Organizing Your Life Like a CEO


So often we talk about a work/life balance, but the truth is, your life and how you keep it organized plays a large role in your business’ success. 


That’s because with you as your business’ leader, if your life is in unorganized chaos, your business will tend to be as well.   


Work/life is not a balance, it’s a blend. 


As a CEO, your job isn’t to keep your life and business separate, your job is to streamline your life so that it supports your role as a CEO so you can create the business you envision, which helps you live a life of freedom (financially, with your time, decision-making, etc.)


It’s all full circle, it’s all connected.


“Sounds great! Now how do I do that?”


You know I always come to deliver my top tips and steps, and that’s exactly what you’re going to get in this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, where I’m sharing my four simple tips to getting your life organized like a CEO. 


These are the most critical things I do to stay on top of my schedule, not feel scattered when it comes to my responsibilities as a wife and mom, and be able to be present whether I’m with my family, my team, my clients or students. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:


  • How I structure my schedule to be set up for success and not over-booking or overextending myself or my energy
  • Pieces of my life that I outsource to save myself time and mental bandwidth, and that also help me save money, which is an added bonus 
  • How the way show up at home has a direct impact on how I show up for my business
  • The 4 tangible tips you can put in place today to get more life tasks organized or off your plate


References Mentioned in Episode #117: 4 Simple Steps for Organizing Your Life Like a CEO


  • Get your calendar organized with Google Calendar
  • Learn about the A/B Week Method from Cailen Ascher 
  • Find easy freezer meal recipes at Happy Money Saver
  • Get groceries delivered via Shipt, Instacart, or Amazon Prime


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


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EP 115: Defining Your Path to Success with The Business Map Method by Terra Bohlmann

Do you want to set your business up for sustainable, long-term success, be organized, clear-headed, and not burnt out scrambling to stay on track with your goals? 


Of course you do. 


That’s a no-brainer, right?


Well, you need more than just a goal or even a goal planner (as much as I love a planner). 


You need a bonafide plan, specifically, The Business Map Method™. 


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m talking with the mastermind behind the method, Terra Bohlmann, who is a business strategist and coach who helps female entrepreneurs transform their five-year plans into one-year plans. 


As the creator of “The Business Map Method™,” she has crafted over a hundred custom business models for clients who have gone on to build six- and seven-figure businesses that not only produce results and impact but don’t burn out the business owner in the process. 


Too often we can’t see the forest through the trees as entrepreneurs, but what The Business Map Method helps us to do is break down our business into its five core components so can have both a birds-eye, big picture view of our vision and how we plan to get there, plus the granular up-close vantage points to see what we need to be doing each day to reach our longer-term growth goals. 


Not to mention, keep our business sustainably successful throughout the process. 


Terra’s Business Map Method™ isn’t about skyrocketing to success in record time, although it will undoubtedly help you reach your goals much faster, it’s about setting the foundation for your business that’s going to ensure that both you and your business are organized and running the show from a place of positive energy and optimal capacity rather than scarcity and an almost-empty-tank. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:


  • Why having a plan like that you get from following The Business Map Method helps you to achieve your biggest goals and prepare your business to be successful for the long haul
  • Terra’s journey in creating The Business Map method and how she has seen it transform the lives, businesses and mindsets of entrepreneurs 
  • The 5 core sections that make up your Business Map and how to create it to give you both a bird’s eye view of your business and a detailed look at every facet so that you feel in control, organized, and like the real CEO you are



References Mentioned in Episode #115: Defining Your Path to Success with The Business Map Method by Terra Bohlmann


  • Learn more about Terra’s work and how she helps clients with their Business Map Method on her website 
  • Connect with Terra on Instagram and Facebook
  • Read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen Covey 
  • Read Profit First by Mike Michalowicz
  • Give back through Kiva microloans 


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.

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EP 106: Starting the Journey to 7 Figures – A Behind-the-Scenes with Sykes & Lanno Skinbar

One of my core beliefs in building a successful business is that no one should do it alone. 


