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EP 329: Reconnecting with Your Inner Voices with Vasavi Kumar

We talk to ourselves all the time. 


Most of the time without even realizing it. 


Inner dialogue is a way to process events that happen in our lives. The relationship that never stops growing is the one you have with your inner self.


It’s an incredibly powerful journey to learn your own language. 


Today’s guest is somebody who has relentlessly searched to find her own voice, access the freedom of her creative spirit, and help others along the way…out loud. 


Coined as “Queen of Saying it Loud,” Vasavi Kumar has made it her life’s purpose to understand how her mind works after being diagnosed with bipolar at age 19. 


Her mission is to share everything – the good, bad, and ugly – in order to normalize being human. 


Tune in as we talk about the importance of reconnecting with your inner self as humans and as entrepreneurs. 


In this episode, we discuss: 


  • Becoming a source of power for yourself
  • How we don’t need to over explain our desires in life or in business
  • Learning to slow our minds to understand awareness vs. thoughts
  • The power in exercising visualization for our dream life
  • Removing negative self-talk from our language

References Mentioned in Episode #329: Reconnecting with Your Inner Voices with Vasavi Kumar


  • Pre-order Vasavi’s book with bonuses “SAY IT OUT LOUD”
  • Connect with Vasavi on Instagram


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


Want to learn more about how Addo Aesthetics can help you? Book a call today.


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EP 326: How Dr. Alan Durkin’s Educational Training Program is Advancing the MedSpa Industry

There’s a gap in the medspa industry that Dr. Alan Durkin is on a mission to fill.


His passion for training medical aesthetic professionals stems from his deep understanding of the current industry and the future it holds. 


A Board-Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, and founder of Ocean Drive Plastic Surgery and MedSpa, Dr. Durkin offers a training program called MedSpa Network that provides hands-on practice and education for medical aesthetic professionals to learn noninvasive and invasive technologies and techniques for the face, breast, and body.


His goal is always to meet trainees where they are at and allow them to leave with a deeper understanding of aesthetic topics, as well as a greater confidence in their abilities. 


When focusing on safety and improving patient outcomes, Dr. Durkin teaches training participants to seek success rather than avoid failure.


In this episode, we discuss: 


  • Dr. Durkin’s practice, Ocean Drive Plastic Surgery
  • The solutions MedSpa Network provides for the medical aesthetics industry
  • Two vergences happening in the plastics industry
  • The shift in patient relationships with medical professionals and how his practice emphasizes relationship building 
  • Advice for hiring support staff and importance of building a team

References Mentioned in Episode #326: How Dr. Alan Durkin’s Educational Training Program is Advancing the MedSpa Industry


  • Connect on Instagram with Ocean Drive Plastics Surgery, Ocean Drive Dermatology, Ocean Drive MedSpa, and Ocean Drive Brows
  • Learn more about the MedSpa Network and connect on Instagram and LinkedIn
  • Connect on LinkedIn with Dr. Durkin and Dr. Chim


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


Want to learn more about how Addo Aesthetics can help you? Book a call today.



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EP 325: Master Your Brand Messaging with Maya Elious

Packaging your business’s vision into a brand is much more than just selecting a color palette and approving a logo. 


Yes, these are visual elements for brand representation, but a brand at its core is heavily focused around who the company is and why customers should support the mission or cause. 


Branding is an intangible concept that business owners struggle to define because being able to communicate your niche and messaging isn’t a quick task to complete. 


If you’re sitting here thinking “that’s me,” take a deep breath, you’re not alone in these feelings. 


The truth is the foundation of everything you bring to life becomes part of your branding, which is why you need the right messaging to articulate your value to your ideal audience. 


My guest on today’s episode is a personal branding strategist who is the CEO of Built To Impact, a coaching and consulting company that helps faith-based female entrepreneurs build a high-end coaching business.


Maya Elious, who says her mission is  to help women monetize their gifts so they can create impact and build wealth, has helped hundreds of clients get clear on their message, confidently increase their prices, and have successful five-figure launches. 


