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EP 127: Pushing Past Fear to Get Publicity and Impact Millions with Selena Soo


Battling imposter syndrome. 


Clamming up in the face of the camera. 


Saying to yourself “I’m better behind the scenes, I just want to see my clients shining in the spotlight.” 


These are all things I’ve heard from countless aestheticians looking to step up and into the role of leader and face of their brand, but are afraid to do so for well, truthfully, countless reasons. 


From fearing judgement to being afraid of sounding silly or like you don’t know what you’re talking about or forgetting how to talk altogether when you’ve got the floor and it’s your time to shine, sometimes all it takes is thinking of going live on your own Facebook page to send you into a cold full-body sweat, forget showing up on the local news! 


First, breathe. 


Next, listen. 


You are fully equipped to stand and shine in your own spotlight, and here to help you do it is my mastermind leader and business coach, Selena Soo. 


If you’ve been a  long-time listener to Spa Marketing Made Easy, you’ve already heard me talk about Selena and her genius as a connector and relationship builder, but her official title is business and publicity strategist who helps take experts who are “hidden gems” and give them the tools to transform into industry leaders, and even household names. 


She’s helped her clients and students get featured in places like O, The Oprah Magazine, Forbes, and Inc., as well as top-ranked podcasts and national TV shows, so she’s no stranger to the spotlight, but what’s funny is that in the beginning of her journey she too was terrified of being visible. 


In this episode, you’ll hear her story of how she broke into the world of publicity, her unique take on gaining exposure for your business through the media, and the critical mindset shifts she made so that she could fully stand in the spotlight and unleash her brilliance so that she could ultimately impact millions. 


In this episode, we discuss: 


  • Selena’s personal journey in discovering her passion for publicity and how it wasn’t always a natural calling to step into the spotlight
  • How Selena shifted her perspective to push past fear so she could make the impact she desired for her life and for her clients
  • Her 4 mindset shifts and lessons that you can take away to get past your own publicity hangups and mental blocks 
  • Why publicity is critical for aesthetic experts and simple steps for getting started generating publicity for your brand 



References Mentioned in Episode #127: Pushing Past Fear to Get Publicity and Impact Millions with Selena Soo


  • Downloading Selena’s free Impacting Millions Publicity Checklist by clicking here.
  •  Listen to Episode #125 – Securing Publicity for Your E-Commerce Brand with Lynya Floyd, Selena’s Senior Media Coach at Impacting Millions 
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked

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EP 125: Securing Publicity for Your E-Commerce Brand with Lynya Floyd


Securing press for your brand and business is one of the best ways to instantly boost your credibility and authority as an aesthetic expert, and the best part is, it’s free! 


However, with benefits like that, you can bet that securing publicity for your brand isn’t exactly a cakewalk. 


It can feel a little scary. 


You’re probably, scratch that, definitely, going to hear “no” to your story pitches.


And you might be wrestling with an insane case of imposter syndrome. 


First things first, it’s time to face the fear and let that be your driving force of motivation because, as my guest on this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy shares, everyone has a story to share, including you. 


Today I’m talking with Lynya Floyd, a journalist and media maven with 20+ years experience in the health and wellness media realm who has worked for household name publications like Glamour, Seventeen, Essence, and Family Circle. 


These days, she’s the Senior Media Coach at Impacting Millions, and it goes without saying that she’s a total pro. 


In this episode, she’s giving you a crash course in securing publicity for your brand so that you know the right steps for how to pitch your story to the media, why gaining press can push your brand over the edge, especially in the realm of e-commerce, and you’ll get actionable takeaways you can start leveraging today to begin building momentum and creating your “PR Snowball Effect.”


In this episode, Lynya shares her expert insights on: 


  • Why you’re fully equipped to gain publicity for your brand and how it can be used to step up both the local e-commerce side of your business
  • How PR gives you social proof and credibility that allows you to stand out from the crowd
  • What types of media outlets to focus on and Lyna’s two primary considerations for where to focus your attention
  • Her top tips for pitching a great story, keeping your head in the game amidst rejection, and creating your PR “Snowball Effect”


References Mentioned in Episode #125: Securing Publicity for Your E-Commerce Brand with Lynya Floyd 


  • Learn more about Impacting Millions, where Lynya shares her genius as a Senior Media Coach by clicking here and downloading the free Impacting Millions Publicity Checklist by clicking here
  • Listen to Episode #123 – 5 Ways to Gain Publicity to Grow Your Brand and Aesthetic Business
  • Sign up for Help a Reporter Out (HARO)
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked

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EP 123: 5 Ways to Gain Publicity to Grow Your Brand and Aesthetic Business


How would you like to be the household-name aesthetician or spa in your town? 