Of course, it’s your business, so you can choose your own path, but as the saying goes, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” 


Although, let me fill you in on my experience…going alone doesn’t lend itself to going fast, either. 


My belief is that when you have the ultimate trifecta of support, ongoing education, and accountability, you go a lot further a lot faster. 


And to prove that point, I’m diving into an experiment with a couple of the women inside my Growth Factor high-level group coaching program to show you the *real* behind-the-scenes of what it takes to build a seven-figure spa.


Over the course of the next year, I’ll be checking in and following up with Sara and Melissa here on Spa Marketing Made Easy so you can see all the possibilities and realities, filter-free.


In fact, this is an idea Sara pitched to me to share her and Melissa’s year-long journey through Growth Factor, and it was an immediate full-body “yes!”


So often I talk with aestheticians who are stuck in a paradox between comparison-itis and possibilities. 


Perhaps you’re looking at another spa owner and wondering, “why can’t I have a business like that?” or “why haven’t I reached that point yet? I’ve been in business so much longer.”


You’re constantly asking yourself, “What piece of the puzzle am I missing?”


While there may be some pieces you are missing that need to be filled with those aforementioned elements of education and support, you may also be blurry on the reality and possibilities of what it takes to build your spa to seven-figures. 


It takes hard work, tough decisions, and yes, sometimes taking two steps back so you can take four steps forward.


Those are the things people don’t love to talk about, let alone share on Instagram, but we’ll be sharing it here.


In this episode, we discuss:

  • Why Sara and Melissa want to share their year-long journey to growing their spa to seven figures 
  • A look at what their first year in business has been like (that’s right, these ladies are still in year one!)
  • How they’re approaching year two and they’re biggest goals they’re planning on tackling first within the Growth Factor program



References Mentioned in Episode #106: Starting the Journey to Becoming a 7-Figure Spa 

  • Connect with Sara and Melissa and follow their business, Sykes & Lanno Skinbar on Instagram and Facebook.  
  • Want to learn more about joining the Growth Factor coaching program? There are still a couple of spots left for 2020, click here to learn more and if you’re interested email us at hello (at)


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

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EP 105: 4 Tips for Preparing Your Business for Maternity Leave

As soon as I announced my pregnancy with my second little one due this spring, I’ve had many listeners ask, “how do you prepare to take a real maternity leave without seeing your business stall?”


It feels like a loaded question when you ask it, especially when the cultural norm of a good maternity in the U.S. is three months. 


Additionally, if you’re a solo aesthetician or a spa owner whose business largely depends on your presence, you might feel overwhelmed at the thought of your business growth taking a considerable dip if you dip out. 


So, as my team and I are beginning to implement our plans for Operation Baby Woerner #2, I thought I’d share with you my top four tips for taking an extended break from the business while maintaining stability and even growth! 


Also, know that these tips equally apply whether you’re also having a baby, you need to attend to family/life issues, or simply need a real vacation. 


Listen, life will happen one way or another, so even if you don’t have a break planned, you’re bound to be thrown a curveball at one point or another. 


And it’s always better to be in the place of being well-prepared and on solid ground versus scrambling while the earth is shaking beneath you. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • My top tool to keeping all my life to-dos and events in order so I can see what needs to be done well enough in advance so I’m not scrambling as my maternity leave approaches or when I return. 
  • How I decided how long my maternity leave would be and encouragement for creating your own rules around your leave time
  • How it “all gets done” even when I’m absent from my business and how you can anticipate coming back to buzz in business rather than a lackluster dip. 


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

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EP 101: How to Rock Your Spa’s Systems

When it comes to building and growing your aesthetic practice, if you’re like many of the other aestheticians and spa owners I encounter, you could talk about treatments, modalities, and product ingredients all the livelong day.


But I’ve got some news for you…


Those things aren’t what determines your business’ success; the truth is, successful businesses survive on their use of systems. 


