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EP 158: Pursuing Your Powerful Purpose with Sara Anna Powers

How do you know when you’ve found your calling? 


How do you know when you’ve veered off track? 


And how do you decide to pivot to pursue your most powerful sense of purpose? 

It’s these questions that my guest, Anna Powers, a lawyer turned copywriter, and I explore on this episode on Spa Marketing Made Easy. 


Yes, you read that correctly, she’s a lawyer (still holds her license, in fact!) who decided to ditch a career in law to pursue her most powerful purpose, but of course, it wasn’t all smooth sailing. 


From pivoting toward deeper passions and discovering something new after you’ve invested a substantial amount of time, energy, and money into another path, Anna now helps others navigate the journey she once walked herself. 


Maybe you can relate…


Perhaps you’re just now venturing into a career in the aesthetics industry after decades of a career in an entirely different field. 


Or may you’ve discovered that being a spa owner isn’t for you, and you want to explore a different avenue within the vast and varied landscape that is aesthetics. 


If you’re at all in a place of uncertainty with where you’re at or where you’re headed in creating the life and career of your dreams, you’re sure to find great pieces of wisdom to walk away with from Anna’s stories and insights. 


In this episode, we discuss: 


  • Anna’s story from pursuing a career in law to moving into entrepreneurship and a different industry entirely
  • How her experience in finding and following her own purpose led to helping her clients do the same 
  • How to know when you’re off the right path and meant for something more or different 
  • The 3 things that make for a purposeful and passion-filled niche and the first steps to take to make a big change or pivot in your life or career path 


References Mentioned in Episode #158: Pursuing Your Powerful Purpose with Sara Anna Powers:


  • Connect with Anna on her website and on Facebook and Instagram
  • Get Anna’s Stellar Sales Page Template freebie by clicking here
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked

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EP 142: Processing Emotions and Releasing Anxiety Through Imagery with Mandy Barbee


You may be looking at the title of this episode and thinking, “Huh? How does processing emotions have anything to do with marketing?” 


Well, it may not be an obvious correlation, but our emotional well-being and mental health is absolutely critical for running a strong and successful business, so while the connection may be more indirect than, say, strategy, it’s vital none-the-less. 


As a very analytical and strategic-minded person, I’ve always had an inclination to keep business life and personal life in their own containers. Neat in their own separate spaces. 


But after navigating my own difficult season of life where emotions couldn’t be turned off with the flip of a switch or contained in it’s own space, I learned exactly what it meant to have your personal life and mental state affect your business. 


In that chapter of anxiety and sadness, I reached out to my guest on this episode, Mandy Barbee, a transformation and healing expert who’s helped hundreds of people all over the world to overcome anxiousness and thrive by combining the power of imagery with their own innate capabilities. 


Mandy founded her company, Palladium Mind, to empower others by sharing the easiest ways to transcend dis-ease to enjoy everything more, and having experienced her work for myself, I can say working with her was truly transformative. 


Her method, tools, and approach to the mental blocks that many entrepreneurs face (such as anxiousness, self worth, self doubt, imposter syndrome, just to name a few), was unlike anything I had experienced and was extremely powerful. 


Now I’m happy to finally have Mandy here on the show to explore this link between our emotional state and our journey as entrepreneurs, and I think our conversation couldn’t have come at a better time. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • My personal experience with Mandy’s work and how it helped me to overcome extreme stress anxiety during a difficult season of my life that was also affecting my business 
  • How working in and through imagery to process emotions can help you get over habits, blocks, and other emotional walls that are holding you back 
  • Why it’s critical we learn how to acknowledge, process, and tap into emotions and do so quickly as not to harbor anxiety or other negative emotions 
  • Tips for navigating gaining and receiving outside help in the realm of guidance, therapy, and other healing work



References Mentioned in Episode #142: Processing Emotions and Releasing Anxiety Through Imagery with Mandy Barbee

  • Learn more about Mandy’s work through Palladium Mind and get her gift exclusive for Spa Marketing Made Easy listeners here
  • Connect with Mandy on Instagram and Facebook
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 



As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked

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EP 138: Creating Proactive Habits for Sustainable Health with Amanda Walker of Feel Amazing Naked


Can you truly have a successful business or thriving career at the expense of your health?


I know, it’s a loaded question. But realistically, the answer is a simple, “no.”


