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EP 306: A Positive Mindset is Your Greatest Weapon

Gratitude grows from the cultivation and discipline of daily practice, but the source of your gratitude? 


Well, that all lies in the power of a positive mindset. 


A business friend of mine shared that “a positive mindset is your greatest weapon,” and in this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I wanted to dive deeper into this practice of building up and strengthening your positive mindset so you can not just survive the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneur and Spa CEO life, but actually enjoy it. 


( Because let’s face it, you did not start your own business to build another “job” for yourself – your dream, vision and mission are bigger than that, and it’s going to take a positive mindset to see it through. )


Tune in to Episode 306 as I share my top 5 go-to ways to break your brain out of the mold of its typical thought pattern to pave the way for more positive thinking that begets gratitude, and naturally, better outcomes – because a grateful attitude sees the opportunities and lessons in all circumstances. 


In this episode, I discuss: 


  • Why I’ve worked diligently to train my brain to see the positive in all situations 
  • Identifying what “positivity” means, and doesn’t mean, in the context of mindset so that we’re acknowledging the light and shadow sides of this work
  • Signs that you need to do some mindset work to reframe how you’re viewing life and business, and thus, how you’re responding to them
  • 5 tangible things you can start doing today to train your brain for positivity


References Mentioned in Episode #306: A Positive Mindset is Your Greatest Weapon 


  • Listen to Shawn Achor’s TEDx talk: The Happy Secret to Better Work
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


Episode Transcript


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EP 305: Getting Cash Confident with Melissa Houston, CPA, CGA of She Means Profit

Whenever I embark on a conversation about money mindset I always get that one Snoop Dogg lyric stuck in my head…


“Got my mind on my money and money on my mind…”


I can’t be the only one! 


In any case, my hope is that if you’ve been a long-time listener of the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast, money talk no longer makes you cringe, but rather, lean in. 


We’re no strangers to money talk over here (on the pod and inside my programs), and it’s because: 


1- Money is not evil, it is energy. And as you’ll hear in this episode, it can be the root of opportunity. 


2 – Money is the lifeblood of business. Simple as that, if we’re not making money, we’ve got a very expensive hobby. 


3 – Money management, or lack thereof, is the reason why 82% of businesses fail…I am determined to make sure you are not part of that percentage and it starts with getting intimate with the topic of money and your specific numbers. 


Now, if you’re a new listener, welcome!   


In this episode, I have a treat for you because getting comfortable with the topic of money is the first step toward achieving your version of financial freedom and success (whatever that means to you). 


In this episode, I’m joined by Melissa Houston, CPA, CGA and the founder of She Means Profit, a business consulting firm dedicated to helping business owners have the proper financial and business strategies in place to create more profit in their businesses. 


As a columnist at Forbes and other top-tier media publications, Melissa provides advice on business and personal finance to entrepreneurs, and she’s also the author of Cash Confident, which will print at the start of summer in 2023. 


Melissa is a wealth of knowledge (yes, pun intended), and whether you’re no stranger to working on money mindset, or you’re just starting to dip your toe into the water, her insights around money mindset, stories, and focusing on profit are going to serve you well.


In this episode, we discuss: 


  •  Why emotion is often entangled with our thoughts, stories, and beliefs around money and how we can begin untangling the mess
  • The distinction between revenue and profit, not only from a financial perspective but a growth perspective 
  • Questions to ask yourself to get to the root of your money mindset and Melissa’s top tips for shifting your thoughts and beliefs around money so that they’re serving you instead of hindering you
  • The big-picture view of Melissa’s 5 Steps of her Cash Confident Framework

References Mentioned in Episode #305: Getting Cash Confident with Melissa Houston, CPA, CGA of She Means Profit


  •  Learn more about Melissa and her work on her website and check out her content at She Means Profit
  • Connect with Melissa on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn 
  • Get Melissa’s 5-Step Roadmap to a Profitable Business
  • Pre-Order Melissa’s book, “Cash Confident: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Creating a Profitable Business” here. 
  • Learn more about the YNAB (You Need a Budget) app 
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.


Episode Transcript 



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EP 304: The Questions to Ask Before Planning Your Year

I know I’m not the only planning nerd out there who loves a fresh notebook, clean slate spreadsheet and new year marked on the calendar! 


However, as eager as we may be to start plotting our 2023 plans, diving right in doesn’t serve our goals in the long run.