How would you like to do it without spending a dime on advertising? 


Now, if you’ve been a listener to Spa Marketing Made Easy for even a few episodes, you know I love Facebook and Instagram ads, but another way to boost your brand recognition and aesthetic expertise is through publicity aka PR. 


Publicity is an incredible way to boost your brand’s recognition, get in front of more people in your target audience, and position yourself as a leading expert in your area of aesthetics. 


You might be thinking, “All of that, for free? Seems too good to be true…”


I assure you, it’s not, because while PR is technically free, it will cost you time and energy. However, it’s well worth it for the return on investment. 


Where traditional paid advertising can be secured by nearly anyone with a marketing budget, publicity is only gained when the hosts and writers of various outlets such as publications, shows, podcasts, etc. deem your knowledge and story to be good enough to share. 

And here’s the thing, those content creators are always looking for another good story, angle, or interesting thing to showcase to their audience, and that story can come from you! 


So, if you thought publicity was just for celebrities in Hollywood, you’re going to want to fire up your notes app and turn up the volume, because these strategies stand the chance to put your business on the map and help you stand out from the sea of other spas in your area! 


In this episode, you’ll learn: 

  • Why publicity is so important for creating brand recognition and marketing your business 
  • 5 strategies for gaining publicity in a variety of mediums and with different audiences 
  • How pitching to both local publicity channels as well as industry outlets can benefit your brand 
  • My top recommended news outlets and resources to begin searching for publicity opportunities 


References Mentioned in Episode #123: 5 Ways to Gain Publicity to Grow Your Brand and Aesthetic Business

  • Sign up for Help a Reporter Out (HARO) to get national media opportunities sent straight to your inbox
  • Listen to Episode #61 of Spa Marketing Made Easy with my friend and client Gisel, founder of Elevate Esthetics 
  • Check out industry publications including Dermascope, Skin Inc., and MedEsthetics
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 



As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked

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EP 121: Client Retention and Retail Sales with Growth Factor Students Sykes & Lanno


It’s a new month and a new episode with my Growth Factor Framework students, Sara and Melissa, the co-founders of Sykes & Lanno!


If you’re late to the party, here’s the scoop…  


Every month in 2020, I’m sitting down with Sara and Melissa to pull back the curtain and show the real behind-the-scenes in what it takes to build a seven-figure aesthetic practice and keep that success sustainable. 


If you haven’t tuned into our first couple of episodes, you can go listen to those here on Episode #106 and here in Episode #113


So, now that we’re squarely in the middle of Q1, we’re taking a close look of what they’ve been up to in the first month and a half of 2020 and discussing how they’ve 3X’d their revenue from Quarter 1 of 2019. 


Yes, you read that right! 


When most business owners are happy to see 10-20% year-over-year growth, in one quarter, Sara and Melissa have busted through their previous benchmark, and in this episode, we’re going over all the actionable steps they’ve taken that can be directly attributed to those numbers. 


If you’re a spa owner or esthetician who is looking to bump up their client retention rate and retail sales (before your client even comes in for their first treatment!), this episode with Sara and Melissa is a can’t-miss listen. 


In this episode, we discuss:


  • What they attribute to their exponential growth compared to Quarter 1 of 2019
  • The numbers around their client retention rate and how they get 95% of their clients to rebook
  • How they structure their consultations and regimen design to increase client compliance and ensure optimal results from their treatment plans 
  • How they break down the conversation and communication both during and after  treatment to provide an excellent client experience 
  • What steps they’re taking now to continue to refine and scale their growth efforts moving into March 



References Mentioned in Episode #121: Client Retention and Retail Sales with Growth Factor Students Sykes & Lanno


  • To connect with Sara and Melissa, connect with them on Instagram at @sykesandlanno
  • Follow their Growth Factor journey in Episode #106 and Episode #113
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 



As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked

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EP 119: Writing Emails That Get Opened and Get You Paid with Tarzan Kay

Now be honest…


Are you someone who is only emailing your clients once per month with a notice of what your monthly treatment or product special is?


