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EP 037: The Attitude of Gratitude

We all know that it’s good to be grateful.


But are you really, truly feeling that gratitude?


The truth is, having an attitude of gratitude requires practice, consistency, and specificity, which isn’t always easy, especially if we feel like we’re in a tough season of life or business.


Of course, we’re grateful for all the blessings we have, but when you desire something different, it can leave you feeling lost on how to feel thankful and using that gratitude to propel you forward.


And that’s exactly why I’m bringing you the message I have in this episode, which is all about how you can cultivate a deep sense of gratitude, put it in action, and how by doing so; you have the opportunity to see significant growth in your life and business.


See, gratitude isn’t a byproduct of success; it’s the activator of it.


So click play and dial into all you have to be grateful for, I promise you’ll immediately feel uplifted and see the benefits of building a gratitude practice with time.


In this episode I discuss:


  • What gratitude helps do for our mindset, perspective, and actions, and in turn, how that affects our lives and businesses
  • The 30-Day Gratitude Challenge
  • A story of one of my students and how gratitude can affect the outcome of your goals
  • Why it’s important to get specific when reflecting on your gratitudes


References Mentioned in Episode #037: The Attitude of Gratitude


  • Download the Gratitude Journal and join me for the 30-day Gratitude Challenge
  • Leave us a review on iTunes and help us reach our goal of impacting the lives and careers of 500 aestheticians
  • Join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy community on Facebook for exclusive monthly marketing trainings, insights and tips
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EP 036: How to Visualize Your Goals and Manifest the Life You Desire with Melanie Bundock

It’s only been a couple of years since I began to dip my toe into the world of “woo-woo.”


See, I’m a spreadsheet type of girl, I like my neatly aligned cells with clear-cut numbers and results that can be tied to tried-and-true data.


While I still love (and always will) the “science behind success,” I’ve also learned that some of that science lies in the areas that aren’t as clearly defined as a number but are certainly shown to work.


What am I talking about? Mindset.


And in this episode, I’m joined by my friend Melanie Bundock, who knows more than a thing or two about the power of a positive mindset and how you can use techniques such as visualization to manifest the desires you have for your life.


Melanie is a mindset coach, the host of Big Vision TV, and the creator of Tapping Into Abundance, her signature program where she helps her students shift their own state into one that allows their desires and goals to manifest faster and more effortlessly in their lives, no matter what their current circumstances or beliefs.


Still with me here?


Good! Because Melanie’s personal experience is one you have to hear…


Whether you’re 100% on board with trying visualization or if you’re slightly skeptical, you will be awestruck after listening to her stories about being able to make the leap from her quitting her job to start her business (with the help of her winnings on a pretty big-time game show you’ve probably heard of) and how she took her family on the vacation of a lifetime.


In addition to sharing her personal journey with visualization, she’s also cluing us in on her techniques on getting started with manifesting your dreams right after you’re through listening to this episode.


Now I only have one more question for you…


What do you have to lose by giving visualization a try? The answer is absolutely nothing.

So sit back and listen in, this episode could be the start of the shift of everything.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • Melanie’s journey to becoming a visualization and manifestation expert including the incredible stories of how these practices have worked in her and her family’s lives

  • Recognizing your unique desires and goals, and the keys to making visualization work for you
  • How vision boarding can act as a valuable tool in manifesting your dreams
  • The consistent practices you need to embrace to attract the results required to achieve your goals


References Mentioned in Episode #036: How to Visualize Your Goals and Manifest the Life You Desire with Melanie Bundock


  • Learn more about Melanie and her work by visiting her website.
  • Tune to watch Melanie’s show, Big Vision TV.
  • Connect with Melanie on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Read “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne.
  • Join the Aestheticians Connect community to discuss all things treatments, skincare, and beauty.
  • Join the Spa Marketing Made Easy Community to receive more marketing insights, free trainings, and tips around growing your aesthetic business.
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EP 034: Discovering Your Inner Beauty with Sara Drury

Nothing irks me more than someone who views careers in the beauty industry as pure vanity, because as any aesthetician knows, beauty is so much more than skin deep.