( Insert collective sighing. )


I know, I know, systems can feel like a total turn-off in the fun department of business, but I promise you, once you get rolling with systems and building them out, the time and stress they’ll save you, not to mention the success they’ll help you achieve becomes really desirable, real quick. 


And here to show you the value behind building your spa’s systems and give you the starting points so you can move forward efficiently (that’s the whole goal of systems, after all) is Natasha Vorompiova, the founder and Capacity Architect of Systems Rock, where she helps entrepreneurs reimagine their businesses to include well-designed and high-functioning systems. 


In this episode, she’s sharing her top tips and insights so you can move forward with creating successful and sustainable systems for your spa that allow you to step into your role as the visionary and CEO of your business so you don’t burnout or burn your business to the ground. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What systems are and how they help you to gain back control in your business and responsibilities 
  • The biggest misconceptions around systems and how to get started building simple systems in your spa easily and quickly 
  • Considerations for building out your spa’s inventory system and what each piece of the system means and why it’s important 
  • Natasha’s top tips for building out your first systems and what questions to ask so you move forward with clarity 


References Mentioned in Episode #101: How to Rock Your Spa’s Systems  

    • Learn more about Natasha and her business, Systems Rock by clicking here, and tap into her free resources by clicking here
    • Connect with Natasha on Facebook and LinkedIn
    • Ask questions, receive support and gain feedback on all things spa systems inside the Spa Marketing Made Easy community on Facebook
    • New to the Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast? Download our Quick Start Guide to learn more about tuning in, where you can connect with our resources, and how to leave a review.  


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.

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EP 100: Become the Next Spa Retail Rockstar Scholar (Exciting Announcement!)

I can’t even believe I’m typing this…


Guys, it is our 100th episode of the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast! 


Can you tell I’m just a *little* excited?


First things first, I have to say thank you. 


Thank you for listening, sharing, subscribing, continually tuning in, and telling me what your biggest takeaways are and how the podcast has helped you in your journey to build the aesthetic business of your dreams. 


Your loyalty to listening, engaging, and showing up with me every week is what has brought us to this point, and my team and I couldn’t be more thankful to have you as part of the Spa Marketing Made Easy community. 


I remember when I was initially thinking about starting a podcast and beginning to get the plans together, and my coach shared a stat along the lines of less than 5 percent of podcast hosts reach 100 episodes. 


So, yes, this feels like a milestone, but I’ll tell you, it also feels like we’ve just scratched the surface. There is so much more I have to share with you all, and so many more experts I want to bring forward for you to learn from. 


Speaking of learning, let’s talk about what’s happening in this episode…


If you’ve been a long-time listener, you know I set out on this podcast journey to positively impact the lives of 500 aestheticians. 


We’ve far exceeded that goal, so for the next 100 episodes (and the next year), I’m raising the bar and sharing with you a very special announcement and opportunity geared toward any aesthetic expert who feels called to make a change in their business, but has previously had something holding them back. 


Links and Resources Mentioned in Episode #100: Become the Next Spa Retail Rockstar Scholar

  • To apply for the Spa Retail Rockstar Scholarship, click here. 
  • Leave a review for Spa Marketing Made Easy on iTunes. 
  • Join the Spa Marketing Made Easy Community on Facebook to gain support, accountability, and make connections with other like-minded aestheticians with their sights set on success. 
  • New to the Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast? Download our Quick Start Guide to learn more about tuning in, where you can connect with our resources, and how to leave a review. 


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

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EP 088: How to Grow into the Leader Your Business Needs with Njeru Nthigah

We’ve all heard the term “born leaders,” but the reality is, everyone needs to be a leader to steer their life in the direction of the reality they seek to create. 


Because you are the leader of your life. 

And when it comes to your business, it doesn’t matter whether you work as a solo aesthetician or you’re leading a team, successful businesses only become so when there’s someone effectively steering the ship and keeping it on course toward its desired destination. 