Let’s break it down like this: if a successful business is the bridge to financial freedom, and health is your wealth, you can’t have one without the other. Right?


Now, I know that’s a very simplistic and boiled down notion that you can’t have a thriving business or career if you’re not taking care of yourself…that’s not entirely true. Plenty of people have built 6-, 7-, and 8-figure businesses (on paper, very successful), but in day-to-day life, that person feels like they’re pouring from an empty cup. 


Let’s dig deeper for a moment, if you’re chronically exhausted, are always getting sick, constantly have headaches/body aches/generally feel like crap, and never have energy to enjoy the abundant and free life you are aiming for your business to afford you, does any of it matter at all?


And the other factor at play, which is a whole other can of worms is this – can we really be touting to our clients that they need to be taking care of themselves with consistent treatments and high-quality products in the name of self-care if we’re not doing the same? 

Self-care is a buzzword. 


Health and lifestyle, or as my guest on this episode has coined, “healthstyle” is something you embody. 


Joining me on this episode is Amanda Walker, a “healthstyle” coach and  the founder of the Feel Amazing Naked Coaching Program and podcast where she shares her “WHOLE”istic, no B.S., approach to health that blends strategy, skill and mindset to help her clients unearth the root causes of their struggles with food, body and mind to help them create the life they crave.


In this episode we’re deconstructing the cold, hard truth, which is that you may be building a business to gain financial freedom that fuels a life and career you love, but your health is your true wealth. 


Thankfully, she’s also sharing her top tips for creating incremental and sustainable shifts to build long-lasting healthy habits. 


In this episode, we discuss: 


  • Why our health and well-being is critical and so much more than the basic buzzword of self-care
  • How taking care of ourselves equates to walking our own talk and will enhance not just our wellbeing, but that of our clients’
  • How wellbeing directly ties to the other measures of success and how we can set ourselves up for success with healthy habits
  • Amanda’s top tips for creating incremental and sustainable shifts to build long-lasting habits 



References Mentioned in Episode #138: Creating Proactive Habits for Sustainable Health with Amanda Walker of Feel Amazing Naked


  • Connect with Amanda on her website and learn more about her coaching at Feel Amazing Naked
  • Listen and tune in to Amanda’s podcast, Feel Amazing Naked
  • Connect with Amanda on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest
  • Listen to Episode #117 of Spa Marketing Made Easy – 4 Simple Steps for Organizing Your Life Like a CEO
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 



As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked

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EP 133: Leveraging The Power of Going Niche with Tara Walsh of The Lashpreneur

“The riches are in the niches.” 


You may have heard the saying before, but you might also be thinking, “How does specializing in one thing bring me more clients, more revenue, more success? That doesn’t add up!” 


I know it might seem counterintuitive on the surface, but when you dig deeper, you’ll find that focusing on your one big thing is also what allows you to become the ultimate expert, and no one is a better example of this than my guest on this episode, Tara Walsh. 


Tara is a lash artist turned business coach who is the founder and CEO of The Lashpreneur, where she shares her passion and genius for helping other lash artists start, build and grow their incredibly successful lash artistry businesses.


She does this through the lessons she has learned along her own business journey where she decided to focus on the single service area that she enjoyed the most and was profitable for her business. ( Spoiler alert: it was lashes! )

Even if lashes aren’t the thing you’re wild about in the aesthetic realm, this episode is still for you. 


Together, Tara and I are discussing the big-picture concept around going micro with a niche, and how you can strategically use that specialization to blow up your business plus the tips  and mindset takeaways you need to make this shift one that you can get behind to help your business grow. 


In this episode, we discuss:


  • Tara’s journey from becoming an aesthetician and lash artist to starting her coaching business as The Lashpreneur 
  • Why Tara focused her business’ niche to lash artist and how the powerful concept of niching down can benefit you as an aesthetician and spa owner
  • Benefits of only focusing your marketing on one thing to draw in your dream client 
  • Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset and what kind of development is needed if you want to scale your business and expand your team 


Resources Mentioned in Episode #133: Leveraging The Power of Going Niche with Tara Walsh of The Lashpreneur 


  • To connect with Tara and her resources at The Lashpreneur, visit her website, Facebook and Instagram
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked!