Is your email list only made up of subscribers who are your current or past clients?


Are you emailing your list at all? 


In case you haven’t picked up the hint yet, you DEFINITELY need to be emailing your list, your email list should be made up of both past clients and potential clients, and you should be emailing your them consistently (more than that once-a-month e-blast). 


And here to back up the case for email marketing and why it’s a critical facet for connecting with your current and potential clients is Tarzan Kay. 


Tarzan is a former copywriter turned course creator who helps business owners craft damn good emails that causes your client whip out their credit cards, and as you’ll hear her share in this episode, she wasn’t always the email superstar she is now. 

She had the initial objections and challenges you might have including the doubts of, “what will I write about?” and “will I be annoying people?”


In this episode, she’s share the power that email marketing holds for your business, how to get started, and how to not get stuck on what to share in your emails. 


If you’re someone who’s only sending out the monthly e-blast, or nothing at all, this is an episode you can’t afford to miss. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:


  • How Tarzan transformed from someone who was afraid of sending emails to her list to someone who embraced email marketing and getting incredible results to prove that email is 1000% worth the effort
  • The two primary areas of opportunity with email marketing you have as a spa owner and aesthetician 
  • Why connection with your current and potential clientele is the critical factor in your email marketing success
  • How to storytell in your emails to create connection and never run out of things to say 
  • Tarzan’s top email tips for getting people on your list and opening and reading your emails


References Mentioned in Episode #119: Writing Emails That Get Opened and Get You Paid with Tarzan Kay: 


  • Connect with Tarzan on her website and on Instagram 
  • Grab Tarzan’s 3-email welcome sequence you can use for your spa by clicking here.  


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

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EP 111: The 3 Biggest Mistakes Aestheticians Make On Instagram

With the ever-changing world of Instagram, I know it can be hard to stay on top of the feed changes, the evolving platform features, and the trends, but here’s the good and the bad news…


(I’m always a fan of bad news first, so let’s jump right in.)


Bad news: there are a few key mistakes that I see a TON of aestheticians making on Instagram and these are mistakes that are making it hard for your ideal clients to find you or if they do find you, hard to connect with you. 


The good news: these few mistakes have simple solutions that you can fix starting today. 


And the bonus good news is that if you fix these mistakes pronto and stay consistent, you’re likely to see an improvement pretty quickly. 


In fact, I hesitate to even call these mistakes because the reality is, they’re “areas of opportunity.”


I know it can feel frustrating to keep up with the fast-paced nature of social media, but I want you to think of social media and platforms like Instagram as a huge opportunity rather than as a chore. 


Instagram is a free marketing tool that allows you to directly connect and engage with people who live in your immediate area. It’s pretty powerful to say the least. 


And while I’m a huge proponent of running Facebook/Instagram ads (something you know well by now if you’ve been around here for a little while, and if you’re new, you’ll learn!), you have to get the basics down first. 


It’s these areas of opportunity that I see 90% of the aestheticians I connect with missing the mark, and they’re all tied to the basics, which is why improving these areas is going to provide a quick boost in your engagement and overall efforts on the Instagram platform. 


So let’s get to fixing them, shall we?!


In this episode, you’ll learn:  

  • The 3 biggest mistakes you might be making on Instagram and how they’re holding you back from connecting with your dream clients
  • How to remedy those mistakes aka “areas of opportunity” to start gaining traction on Instagram 
  • My top tips for optimizing your profile and creating a variety of content, plus an example of how to craft captions for conversions


References Mentioned in Episode #111: The 3 Biggest Mistakes Aestheticians Make On Instagram

  • Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts — for every 25 reviews we receive, we’re sharing a new downloadable resource to help you grow your business 
  • Use Linktree to house multiple links in the single link allowed in your Instagram bio
  • Learn more about Post With Purpose, our monthly membership for learning how to post to social media purposefully with a process. 



To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

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EP 107: The Strategic Secrets of Using Groupon the Right Way


Thinking of giving Groupon a shot at your spa? 


Maybe you just read that question and thought, “you’re kidding?!” 