If we want to set goals that actually make us feel accomplished and aligned, are a joyful process to achieve, and get met and surpassed in the realistic timeframe we aim for, we have to be intentional with WHY we’re setting those goals in the first place. 


That’s why in this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, we’re covering the questions I ask before setting any “New Year’s” goals or devising any annual plans to make sure that they not only happen, but they feel good to work toward all year long and beyond.


In this episode, you’ll hear: 


  •  The five key questions I ask myself before doing any goal-setting, planning or creating financial benchmarks 
  • A perspective shift around why we set goals and the intentions behind them
  • How to align your life aspirations with your business goals so that the flow together and feed each other in a way that feels good on a soul-level
  • Why it’s critical to do this work first before we dig into annual planning and why it’s beneficial that we start this process now 

References Mentioned in Episode #304: The Questions to Ask Before Planning Your Year 


  •  Listen to Shawn Achor’s TEDx Talk: The Happy Secret to Better Work
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


Episode Transcript


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EP 300: How to Ensure Your Team Knows Your Top Priorities

“No one will ever care about my business as much as I do.” 


“Doesn’t my team know that when they help us grow, we ALL win?”


“I feel like I try to create a great work environment, but the people on my team don’t seem motivated.”


Ever uttered or thought something along those lines before? 


If you have, you’re not alone, and I’m no mind reader –  these are sentiments I hear from the spa owners inside the Spa Marketing Made Easy community and in my Growth Factor Framework program all the time.


And while it is true that as the Spa CEO, you will always be the one most invested in seeing your business grow and succeed, there are countless (future) team members out there who will see and love your vision, and be excited to help you take it forward. 


So, how do you ensure that when you’ve hired the right people they follow the trajectory that aligns with your vision, values, and goals?


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, we’re going to shift our perspective over from “I’m struggling to build a team that believes in making this business thrive as wholeheartedly as I do” to “here are our clear and defined priorities, so that we’re all on the same page and working toward our greater growth goals together.” 


Sound enticing? 


I know it does because this practice of systemizing your priorities is what allows you and your team to come together to achieve “dream team” status.


And that’s a beautiful place to be. 


In this episode, I discuss:


  • The critical reason why you need to get all your company’s and team’s to-do out of your brain, off of paper, and into a legitimate project management system 
  • What you should really be focusing your time on as the Spa CEO 
  • My do-not-skip exercise to understand where you’re spending your time and efforts and where to begin in reallocating them 
  • How to set up your project management system so that your team can succeed with becoming aligned with your priorities 


References Mentioned in Episode #300: How to Ensure Your Team Knows Your Top Priorities


  • Learn more about my signature program for Spa CEOs, Growth Factor Framework and sign up for the waitlist right here
  • Check out my go-to project management software, (affiliate link)
  • Listen to Episode #276: Why You Need a System for Systems Creation
  • Listen to Episode #268: 3 Signs It’s Time to Hire
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


 Episode Transcript


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EP 299: How To Be Loving with Danielle LaPorte

While there will always be something new to learn and explore in business, there’s absolutely one truth I know about business that will never change – and it’s that as an entrepreneur, personal development is the most important element of becoming a strong leader for your company. 


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, we’re turning toward the inner layers of our minds and hearts to delve deeper into how to be loving and what it means to be a heart-centered leader. 


And here to share her wisdom is Danielle LaPorte, a prolific writer, creator, and entrepreneur who has built a wildly successful brand and business that aligns with how Danielle wants to show up in the world with her light, gifts, and spirit. 


Yes, this episode definitely gravitates away from more of the tactical and tangible elements of business, and more into the sinewy and visceral elements of entrepreneurship. 


And in case you’re not familiar with Danielle’s background, she’s a member of Oprah’s SuperSoul 100—a group who, in Oprah Winfrey’s words, “is uniquely connecting the world together with a spiritual energy that matters.” And she’s also the former director of a future studies think tank in Washington, DC, where she managed a team creating global scenarios. 


Danielle is also the author of The Fire Starter Sessions, The Desire Map, White Hot Truth, and producer of dozens of meditation kits and online programs for spiritual support. 


These days she speaks, writes and creates around the topic of the intelligence of the heart, and in her most recent book, “How To Be Loving… when your heart is breaking open and the world is waking up,” she shares a nuanced perspective on the life changing power of Self Compassion, shadow work, and being more receptive to Higher Guidance. 