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EP 131: How to Reset Your Goals and Create New Plans for Your Business with Ali Schiller


What do you do when it feels like all the progress you’ve made toward your goals feels derailed?


While you may feel defeated, the answer isn’t throwing in the towel, but rather, finding a new framework, resetting your goal, and crafting a new plan. 


In quite serendipitous timing, this podcast topic and interview with this week’s guest, Ali Schiller, was on my schedule long before the news of COVID-19 arrived on the scene because the truth is, it’s not just a global pandemic that can set your goals into a tailspin. 


Whether it’s a personal or family issue that pulls you away from your regular schedule, or the realization that what you were reaching for wasn’t actually what you wanted after all, making a pivot can be a natural part of the entrepreneurial journey. 


And here to help us navigate those pivots in our goals and plans is Ali Schiller who is the founder of Accountability Works and has been featured in Fast Company, Business Insider, and is the featured accountability expert in’s “Goal Standard Challenge,” where she advised an audience of 25,000 people participating in the program. 


Clearly, goal setting is her zone of genius, but more so than that, it’s her ability to help you see your goals through and adjust your plan to achieve them along your unique journey, which is what she’s speaking on in this episode. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Ali’s key methods and fundamental frameworks for helping you stay accountable to your goals 
  • How a Freedom List can help you get focused on what’s important to you and cut cord on what’s not 
  • The power of planning with pen and paper and why it’s not a particular system that’s going to determine your success in reaching goals
  • How to ditch the feelings of guilt if you find yourself needing to scale back or reset your original goals
  • Why effectiveness is far more important than efficiency when examining how we’re going to reach our goals



References Mentioned in Episode #131: How to Reset Your Goals and Create New Plans for Your Business with Ali Schiller 

  • Learn more about Ali’s work at Accountability Works and connect with Ali on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn 
  • Get Ali’s Map It! Plan – Your 1-Page Plan for Accomplishing Your Goals in 12 Weeks
  • Listen to Episode #117 of Spa Marketing Made Easy – 4 Simple Steps for Organizing Your Life Like a CEO
  • To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked

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EP 113: Follow-Up From Month One Inside the Growth Factor Framework

They’re back for their first official update of the year! 


I’m talking about today’s guests on the podcast, Sara Sykes and Melissa Lanno, who are the co-owners of Sykes & Lanno, and are officially one month into their Growth Factor journey to hitting seven figures in their spa this year. 


Last month I sat down with them for our first installment to talk about the background of their first year in business and their big growth goals for 2020, so if you haven’t listened to Episode #106 yet, be sure to go do that to get caught up


Every month in 2020, I’ll be sitting down with Sara and Melissa to pull back the curtain to show what it truly takes to get your business to the next level of growth and how to maintain it. 


And now that we’re one month in, we’re officially off to the races!  


After having our kickoff and initial planning call for Growth Factor, then attending the Aesthetic Marketing Seminar (my event for Spa Retail Rockstar and Growth Factor group), they’re now back at their spa and hitting the ground running. 


In this episode, we discuss:

  • The result of the biggest takeaway from their Growth Factor kickoff planning call and how that has played out over the last month
  • Their experience and biggest aha moments from the Aesthetic Marketing Seminar that they’re bringing back to their spa
  • Their three big goals for Quarter 1 and how they plan to tackle them 
  • Plus we talk mindset, building a legacy, having family support in entrepreneurship, perfectionism, and more


Follow Sara and Melissa’s Growth Factor journey:

  • Listen to Episode #106 – Starting the Journey to 7 Figures – A Behind-the-Scenes with Sykes & Lanno Skinbar 


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


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EP 109: Moving From The Treatment Room to Full-Time Brand and Product Retailer with Stephanie Laynes

Have you ever found yourself mid-treatment and thinking, “If only this product had this”


Or “If only I could do that, this product would be perfect.” 


As an aesthetic expert working full-time in the treatment room, you’re the utmost authority on what’s going to work best for your clients, which means you’re primed to be a product creator if that’s something you’ve dreamt about, which I know many of you listeners of Spa Marketing Made Easy have because you’ve told me! 


In any case, whether you’re someone who has dreamt of creating their own line, or you’re meticulous about knowing the details of the product lines you carry and what has gone into their development (something you should be meticulous about!), you’re going to love this episode with my guest, Stephanie Laynes. 