But what if you’re not someone that considers themselves a “born leader”? 

Or what if you’re moving from being a leader of one to a leader of many?

As my guest on this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy explains, everyone has the capability to be a great leader; it’s simply a matter of owning your personal leadership and crafting a Growth Plan to help you get there. 

His name is Njeru Nthigah, and he’s a speaker, mentor, and the founder of The Leaders University, and if you’ve never heard Njeru before today, you’re in for a treat because he is the American Dream personified and is an unending source of Inspiration and motivation. 

( No lie, we had about 20 of his quotes to pull from with this episode because he is chock full of immediate wisdom-packed takeaways!)

Together, we discuss why it’s critical to own your personal leadership no matter what your title as well as how to begin doing the work to refine and grow your leadership skills. 

If you’ve ever had your sights set on “more” for your life or your business…more time, more freedom, more money, more flexibility, more opportunity…

It’s all possible, but becoming a better leader from the inside out is what’s going to help you make those things you seek your reality. 

In this episode you’ll learn: 

  • Njeru’s entrepreneurial backstory and how he discovered that personal leadership is at the core of everything we do
  • The one thing all great leaders possess and the area where real growth happens in owning your personal leadership
  • Extending your leadership skills into the area of building a team and creating a structure and processes that ensure your team and business’ success
  • Njeru’s top tips for creating your own Growth Plan where so you can wholeheartedly step into owning your leadership

References Mentioned in Episode #088: How to Grow into the Leader Your Business Needs with Njeru Nthigah

– Learn more about Njeru’s work with The Leaders University and connect with him on Facebook

– Read John Maxwell’s, “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Your Potential”

Read “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

Read “The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It” by Micahel Gerber

Listen to these books on the go with Audible

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

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EP 080: Behind the Beauty Business Summit with Maxine Drake

Last year I was honored to be able to join in on the Beauty Business Summit virtually, but this year, I’m thrilled to be hitting the sands of St. Pete and attending the 2nd Beauty Business Summit live!

If you’re a long-time listener of the podcast, today’s guest, Maxine Drake, will be a familiar voice as she was a guest on episode #014 where we talked about all the things that were leading up to the inaugural Summit, which in case you missed the word on social media, was a massive success!

And now in the blink of an eye, it’s time for round 2, and you might be thinking, “Is this for me?”

First, let’s start with the fact that it’s no secret that professional networking and continuing education are crucial for growing as an aesthetic expert, however not all events are created equal.

Some focus more on the continued learning, without much time for connecting with industry peers or educators, while other events are all business. Both of those events have their place and exist to meet certain goals.

But the beautiful thing about the Beauty Business Summit is that it’s a little bit of everything a beauty professional needs to succeed and is an authentic growth experience for the heart, mind, and body.

Maxine is the embodiment of community over competition, and based on what she has put into this event this far to make it take shape is a true testament on how it is (and will continue) creating impact in the industry, and that’s a really exciting thing to be a part of, so I hope I’ll see you in St. Pete!

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The origin story and the purpose of the Beauty Business Summit
  • How Maxine is working to elevate the aesthetic industry through the Beauty Business Summit’s mission
  • What kinds of beauty professionals the Summit is for and who will reap the greatest benefits
  • Maxine’s vision for this year’s summit and how she anticipates it evolving in the future
  • The big reveal of this year’s keynote speaker!

References Mentioned in Episode #080: Behind the Beauty Business Summit with Maxine Drake

  • See all the details on the Beauty Business Summit and save your seat by clicking here
  • Follow the Beauty Business Summit on Facebook and Instagram
  • And connect with Maxine on Facebook and Instagram

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.

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EP 040: The Secrets to Becoming a Six-Figure Aesthetician with Yarely Marquez, L.E.

Sometimes when I tell aestheticians that they have the power and capability to become a six-figure earner (while being solo), I get responses of total bewilderment.