In our experience working with our client’s skin, brows and lashes, makeup, or any other aesthetic avenue, the core of what we do is building confidence and bolstering the feeling of being beautiful from the inside out.


Our work may treat a surface issue of acne scarring or hiding hyperpigmentation, but the real thing we’re addressing is that voice inside that makes our client’s feel like they’re not enough.


Of course, we know that they are already beautiful and more than enough, but if our gifts in aesthetic artistry can help them see that in themselves, well, that’s why we do what we do.


If you’re anything like me, when I think of that deeper why behind our work as aesthetic experts, it really fires me up and gets my passion pumping for our industry even stronger than it already does.


So can you imagine how we can make our clients feel when in addition to treating the surface we can help them with discovering their inner beauty?


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m talking with makeup artist, beauty expert, and self-love activist, Sara Drury, to discuss the role of inner beauty in our work as aesthetic experts and how her shift in helping her clients discover their inner beauty has grown her business and how it can change yours, too.


If you’ve been thinking of ways to go deeper with your work, expand your earning potential and revenue streams by leveraging your passion in a new way, you’ll want to give this episode a listen!


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • Why Sara began her entrepreneurial journey, and she’s gotten to where she is now
  • What she did to transition her focus from purely aesthetics to also encompassing inner beauty and how that has impacted her work
  • The opportunities Sara identified in her business and how she adjusted her business model for greater scalability
  • How to own your aesthetic expertise and incorporate it into new revenue streams


References Mentioned in Episode #034: Discovering Your Inner Beauty with Sara Drury


  • Learn more about Sara’s work on her website.
  • Steal a makeup artist’s secrets and sign up for Sara’s free video training, “Top 10 Makeup Mistakes and How to Fix Them”
  • Connect with Sara on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Join the Spa Marketing Made Easy community on Facebook for more marketing conversation, insights and tips.
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EP 031: How Retail Changed My Life and Business

If you’ve been connected to AddoAesthetics for a while or been a listener of Spa Marketing Made Easy for even just a couple of episodes, you know I’m passionate about spa retail sales.


I consider it my zone of genius, which is why much of my work has centered around consulting with physician-dispensed skincare brands as well as working with solo aestheticians and spa owners to bolster their retail efforts.


But like most things we’re passionate about, retail sales wasn’t something I just magically became good at one day.


It took a lot of self-education and practice, but once I saw the results I was helping my clients achieve as well as the potential for growth that retail sales afforded me in my career (and later in building AddoAesthetics), I drilled down and refined my strategy and skills ’til I saw the results I sought out.


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m going to walk you through that journey and show you how if you develop your retail skills, you have the potential to drastically grow your business (with plenty of my insider tips and insights included, of course!).


If you’ve been sitting on the fence with bringing a skincare line into your spa or feeling uncertain in your ability to sell retail, I urge you to give this episode a listen.


If it’s something you desire, it’s something you can acquire.


Key takeaways from this episode:


  • My journey into retail sales and how it started from the perspective of the client
  • How I came to love physician-dispensed skincare brands and my approach to creating custom regimens for my clients
  • Why retail sales isn’t actually about sales
  • How I looked at retail sales as an opportunity for the consulting arm of my business and educational component for my work with estheticians


References Mentioned in Episode #031: How Retail Changed My Life and Business


  • Learn more about the medical science of skin and skincare in The Lancet.
  • Connect with me over on Instagram.
  • Join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy community on Facebook.
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EP 030: Smashing The Most Common Spa Retail Sales Hang-Ups

Have you ever heard of the Pareto principle?


You might know it as it’s more common name, the 80/20 rule, which states that, for many events and scenarios, 80 percent of the effects come from 20 percent of the causes.


When it comes to the earning potential that solo aestheticians and spas possess, retail sales can absolutely be that 20 percent activity that contributes to a considerable proportion of your bottom line.


