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EP 414: Bringing IV Therapy into Your Aesthetic Practice with Jenn Plescia of IVs by the Seas

The aesthetic and wellness industry is rife with “trends,” and while some may have thought this service would be a flash in the pan, market and consumer data shows that integrated aesthetic and wellness services are here to stay with potential for massive future growth. 

One of those integrated services is IV therapy. While it’s not a service every spa can or should do, it does provide an incredible opportunity for those aesthetic and healthcare practitioners who are equipped to add value to your clientele. Joining me on the mic to discuss IV therapy is my guest, Jenn Plescia, DNP, APN, FENP, the founder and CEO of IVs by the Seas, an in office aesthetics and mobile IV hydration practice in New Jersey. 

Beyond being a successful entrepreneur with an inspiring business origin and growth story, Jenn is a board-certified Family and Emergency Room Nurse Practitioner who received her Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree from Rutgers University in 2017, and she has over 10 years of Emergency Medicine and Urgent Care experience. 

Jenn believes in treating patients as an entire entity and identifying the root cause of their healthcare ailments and aesthetic needs so she can help optimize your health and well-being from the inside out. 

Whether you’re someone who desires to or is qualified to bring IV therapy into your aesthetic business, this episode is a great listen for any aesthetic professional as they consider bringing new therapies or equipment into their practice or finding the right businesses to partner with and recommend should your clients be interested in receiving IV therapy. 

In this episode, we discuss: 

  • Jenn’s origin story of how she began offering IV therapy and hydration as a service during the pandemic and how her business quickly took off thanks to connections, referrals and social media 
  • The things every aesthetic practitioner or Spa CEO should know before bringing IV therapy into your practice and why it’s critical to have a close relationship with your medical professional you’re bringing on board
  • The ins and outs of navigating potential emergencies and how this informs hiring and team-building decisions 
  • Why Jenn prioritizes digging into the science of her client’s lab work and the importance of tailoring IV treatment plans 
  • Plus, Jenn’s insights on profit potential, crafting an incredible client experience and aesthetic atmosphere, and key legalities and liabilities to consider

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References Mentioned in Episode #414: Bringing IV Therapy into Your Aesthetic Practice with Jenn Plescia of IVs by the Seas 

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