Now hear me out, Groupon is not your answer to becoming a successful spa, it is merely a tool in the journey to get there. 


Just like we use Facebook ads to drive traffic and leads, Groupon is just another advertising channel and a client acquisition strategy. 


However, like Facebook ads, you can’t just throw up an offer and expect it to go off like gangbusters.


There are strategic pieces involved and you need to understand the foundation of the platform, not to mention your financial foundations. 


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m breaking down the step-by-step strategy for leveraging Groupon successfully so that you can effectively build up your brand awareness and your clientele while seeing a benefit to your bottom line. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How Groupon can be a powerful client acquisition strategy
  • The key difference between Groupon and Facebook Ads
  • The process of setting up a successful Groupon deal and the one thing every Groupon deal should have 
  • When to use the Groupon strategy in your business and what your sales goals should be 


References Mentioned in Episode #107: The Strategic Secrets of Using Groupon the Right Way

  • Join the Spa Marketing Made Easy community for free marketing trainings, tips, monthly goal-setting sessions, and to be a part of our Aesthetician Book Club. 
  • Click here to get the Scale Your Business Bundle featuring our Groupon Tracker.
  • Read our current Book Club pick, Superfans: The Easy Way to Stand Out, Grow Your Tribe, and Build a Successful Business by Pat Flynn
  • Listen to Episode #084: 10 Ways to 10X Your Revenue with Facebook Ads with Tara Zirker
  • Click here to learn more about running a deal on Groupon and to connect with a rep



To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

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EP 103: The “Buy $100, Get $100” Spa Gift Card Promotion

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…especially for spa owners and aestheticians, because we are in the swing of the holiday season!


Now’s the time to rock out the last quarter of the year, and to help you do it, I’m pulling one of my favorite lessons inside Spa Retail Rockstar out of the vault. 


Consider it my token of gratitude for having you here in the Spa Marketing Made Easy community, which by the way, this has been a very hot topic of conversation as of late. 


I’m talking about the “Buy $100, Get $100” spa gift card promotion, which has the potential to double your gift card sales from previous years (or more). 


So fire up your notes app and tune in, because this is going to be the year of your top-grossing gift cards sales yet. 


In this episode you’ll learn:

  • What the Buy $100, Get $100 promotion is, how it works, and the step-by-step process of preparing for the promotion so you can knock it out of the park. 
  • The key elements you need to have in place for the promotion including materials as well as policies and explicit directions. 
  • My tips around the logistics of running the Buy $100, Get $100 promotion so you can track your gift card sales success and replicate it for the next big gift card holiday, Mother’s Day!  


References Mentioned in Episode #103: The “Buy $100, Get $100” Spa Gift Card Promotion


  • Gift card resources mentioned in this episode include: Plastek, Canva and Vistaprint 
  • Listen to Episode #062 with Amanda Whelband where she shares her experience with the Buy $100, Get $100 promotion and how she doubled her holiday gift card sales from the previous year in just 2.5 weeks
  • Have questions or want to share your wins? We want to hear them! Come join us inside the Spa Marketing Made Easy Facebook group. 


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.

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EP 102: Prioritizing Profit in Your Spa with Amber Dugger

Whether your business is stuck in a vicious paycheck to paycheck cycle, or you can’t seem to climb out of credit card debt, or the thought of digging deep into your business financials scares the pants off of you, this is an episode you literally can’t afford to miss. 


And if you’re thinking to yourself, “Paycheck to paycheck? I’m happy if I even get paid at all!”


Then you definitely need to tune in because if you aren’t paying yourself, we need to get you there NOW. 


But regardless of the size or scale of your aesthetic practice, here’s the reality: you have to prioritize your business’ profit if you want to hit your financial goals and hit them in a timely manner, and in a way that’s not riddled with stress, but instead, strength. 


Believe it or not, finances can be incredibly exciting and empowering, and as my guest today shares, when her clients and students understand the cash flow of their business, they accomplish huge goals in timeframes you may have only thought were a pipe dream. 


In this episode, I’m so excited for you to hear from my guest Amber Dugger, who is a cash flow expert for entrepreneurs and founder of the program “Profit For Keeps,” where she is on a mission to help business owners go from just making money – to actually keeping it so you can spend it on the things that make your life awesome. 