According to a career profile by the U.S. News and World Report, it’s stated that, “estheticians and skin care specialists made a median salary of $30,270 in 2016. The highest-paid 10 percent in the profession earned $59,780, while the lowest-paid earned $18,640 that year.”

You may be looking at those numbers and thinking that you’re happy hitting $30K per year, but almost $60K? That would be amazing!


Whatever is your version of success, by all means, celebrate it, but if you’re looking at $30K and want more, know that you don’t have to stop at $59,780 as your higher-earning cap.


We can do better.


In fact, with retail sales and the opportunities of the very lucrative skincare market in the U.S., we can do an extra figure better.

In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m breaking down dollar-for-dollar how retail sales can massively grow your business and expand your take-home pay as well as dispel the common objections and hang-ups I hear around retail sales.


Yes, retail sales requires selling, but it doesn’t need to be slimy or pushy.


Listen in, and I’ll help give you a mindset shift that can help you grow your business by leaps and bounds (and maybe a couple of zeros, too).


In this episode, you’ll learn:


  • Why retail is the quickest and easiest way to boost income as an aesthetician
  • How selling retail can increase your businesses bottom line (I’m pulling out the numbers and math skills)
  • The entrepreneurial mindset shift you need to see the power that retail holds
  • How the U.S. market presents one of the best opportunities in the world to sell retail, and my top tips for leveraging those opportunities


References Mentioned in Episode #030: Smashing The Most Common Spa Retail Sales Hang-Ups


  • Learn more industry-specific statistical information on esthetician earnings on Statista
  • Join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy community on Facebook
  • Unlock my free trainings and business-building resources including my retail sales masterclass
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EP 026: Defining Your Spa’s Brand and Crafting Your Mood Board with Chris Beltran

Something I commonly see among aestheticians who have recently branched out to go solo or start their own spa is that they feel pulled in a million directions when it comes to their marketing.


Despite having tools, resources, and community, there’s still a piece that feels like it’s missing, and it’s this piece that would make everything click.


Well, there’s a name for that piece, and it’s called branding.


Without a strong brand as your foundation, your marketing efforts are going to feel hectic, cluttered, and ineffective.


That’s because your brand (despite what many think) is not your logo or your color palette. Your brand is the guiding force that drives everything you do in your business.


It’s the experience you provide, the deeper story and the collective experience you provide for your ideal clients.


And once you’ve drilled down on those core elements of your brand, it’s also the directional that drives the visual look and feel of how you show up in the world.


In today’s episode, I’m talking with branding expert, Chris Beltran, about how you can begin defining your personal brand so that you stand out from the crowd, compel and captivate your ideal clients, and have confidence in how you’re visually conveying your brand.


Beyond building the foundation that will help all your marketing efforts thrive, I think you’re going to have fun putting Chris’ knowledge into action with creating your brand’s mood board.


Don’t forget to share the results with me in the Spa Marketing Made Easy community!


In this episode, you’ll learn:


  • What “branding” truly is, and how you can begin crafting your brand story and visual vibe
  • How defining your brand sets you apart and benefits your business in the long-term
  • Tips for translating the verbal and psychological aspects of your brand experience into the visual design elements you use in your marketing
  • How using a tool like mood boards can help you remain consistent in your visuals and why that’s critical in building a strong brand


Resources Mentioned in Episode #026: Defining Your Spa’s Brand and Crafting Your Mood Board with Chris Beltran


  • Connect with Chris and learn more about defining your brand through his website, on Facebook and on Instagram.
  • Join Chris’ Brand Your Influence group where you can gain feedback, collaborate and get access to his free Visual Vibe guide and brand board template.
  • Use Canva’s free mood board creator tool to get started visualizing your brand!

Join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy community and share your moodboard!

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EP 025: 5 Steps to Healthier Eating for the Busy Aesthetician with Jasmine Schmalhaus

Work, partner, kids, maintaining everyday life, I could go on, but I think you get the point: we juggle a lot in the day-to-day.