Consider it a guide on how to use the genius of your heart to create conditions for healing, and consider this episode the prologue for the heart-centered Spa CEO. 


Tune in as we discuss: 


  •  How to see the story behind the story and begin looking and noticing yourself and those around you with compassion
  • What the heart is wired for and how we can lean into and open ourselves up to Self Compassion, shadow work and being more receptive to Higher Guidance
  • Understanding the seasonal shifts between growth and pausing and how they are in service to one another, especially as an entrepreneur
  • How to release from goals and set your sights on the bigger vision using your heart as a compass 

References Mentioned in Episode #299: How To Be Loving with Danielle LaPorte 


  •  Learn more and read Danielle’s latest book release, “How To Be Loving… when your heart is breaking open and the world is waking up”  and check out the accompanying journal and card deck here.
  • Get your pre-order gifts and learn more about the special “Church with D,” a Sunday love-stream event here
  • Connect with Danielle’s work via her website and on Instagram and Facebook
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


Episode Transcript


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EP 298: Finding Your Spa CEO Strengths with Mechelle Barras

Strong leaders and intuitive entrepreneurs tend to have an innate sense of what their strengths are, but like everything in business, knowledge is power. 


That’s why truly assessing your strengths are going to help you become the best version of yourself and leader for your team. 


I’m not talking about your intuitive hunch about what your strengths are, but taking a guided and proven approach to understanding your unique strengths, especially in the scope of business building and work dynamics. 

Here to discuss this topic with me is Coach Meesh aka Mechelle Barras, an executive coach, certified StrengthsFinder coach, Spa CEO of Pure Image Laser and Spa, and coach inside our Growth Factor Framework program. 


Through her various roles and talents, Mechelle’s core purpose (and top strengths) help her to empower women and teams to develop their strengths to live, work, and play on purpose in a variety of ways.


As someone who has worked with Mechelle as her coach, and in turn, experienced her coaching, she is a true master at being able to capture your attention and transform that into motivation!


Tune in and learn how completing the StrengthsFinder assessment can help you develop into the entrepreneur you’re naturally poised to be and how Mechelle advises you use the knowledge of your strengths as a Spa CEO. 


In this episode, we discuss: 


  •  What the StrengthsFinder assessment evaluates and how to navigate your top strengths findings 
  • How your strengths factor into knowing your leadership style, employee relationships, and overall team dynamic 
  • Why it’s critical to get comfortable with your team being better than you and using your knowledge of your strengths to hire out your weaknesses
  • Knowing where to put your intention and discovering where do I explore more and learn more about your unique strengths

References Mentioned in Episode #298: Finding Your Spa CEO Strengths with Mechelle Barras


  •  Connect with Mechelle and learn more about her coaching and consulting work via her website and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook
  • Listen to her podcast, Mindset Great Podcast, and join Mechelle’s Facebook community, Mindset Great
  • Take the Gallup StrengthsFinder assessment via their website and read the book, StrengthsFinder 2.0 
  • Join the Growth Factor Framework waitlist to be the first to know when we open doors to enrollment  
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.


Episode Transcript 


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EP 295: Understanding your Human Design as an Entrepreneur with Victoria Fenton


There are countless personality assessments on the market (if you’ve been a long-time listener, you know I’m partial to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test), but there’s another assessment that takes an entirely different approach to understanding the core of who you are, and it’s called Human Design. 


Here to help shed light on this way of thinking, being, and working, especially as a spa owner and entrepreneur is my guest, Victoria Fenton. 


Victoria is a Functional and Performance Medicine Consultant, Human Design and Gene Keys expert and Transformational Master Coach. 


She has been in the world of personal development and healthcare for almost 20 years, training with some of the worlds’ most exceptional doctors and greatest spiritual teachers and in her work through her company Unveil Human Design,Victoria bridges the worlds of science and spirituality, offering truly holistic support for individuals to heal from suffering.


Whether you consider yourself more of the “woo” type, or you’re more of the straightlaced science nerd, this is a topic that crosses both boundaries in bringing you closer to who you were born to be, and I just know you’re going to walk away feeling curious to know more about your innate Human Design. 