As someone who has spent a considerable amount of time educating myself on business finances over the last few years, I can tell you that hearing what Amber has to share can be business- and life-changing for you if you open yourself up to move past your money blocks. 


Remember, knowledge is power. 


And when it comes to finances, your power lies in your profits. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How to navigate through the emotion of money and reframe your mindset so that money doesn’t feel scary to begin digging into or learning about
  • Why it is vital to your business’ success to understand your cash flow and the primary financial framework that makes money management easy to understand and, yes, exciting 
  • How Amber classfies debt into two categories, how they differ, and when it’s okay to take out a loan or line of credit to help your business scale 
  • Where to begin with prioritizing profit first in your business and why this system works to help you achieve your business and life goals 



References Mentioned in Episode #102: Prioritizing Profit in Your Spa with Amber Dugger 

  • Tap into Amber’s free Profitability Calculator by clicking here.
  • Join Amber’s Facebook group, Sweet Life Purposeful Money. 
  • Connect with Amber on her website, on Facebook, and on Instagram. 
  • Read Profit First by Mike Michalowicz (affiliate link) 
  • New to the Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast? Download our Quick Start Guide to learn more about tuning in, where you can connect with our resources, and how to leave a review. 


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.

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EP 099: Survive on Services, Retire on Retail



The 2020 Aesthetic Marketing Seminar is going VIRTUAL! 

Save the date (and your FREE seat!) for August 24-25 for the 2020 Virtual Aesthetic Marketing Seminar, which will feature top experts in the spa industry speaking on today’s most effective marketing strategies to build, grow, and scale a successful aesthetic business.

[ Click Here To Save Your FREE Spot Today ] 



EP 099: Survive on Services, Retire on Retail 


At this point you might think I’m a broken record about retail, but I don’t care, because if you read the title of this episode and are even the slightest bit intrigued about the prospect of retiring on retail, well, my dear, the opportunity is yours for the taking. 

With the way our industry is moving (research from Statista shows that the aesthetics industry is expected to grow 14 percent faster than other industries between 2016-2026), and the way consumers are shopping (hello, online, on-demand, and one-click), the truth of the matter is that if you want to be seen as the go-to expert in your area and compete with the Amazons of the world, you’ve got to compete on their level. 

 And if you’re thinking, “How in the world do I compete with Amazon?!” 

You’re in luck because that’s precisely what I’m going to be covering in this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy. 

In this episode, I’m sharing the seven revenue streams you can capitalize on within your spa, and yes, you bet that retail is woven into a few of those, and I’m giving you my step-by-step breakdown on how to build out one of those revenue streams so you can get it up and running in as little as a day. 

{Did you know that the average millionaire has seven streams of revenue? Something to think about.}

Even if you’re already a retail rockstar within your treatment room, I bet you anything you’ll have a few lightbulb moments while listening to this episode. 

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • How events like the Beauty Business Summit can be instrumental in your growth and development as an aesthetic professional 
  • Why retail is a critical component of your business model and how you’re leaving money on the table by not capitalizing on it 
  • 7 ideas for expanding your revenue streams and increasing your cash flow and market share
  • My 4 steps to e-commerce success to take your retail sales strategy to the next level 

References Mentioned in Episode #099: Survive on Services, Retire on Retail 

  • Click here to download the free Revamp Your Retail Guide and Workbook
  • Learn more about the Beauty Business Summit and get an early bird ticket to the 2020 Summit
  • See more spa industry stats from Statista, iSPA, and MedEsthetics
  • Check out ecommerce platforms including Shopify, Volusion, Magento, and WooCommerce 
  • Learn more about the aesthetic experts mentioned in this episode: Skincare by Alana, Grafin Skin and Beauty, and Savvy Skin Spa  
  • Join the Business Book Club inside the Spa Marketing Made Easy community
  • New to the Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast? Download our Quick Start Guide to learn more about tuning in, where you can connect with our resources, and how to leave a review. 

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.



The 2020 Aesthetic Marketing Seminar is going VIRTUAL! 

Save the date (and your FREE seat!) for August 24-25 for the 2020 Virtual Aesthetic Marketing Seminar, which will feature top experts in the spa industry speaking on today’s most effective marketing strategies to build, grow, and scale a successful aesthetic business.

[ Click Here To Save Your FREE Spot Today ] 



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