In this episode, we discuss: 


  • Importance of defining your niche for business expansion
  • Building a personal brand as a spa owner
  • The role your mindset plays in entrepreneurship
  • How to combat negative thoughts and the comparison game in business
  • Mastering language that speaks to the client’s pain and the desires
  • The stages of marketing your business

References Mentioned in Episode #325: Master Your Brand Messaging with Maya Elious


  • Visit Maya’s personal website
  • Connect with Maya on Instagram and Facebook
  • Learn more about Built to Impact 


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


Want to learn more about how Addo Aesthetics can help you? Book a call today.



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EP 321: Building Your Confidence & Community with Jason Goldberg

Spa owners are in the confidence business. 


Helping people find their true beauty in this industry is a gift and requires energy poured into another person.


So naturally spa owners must be confident people themselves, right? 


Navigating confidence is a daily ebb and flow that starts with the mindset you choose at the start of your day. 


As a Spa CEO, your relationship with your confidence and mindset in leadership sets the tone for your business and the environment you create for your clients/patients.


My guest on today’s episode is Jason Goldberg, a Mental Performance and Leadership Coach for Celebrities, Change Makers and CEOs. 


He spills all the details about showing up confidently, being vulnerable with your community, and the importance of rest and pause to recharge your mindset.


He is also the host of The Jason Goldberg is Ruining Podcasting Podcast, author of the #1 International Best-Seller on Self-Leadership entitled “Prison Break” and creator of the Playful Prosperity and Competition-Proof Business Immersion programs.


In this episode, we discuss: 


  • Jason shares his “One Line Life + Business Plan”
  • Spa owners leadership in an industry focused on building confidence
  • The importance of word choice as its related to mindset
  • The power in pause and how rest is still working on your business
  • Jason’s opinion on the word “community” and how he views it in his life
  • Daniela shares her “Word of the Year” and its relation to her work/life balance

References Mentioned in Episode #321: Building Your Confidence & Community with Jason Goldberg


  • Get a FREE copy of Jason’s book
  • Listen to his podcast, The “Jason Goldberg is Ruining Podcasting” Podcast
  • Visit Jason’s website to learn more about him
  • Connect with Jason on Instagram


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


Want to learn more about how Addo Aesthetics can help you? Book a call today.




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EP 317: Exploring your Feminine Power with Regena Thomashauer

The greatest adventure of a woman’s life will be the journey she takes to unlock her feminine power.


Reclaiming that power helps women turn negative self-talk into empowering thoughts. 


Are you ready to unlock yours?


In today’s episode, my guest Regena Thomashauer, AKA “Mama Gena”, a teacher and best-selling author, mother and media personality, and founder and CEO of the School of Womanly Arts, joins me to discuss the importance of getting in touch with your feminine power and cultivating relationships with other women. 


Regena has authored four popular books, including her newest New York Times Bestseller, Pussy: A Reclamation, and has been featured widely as a leading expert in modern feminism.


This episode is not limited to only women looking to dive deeper into connecting with their own energy and body. If you want to understand a loved one better or listen to practices you can teach your children, this episode is for you.


In this episode, we discuss: 


  • The action of “sistering” and importance of being received by other women
  • Regena’s concept of Sister Goddess Activism
  • Why women struggle with self-doubt 
  • A powerful exercise to connect with other women
  • The journey of connecting with your divinity 

References Mentioned in Episode #317: Exploring your Feminine Power with Regena Thomashauer


  • Purchase a copy of Regena’s New York Times Bestseller, Pussy: A Reclamation
  • Connect with Regena on Instagram and Facebook
  • Check out Regena’s work on her website


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

Want to learn more about how Addo Aesthetics can help you? Book a call today.




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EP 316: Own Your Story with Allison Walsh

Your brand is not your logo or your color palette.


Those things may be part of your brand kit, but your actual brand is the foundation of everything you bring to life both inside and outside of your business.


It’s your message. It’s your reputation. It’s the words you want people to use to describe who you are. 


You get to set the boundary of how much of your story is shared with the world, but establishing yourself as an expert in your field builds trust and credibility with people who ultimately want to gravitate towards you and your brand. 