And as an aesthetician, that juggling act only grows more chaotic if you add in back-to-back clients and/or running your own business, which makes it all too easy to move healthy eating habits to the back burner (pun intended).


Even in running and building my own business where I have a lot of time freedom to create my own schedule and don’t have to shovel down every scrap of food I can pull together and call it a “lunch” between clients, I still struggled with creating a cohesive, healthy eating plan.


That is until I found today’s guest on the podcast.


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m joined by Jasmine Schmalhaus, the founder of Your Dinner Is Planned, to talk all about how we can get on track with maintaining a consistent plan of action for healthy meal-making that fuels our bodies and our businesses.  


To say her program and recipes are helpful would be an understatement. They’ve completely transformed how I prepare food for myself and my family, and I can’t wait for you to discover how fun and easy meal planning can be when you’ve got a system.


And whether you’re only looking out for you, or you’ve got a whole brood to cook for, Jasmine’s tips are for everyone because the truth is we all need proper nourishment to give our best to our families, clients, our businesses, and ourselves so that we can achieve what we really want most out of life.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • How healthy eating doesn’t just benefit us personally, but also benefits our business efforts
  • There’s no definition of “healthy,” but rather a spectrum, and how to examine it through the lens of your lifestyle
  • Jasmine’s five foundational tips for quickly crafting a weekly healthy meal plan that’s delicious and easy to stick to
  • My personal journey with struggling to make healthy meals while juggling life and how I’ve incorporated Jasmine’s tips into my family’s life


References Mentioned in Episode #025: 5 Steps to Healthier Eating for the Busy Aesthetician with Jasmine Schmalhaus


  • Click here to learn more about Jasmine and Your Dinner Is Planned.
  • Download Jasmine’s free guide to the “’6 Tips to Save Money on Groceries” by clicking here.
  • Connect with Jasmine on Facebook and on Instagram.
  • Join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy group where you can receive feedback, support and make real relationships.
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EP 023: The Key to Successful Selling

Even though I conduct trainings for hundreds of people at a time via webinars and speak on stages (sometimes in front of camera crews, sometimes in front of live audiences), there’s something about me that may surprise you…


I’m not a natural public speaker.


The truth is, public speaking can stress me out and get me flustered if I let it, but with many things in life and business, I believe that with intentional preparation, those butterflies can quickly be overcome.

After all, life is too short to only live within the confines of your comfort zone.


The good stuff, the out-of-this-world, perfect-fit opportunities that you dream about require doing things when you’re afraid.


However, when you work on possessing this one quality, you’ll find that doing things outside your comfort zone (like marketing and selling, for example) gets a lot easier.


So, this week I’ve got a quick-listen episode for you, but it’s one with a message you need to hear if you want all the rest of the information I share here on the podcast and in the podcast Facebook community to work.


In this episode, I’m also presenting a challenge with some ideas to get you inspired and motivated to jump outside your comfort zone, so be sure to keep the conversation going in the Spa Marketing Made Easy group where our community can help cheer you on, hold you accountable, and provide feedback.


I’ll see you in there!


In this episode you’ll discover:


  • The surprising thing that can make me nervous in business and how I overcome it
  • The behind-the-scenes of how I prepare to do things outside of my comfort zone
  • The core issues as to why you may not be hitting your sales numbers and steps you can take today to resolve it


References Mentioned in Episode #023: The Key to Successful Selling


  • Learn more about and attend iS Clinical’s upcoming Advanced Seminars.
  • To talk treatments and everything skincare, join the Aestheticians Connect community on Facebook.
  • Join the Spa Marketing Made Easy Facebook community to gain access to live monthly marketing trainings, branding tips, and a network of connections to help you build your business.
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EP 022: 5 Keys to Unlocking the Power of the Mind-Body Connection with Rachel Llanes

As the world of health begins to focus more on how our mentality fits into our overall sense of wellbeing, you might have increasingly heard the term “Mind-Body Connection” used around various topics of wellness.