Stephanie has been a licensed aesthetician for over 16 year and is the creator of Se-Brazil Waxes, Se Skin Botanical Skincare, and the founder of Smooth Skin Supply LLC, her e-commerce platform and wholesale wax supply company that also incorporates training and education. 


In this episode, she’s sharing her journey of how she got into the aesthetics industry, moved out of working in the treatment room full-time, and transformed into the role of CEO of her own product line and platform. 


Not only does she have fantastic tips and perspectives for how aesthetic professionals can boost their retail revenue, but she’s got a great story that’s sure to inspire your journey if you’ve ever pondered the idea of product creation or want to expand your revenue streams inside your aesthetic practice.  


In this episode, we discuss:

  • Stephanie’s origin story of getting into aesthetics and how she quickly found her niche in waxing and why that was so powerful to building a profitable practice 
  • How Stephanie discovered that systemizing her process could help her maximize her client capacity 
  • Where Stephanie saw the shift in opportunity to create her own line of waxing products and how she stayed focused during the process of creation
  • Stephanie’s top tips for waxing experts and her answer to the ultimate question of “hard or soft wax?”
  • Her keys for creating an unforgettable experience for your client and highly profitable experience for your business



References Mentioned in Episode #109: Moving From The Treatment Room to Full-Time Brand and Product Retailer with Stephanie Laynes: 

  • Learn more about Stephanie’s line of products, online trainings and more on her website
  • Connect with Stephanie on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube
  • Help us reach more aestheticians looking to build thriving careers and businesses by leaving us an honest review on iTunes. 


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

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EP 104: Cultivating Community Through Hosting Events with Elaine Lou

With technology continually shifting and consumer behavior moving with it, there’s one constant you can always count on in business: change. 


However, there is one exception to that rule, and it’s been a mainstay of business since the beginning of time, and that’s the power of relationships. 


Behind every marketing campaign, strategy, or tactic and every new service, offer, or promotion, the success of your efforts all boils down to your relationships…


Always has and always will.


And on this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, my guest Elaine Lou, a business and career coach who helps women take aligned action in reaching for their wildest dreams, scaling their businesses, and doing it all in a way that’s anything but cookie cutter. 


In this episode, she’s sharing her secrets for using local events to build community and develop deeper connections with her past, existing, and potential clients for business growth, increased client retention, and creating word of mouth. 


As a spa owner or aesthetic expert with your own space to leverage, events hold some of the greatest potential and opportunity for growing your business while costing next to nothing. 


I speak with a lot of aestheticians who all talk about wanting a “word of mouth”-based business, and while I believe today’s business landscape requires more than relying solely on word of mouth, events are one of the best ways to begin building that kind of organic buzz. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How Elaine works with women to take aligned action and get out of their own way to go after their wildest dreams
  • The deeply-rooted mindset blocks that may be standing in your way of success and the number one thing you can believe and do to unlock those blocks
  • Why Elaine focuses on hosting local events and how this can translate to building community for your spa or aesthetic practice
  • Her top tips for crafting events that brings together people who are excited about the opportunity to connect with and work with you



References Mentioned in Episode #104: Cultivating Community Through Hosting Events with Elaine Lou


  • Learn more about Elaine and her work via her website and connect with her on Facebook and Instagram
  • Grab Elaine’s 6 High-Touch Scripts for Sharing Your Event with Your Community 
  • Listen to Episode #086: Creating a Month’s Worth of Video Content in 15 Minutes with Katya Varbanova
  • Check out Eventbrite for creating your event information page, spreading the word, and selling tickets (if applicable for your event)


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

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EP 098: From Retail Sales Resistant to Rockstar with Amanda of The Beach House Skincare and Spa



The 2020 Aesthetic Marketing Seminar is going VIRTUAL! 

Save the date (and your FREE seat!) for August 24-25 for the 2020 Virtual Aesthetic Marketing Seminar, which will feature top experts in the spa industry speaking on today’s most effective marketing strategies to build, grow, and scale a successful aesthetic business.

[ Click Here To Save Your FREE Spot Today ] 



EP 098: From Retail Sales Resistant to Rockstar with Amanda of The Beach House Skincare and Spa

Raise your hand if you don’t want to sound “salesy” or “pushy.”

Raise your hand if you don’t want to make your clients feel like all you want is their money. 