My guest on today’s episode of the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast is Allison Walsh, JD, the founder of Allison Walsh Consulting, host of the She Believed She Could podcast, and the creator of impactful coaching programs, where she focuses on helping women develop confidence and leverage their personal brands personally and professionally to scale their businesses, careers, and influence while making an impact.


Allison is a seasoned executive, philanthropist, keynote speaker, consultant, and Miss Florida 2006. She serves as Vice President of Clinical Outreach for Charlie Health, a national provider and industry leader in adolescent and young adult mental health. 


She’s raised over $2 Million for eating disorders prevention and awareness, serves on multiple nonprofit boards, and has received numerous local, state, and national awards for her professional and philanthropic contributions.

In this episode, we discuss: 

  • Owning who you are and tying that into your brand 
  • The overarching message for Allison’s work
  • Defining the personal boundary of what’s appropriate to share 
  • Importance of self-talk and the impact it has on your business and life

References Mentioned in Episode #316: Own Your Story with Allison Walsh

  • Connect with Allison on Instagram and LinkedIn
  • Join Allison’s The She Believed She Could Community Facebook group
  • Check out Allison’s work on her website

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

Want to learn more about how Addo Aesthetics can help you? Book a call today.




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EP 314: How to Establish and Communicate Healthy Boundaries with Christine Seibold


Boundary is a word often tiptoed around because to set them properly, you need to step outside of your comfort zone.


And that’s a hard place to be in life or business. 


In both your professional and personal lives, boundaries are an essential piece to establishing what you will and won’t tolerate from employees or loved ones. 


And you need to look inward to figure out what you DO want.


I sat down to talk with Christine Seibold, an author, community founder, and a business and mindset coach, in today’s episode of the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast. 


Christine left her job at Harvard University in September 2018 to move to Miami, FL to open her own business – Freelance N’ Freedom. 


Today she helps female virtual assistants leave their 9 to 5 jobs and start their own businesses, which is truly exciting and satisfying work. She also serves as a business and mindset coach in a couple of group coaching programs, as well as with her own clients. In January of 2020, she founded a women’s entrepreneur group in Seville, Spain called Femprendedoras.


In this episode, we discuss: 


  • Mindset and how it’s a choice we all get to make each day
  • Christine’s 5 steps to establishing clear and direct boundaries
  • The power of affirmations and finding your avenue that helps you stay accountable with your boundaries
  • Importance of self-love and making yourself a priority

References Mentioned in Episode #314: How to Establish and Communicate Healthy Boundaries with Christine Seibold


  •  Learn more about Christine and her work on her website
  • Download Christine’s Tips on How to Set Loving Boundaries in Life and Business. 
  • Connect with Christine on Instagram and Facebook
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


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EP 312: Finding “Magic in the Mess” and Embracing Resiliency with Neeta Bhushan

Navigating the ebb and flow of entrepreneurship requires an important skill: resiliency. 


And a little bit of grit plus recognizing that striving for perfectionism will always leave you unsatisfied because it’s impossible to achieve.  


Resiliency is understanding that sometimes things don’t always work out as planned but with an unwavering confidence in yourself and refusal to quit, you will always rise to the top. 


The first step to becoming a Spa CEO is believing your success is inevitable – no matter what ups and downs you’re faced with along the way. 


My guest on this week’s episode is no stranger to resiliency. 


Dr. Neeta Bhushan, a world-renowned emotional health advocate and expert in the areas of grit and resilience, shares life experiences of overcoming multiple adversities, which include being orphaned at a young age, surviving an abusive marriage, and extensive loss.


These experiences coupled with her journey to becoming a leader in her field and a voice for immigrant women & women of color contribute to her powerful message of resilience & grit to have found several institutes, including the Global GRIT Institute, wellness education platform for optimizing emotional wellbeing for entrepreneurs, and Co-Founder of Dharma Coaching Institute and organization helping train thousands to be the highest versions of themselves.


Dr. Neeta’s book That Sucked. Now What? How to embrace the joy in chaos and find magic in the mess, is due out this month.