“How is that possible?”


“It’s just me in my business. I can’t imagine being able to pull in that much…what does that even look like?”


If those are thoughts that cross your mind, I know, with 100% certainty, the biggest thing holding you back is your mindset.


Not lack of marketing, or a so-so location in town or too much “competition.”


Without going down too deep of a rabbit hole, let me set the stage by declaring that your mindset is the ultimate deciding factor of whether you will achieve your version of success or not.


How? Because thoughts are beliefs and our beliefs dictate our actions, and if you don’t believe something like being a six-figure solo aesthetician is possible for you, you’re right.


However, if you genuinely believe in your capabilities, your expertise and you have the passion that ties it all together, you’ve got everything you need to hit that six-figure mark.


And joining me today to be the ultimate case study is Yarely Marquez, L.E.


Yarely Marquez, L.E., the owner of Flawless Skin and Brow Boutique in the Twin Cities area, and she is a member of the six-figure aesthetician club, and for good reason.


Yarely is not only a whip-smart businesswoman and rockstar aesthetician who is clearly an expert in her field, but she’s also a shining example of someone who has the mindset it takes to grow to a level many dream of, but never reach.


It takes authenticity, it takes gratitude, and an outlook that says I don’t have to do this, I get to do this.


In this episode, she’s spilling her top tips and deepest insights on how to build a six-figure business as a solo aesthetician through smart business operations, strategic marketing, and of course, creating an excellent client experience.


With a new year right around the corner, there’s no better time than now to get the gears going on finally making it to six figures in 2019.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • Yarely’s journey to becoming a solo aesthetician and her tips for making the transition
  • Her biggest challenges she has faced in growing her business as well as the most significant contributors to her success
  • The mindset shifts she made around selling and retail that took her business and services to the next level
  • The importance of setting boundaries for the health of your work-life balance and your business


Resources from Episode #040: The Secrets to Becoming a Six-Figure Aesthetician with Yarely Marquez, L.E.


  • Learn more about Flawless Skin and Brow Boutique and connect with Yarely through her website.
  • Follow Yarely on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Continue the conversation and connect with a community of like-minded aestheticians who want to build a thriving business, and join the Spa Marketing Made Easy community on Facebook.


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EP 017: Finding and Creating Your Aesthetic Niche with Regina Brows

You’ve likely heard the saying, “there are riches in the niches,” but if you haven’t, you’re going to learn the truth behind that saying today.


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m chatting with Regina Felix aka Regina Brows of Build Your Brow Biz on how she became known as the go-to brow lady for natural brows, and how that expertise exploded her business.


It’s a common misconception among business owners that if you niche down too much or you get too specific in your specialty, you’re limiting your opportunities and cutting out too many potential clients.


But let’s think about that for a second, do you really want to be serving everyone?


No way!


We all have clients we can think of and think, “I couldn’t handle more clients like that,” or on the flip side, “If I could have ten more clients like her, I’d be ecstatic!


The way you bring in more of those dreamy, I-wish-I-could-clone-them clients is by turning down the volume on speaking to the masses and instead, getting specific and finding your aesthetic specialty so that your ideal client can hear you loud and clear through all the rest of the marketing noise.


In this episode you’ll also learn:


  • Regina’s journey from a generalist to a specialist and how she saw her business expand by shrinking her offerings
  • How she began sharing her specialized expertise on social media and how her brand and rates were affected
  • The mindset shifts she’s made as her brick-and-mortar business has now added an online platform


References Mentioned in Episode #017: Finding and Creating Your Aesthetic Niche with Regina Brows


  • Learn more about Regina and her online trainings and courses at Build Your Brow Biz.
  • Join Regina’s free Facebook group, Love Your Natural Brow Biz with Regina Brows.   
  • Connect with Regina on Facebook and Instagram.  
  • Join the Aestheticians Connect Facebook group to ask questions and leave feedback on this episode!
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