In this episode, we discuss:


  •  What Human Design is and what makes it different than other personality type assessments, plus, the data points it uses to gather and comprise your chart 
  • Victoria explains the 4.5 key types of Human Designs and what they mean in terms of your aura and how it feels to you, and makes you appear to the outward world 
  • How to use your understanding of your Human Design in decision-making and how to best use your energy to flow, especially as an entrepreneur
  • Where you can utilize Human Design to enhance your spa’s team-building efforts, systems and operations, work environment, and team communication  

References Mentioned in Episode #295: Understanding your Human Design as an Entrepreneur with Victoria Fenton


  •  To learn more about Victoria and her work providing Immersive Human Design readings, visit her website, Unveil Human Design and connect with her on Instagram at @victorialfenton
  • To learn more about Victoria’s coach training and certification program, visit the Unveil Academy website and on Instagram
  • Listen to my episode on how I use a more quiz-based assessment like MBTI inside of business on Episode #287: Understanding MBTI to Build Your Top Performing Team
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


Episode Transcript


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EP 294: The Power in the Pause

Ever feel like you’re working so hard to make your business grow that you hardly have a moment to relish in what you’ve built? 


How about feeling like despite your best efforts, you feel stagnant in your spa’s growth and you’re barreling toward burnout?


Newsflash for you: growth doesn’t always come from going, going, going toward your goals like the Energizer Bunny. 


In fact, that can hinder, rather than help your growth, especially in the long run. And if we’re building businesses that we hope to make strong not just in the next year, but in the decades to come, we have to look at the ebbs and flows of growth holistically. 


Sometimes, it’s the ebbs, the slowdown,The Pause, that holds the greatest power in harnessing your energy and resources helping you to grow in new ways. 


In this episode, you’ll hear: 


  •  How to identify the time to grow and the time to pause in business
  • Why pausing is a form of personal self-care and how it can serve as a time to shift into the next stage of growth for your business
  • Examples of what taking a pause can look and feel like
  • A personal story of pausing that you can pull from when you start to doubt if you’re making progress or gaining traction while taking a break

References Mentioned in Episode #294: The Power in the Pause


  •  Learn more about Growth Factor Framework, my signature program for stepping into your role as Spa CEO, by clicking here
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


Episode Transcript

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EP 292: 5 Things Million Dollar Spa Owners Do

Do you want your spa to reach the coveted seven-figure benchmark? 


That might sound like a trick question, but honestly, it’s a valid one. 


More money requires more of you to uplevel into being a Spa CEO, but if hitting the million dollar benchmark is a goal you’d like to hit in your business, then listen up, because I’ve got good, and possibly surprising, news for you…


Hitting a million dollars in your spa may not be as big of a mountain to climb as you may think. 


In fact, I’d argue that reaching the six-figure mark is much tougher. 


But if the million dollar mark is what you have your sights set on, then this week’s episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy is for you as I share the five things that million-dollar Spa CEOs do.


From specific action steps to mindsets and perspectives, these are the things I find all the top Spa CEOs who hit the million that I’ve had the honor of working with have in common. 


In this episode, you’ll learn about:


  •  How to look at your metrics and numbers to be able to hit your bigger vision goals 
  • Finding areas of opportunities in your business that you and your team can leverage 
  • The common perspectives and mindsets that million-dollar Spa CEOs share
  • What things million-dollar spa owners do on the tangible and mindset levels to get ahead personally and professionally

References Mentioned in Episode #292: 5 Things Million Dollar Spa Owners Do 


  •  Learn more about my signature program for Spa CEOs, Growth Factor Framework here 
  • Tune into Episode #284 – The Spa KPIs and Metrics You Need to Know to Grow
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


Episode Transcript


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EP 286: What Does “Freedom” Mean to You?

If there’s one word that encompasses nearly every entrepreneur’s desire to build a business, it’s “freedom.” 


Freedom to unlimited earning potential, freedom to work on your terms, freedom to grow in whatever direction you desire. 


The freedom to choose. 


In this week’s short and sweet episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, my goal is to get you thinking about what freedom means to you as a Spa CEO and as someone who deserves to live a rich and full life. 


In this episode, I discuss: 


  • Why getting clear on your definition of “freedom” helps you to define your goals and growth path
  • How freedom is multifaceted between life and business, and what it is that freedom means in the tangible sense
  • What elements of freedom mean the most to me and why, plus how those freedom goals have shifted for me over the years and as my life and life circumstances have evolved 

Resources Mentioned in Episode #286: What Does “Freedom” Mean to You?


  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


Episode Transcript


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