In this episode, we discuss: 


  • Life experiences facing adversity and shared insights on ways to overcome hard times
  • Neeta’s four-part framework called The Bounce Factor and how it relates to entrepreneurship
  • The theme of resiliency throughout Neeta’s life and entrepreneurial experiences
  • Connecting the dots between emotional and mental health in life and business

References Mentioned in Episode #312: Finding “Magic in the Mess” and Embracing Resiliency with Neeta Bhushan


  •  Pre-order Neeta’s book That Sucked. Now What? at 
  • Connect with Neeta on Instagram and Facebook 
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


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EP 308: Embracing your feminine energy with Angela Jia Kim of Savor Beauty

There’s no surprise that females in leadership positions try to suppress their feminine energy. 


Our minds are trained to remove our emotions from the workplace because femininity is viewed as a sign of weakness and is not part of the “normal” building blocks of business.


As beauty industry leaders, it’s our duty to take back our power and lead with feminine energy. When we embrace our femininity, we become more direct, strong, intuitive, passionate, creative, and loving leaders. 


(I don’t want to discourage those that are not females from listening to this episode. Rather, I encourage you to hear how you can help women feel more empowered to embrace their feminism in their work.)


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, Angela Jia Kim, founder of Savor Beauty, a natural skincare and facial spa brand inspired by Korean beauty and self-love rituals, joins me. 


Angela has been called “the unexpected beauty virtuoso” by MindBodyGreen after creating an award-winning skincare in her kitchen, becoming an accidental entrepreneur, and building a multimillion-dollar enterprise around the philosophy of manifesting beauty, brilliance, and balance. 


She has led hundreds of women empowerment workshops and her Savor Beauty Self-Care Planner has sold over 100,000 copies. A highly recognized skin and self-care expert, her skincare and spas in New York City have been chosen as “Best of New York” and featured in top publications such as The New York Times, Vogue, Elle, People, Allure, Well+Good, and more. 


In this episode, we discuss: 


  • Personal experiences of navigating burnout and feelings of overwhelm early on in our entrepreneurial journeys
  • Mindset and energy practices shifts to help shift us into embracing our feminine energy in leadership 
  • An overview of the Savor Beauty skincare regimen inspired by Korean beauty and self-love rituals
  • The Savor Beauty Self-Care Planner practices that take less than 30 minutes and help start each day with intention
  • A key role in business growth is building personal relationships with customers and making them feel valued

References Mentioned in Episode #308: Embracing your feminine energy with Angela Jia Kim of Savor Beauty 


  •  Learn more about Angela’s work via her website at 
  • Check out the Savor Beauty skincare line at 
  • Get her Savor Beauty Self-Care Planner at 
  • Buy her book Radical Radiance: 12 Weeks of Self-Love Rituals at 
  • Connect with Angela on Instagram or Savor Beauty on Instagram
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


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EP 306: A Positive Mindset is Your Greatest Weapon

Gratitude grows from the cultivation and discipline of daily practice, but the source of your gratitude? 


Well, that all lies in the power of a positive mindset. 


A business friend of mine shared that “a positive mindset is your greatest weapon,” and in this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I wanted to dive deeper into this practice of building up and strengthening your positive mindset so you can not just survive the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneur and Spa CEO life, but actually enjoy it. 


( Because let’s face it, you did not start your own business to build another “job” for yourself – your dream, vision and mission are bigger than that, and it’s going to take a positive mindset to see it through. )


Tune in to Episode 306 as I share my top 5 go-to ways to break your brain out of the mold of its typical thought pattern to pave the way for more positive thinking that begets gratitude, and naturally, better outcomes – because a grateful attitude sees the opportunities and lessons in all circumstances. 


In this episode, I discuss: 


  • Why I’ve worked diligently to train my brain to see the positive in all situations 
  • Identifying what “positivity” means, and doesn’t mean, in the context of mindset so that we’re acknowledging the light and shadow sides of this work
  • Signs that you need to do some mindset work to reframe how you’re viewing life and business, and thus, how you’re responding to them
  • 5 tangible things you can start doing today to train your brain for positivity


References Mentioned in Episode #306: A Positive Mindset is Your Greatest Weapon 


  • Listen to Shawn Achor’s TEDx talk: The Happy Secret to Better Work
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


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