Of course, I can’t see your hands, but I know that there are a lot of them raised. 

The idea of “selling” or “retail sales” has some heavy emotional ties, but I want to give you a reframe today…

Sales shouldn’t be based on emotion (for you), but education.

When you educate your clients and allow them to see how your products can help them reach their goals (something that may be emotional for them), that is sales done well. 

This is the lesson Amanda, owner of The Beach House Skincare and Spa in Illinois, learned, and her business has completely transformed because of it. 

After participating in one of my retail challenges inside Spa Retail Rockstar, Amanda got the real picture of where she was at with her retail sales, and realized she needed a major change…

To understanding her numbers, setting her sales strategies, and most of all, her mindset.

After making those changes, she’s seen a tremendous shift in her retail sales and is now experiencing a whole new level of business success. 

If you find yourself fearful of feeling like a sleazy salesman, this is an episode you can’t afford to miss. 

In this episode, we discuss: 

  • Amanda’s journey in aesthetics and how she has used her cosmetology background to carve out her niche 
  • The switch that flipped when Amanda decided she needed to stop making excuses and start taking retail sales seriously for her business 
  • How she took what she thought was a disadvantage to her sales strategies and turned it into one of her biggest assets 
  • Amanda’s top tip for embracing retail sales and shaking off the fear of “sales sleaziness,” plus where to start with making the mindset shifts around becoming the expert for your clients 

References Mentioned in Episode #098: From Retail Sales Resistant to Rockstar with Amanda of The Beach House Skincare and Spa 

    • Learn more about Amanda’s spa, The Beach House Skincare and Spa via her website and Instagram
    • Connect with Amanda on Instagram and Facebook
    • Join a community of like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, and join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

New to the Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast? Download our Quick Start Guide to learn more about tuning in, where you can connect with our resources, and how to leave a review.

[ Subscribe to Spa Marketing Made Easy on iTunes ]



The 2020 Aesthetic Marketing Seminar is going VIRTUAL! 

Save the date (and your FREE seat!) for August 24-25 for the 2020 Virtual Aesthetic Marketing Seminar, which will feature top experts in the spa industry speaking on today’s most effective marketing strategies to build, grow, and scale a successful aesthetic business.

[ Click Here To Save Your FREE Spot Today ] 



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EP 097: The Journey to Starting a Medspa as an Aesthetician with Supreet Ghuman of Skin Sutra

Just because you’re not a medical doctor doesn’t mean you can’t start and grow a successful medspa.  

If you don’t believe me, I’d like to introduce you to one of my Spa Retail Rockstars, Supreet Ghuman. 

Supreet is the founder and owner of Skin Sutra Medspa and Cosmetic Center in Fairfax, VA, which is a quickly growing medspa in a market that already has plenty of other medspas for potential clients to choose from, which speaks to her ability to attract and retain clients. 

Although state regulations vary, I love Supreet’s story because she’s a shining example of someone who followed her curiosity and let it lead her to her passion. 

She didn’t concern herself with the fact that she doesn’t have an M.D., she knew that with her extensive expertise and the professional network she had built, she could set out to make her medspa dream not just a reality, but a success. 

As she continues to build momentum and grow, she’s sharing with me what it took to get her to where she is today, the considerations and decisions she had to make during the process, plus what she has her sights set on next for taking her success to the next level. 

Tune into this episode as we discuss:

  • Supreet’s beginning journey into the aesthetics industry and how her various roles and positions evolved into opening her own medspa
  • How she has managed to carve a niche for herself and her business in a crowded market with plenty of other medspas 
  • What services she provides at SkinSutra as an aesthetician and how she navigates decisions on which services to bring in
  • Her insights on finding the right medical director as well as other business considerations such as choosing the right location and product lines 

References Mentioned in Episode #097: The Journey to Starting a Medspa as an Aesthetician with Spureet Ghuman of Skin Sutra

  • Learn more about Supreet’s spa, Skin Sutra Medspa and Cosmetic Center 
  • Connect with Skin Sutra on Facebook and Instagram and connect with Supreet on Instagram 
  • Join other like-minded aestheticians working to build a thriving career and business inside the Spa Marketing Made Easy community 
  • New to the Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast? Download our Quick Start Guide to learn more about tuning in, where you can connect with our resources, and how to leave a review. 

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.


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