For some (maybe this rings true for you?) the phrase “Mind-Body Connection” can conjure up feelings around “woo woo” or existential concepts, but as my guest on today’s episode explains, the Mind-Body Connection has long been rooted in science, and is only continuing to gain further scientific evidence of its presence and importance in our lives.


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m talking with Rachel Llanes, Health Educator for the Army Wellness Center on Oahu, who is not only obsessed with learning and teaching about optimal human performance but helping others achieve it through the Mind-Body Connection.


Through her work, she’s educated and coached a vast array of people from all walks of life including active duty service members, dependents, civilians working with the Department of Defense, as well as veterans.


And if you’re at all familiar with the military, you know they’re only investing in programs and education that have been shown to work, so even though there’s still much to be discovered about the way our minds and mindset corresponds with the physical health of our bodies, there’s proof in the pudding that the Mind-Body Connection, while largely intangible in its anatomical presence, it has a very concrete presence in our overall health, happiness, and even relationships.


Listen is as Rachel shares with us the five keys to unlocking your Mind-Body Connection.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • The definition of “Mind-Body Connection” and how you can utilize it and understand it for your business
  • How working through your body can change your brain chemistry, and thus, your energy and mood
  • The five essential resources that we all have access to become our best selves
  • The first step you can take to engage with these five Mind-Body Connection points


Resources Mentioned in Episode #022: 5 Keys to Unlocking the Power of the Mind-Body Connection with Rachel Llanes


  • If you have questions and would like to connect with Rachel, send us a note and we’ll introduce you!
  • Read Girl Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Success, Sanity, and Happiness for the Female Entrepreneur by Cara Leyba.
  • Read The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It by Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D.
  • Read, “Good genes are nice, but joy is better” in The Harvard Gazette, showcasing the findings from their longevity research.
  • Check out the 90X Goal Planner and the SELF Journal by BestSelf Co.
  • Connect with a community of like-minded aestheticians looking to build thriving careers and businesses inside the FREE Spa Marketing Made Easy community.
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EP 021: How to Grow Your Spa by Expanding Your Team with Nicole Simpson

No business owner with the desire to thrive is immune to the hustle mentality.


And while strong work ethic is a good thing, and necessary for being a successful business owner, there comes the point where if you want to grow, you’ve got to learn to let go.


I know, it sounds counterintuitive…


We think that the harder we work, the more reward we’ll gain or the faster we’ll achieve our vision of success.


But the truth is, when we’re bogged down with the daily minutiae of tasks that don’t best utilize our zones of genius, we get stuck in the grind.

You know the one I’m talking about.


The grind of just skating by with keeping up with client management, treatments, and only the most pressing admin tasks while the other things on your to-do list get perpetually pushed to the next day, week and month.


As a result, business growth has slowed if not come to screeching halt, and you’re feeling more frazzled than ever, which means it’s time to let go, hire, and delegate.


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m welcoming back my friend Nicole Simpson, an aesthetics industry educator and international speaker, to talk all about when it’s time to hire for your spa and grow your team so that you can effectively grow your spa business.


Trust me; if you find yourself scrambling to “do it all” in managing your spa, this is an episode you can’t afford to miss because the only thing continually being frazzled will get you is financial trouble and a fast-pass to full-blown burnout. And that doesn’t have to be the case.


Here’s more of what you’ll learn in this episode:


  • What indicators to look for and notice for when it’s time to start bringing on help in your spa
  • The process for how to approach your initial hire, so you feel confident and prepared
  • Mindset shifts and best practices to take note of when choosing your new hire
  • How to start wearing your CEO hat more frequently once you have hired in order to see continued and sustainable business growth


References Mentioned in Episode #021: How to Grow Your Spa by Expanding Your Team with Nicole Simpson


  • Connect with Nicole via her website, on Facebook and Instagram
  • Listen to my previous episode featuring Nicole, The Key Traits and Practices to Become a Successful Spa Entrepreneur
  • Read The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber
  • Get more expert resources, gain feedback, and find accountability + real relationships by joining the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Facebook Group
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