Catch the Latest Episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy
As a spa professional, one of the biggest keys to creating a life you love is getting more clients in the door. Easier said than done, right? With the Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast, you can get all the tools you need. Join host Daniela Woerner, licensed esthetician, to get simple, proven strategies for marketing your spa business.
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With twinkly lights aglow and a fresh yearly calendar just waiting to be filled, you might be looking down the road and at the year that lies ahead thinking…
“How am I going to do this?”
Whether you’ve got a big audacious goal you want to achieve in 2022, or you want to take your foot off the gas and invite more space and breathing room into your life (without sacrificing the growth or momentum in your business), the next four episodes of Spa Marketing Made Easy are for you!
That’s right, this is Part One in a four-part series I’ll be sharing throughout December all about properly planning so you can have your most productive (and profitable) year yet.
So pull up an earbud and settle in for Part One all about understanding your goals and commitments so you can set the stage for crafting a strategic plan that works with your definition of success.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- How business and life planning and goal-setting are intertwined and why it’s critical to get clear on your “Why” and values first
- The benefits of keeping a digital calendar system
- Questions to ask when performing a calendar audit and how to use the answers to begin structuring your schedule moving forward
- My top tips and hacks for structuring your schedule to work with your natural productivity flow and understanding how to find the right balance in your days
References Mentioned in Episode #257: Understanding Your Goals and Commitments
- Get one of my favorite pen and paper goal planners, 90X Goal Planner
- To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.
As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you!
It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!
If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked!
Episode Transcript
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It’s the most wonderful time of the year 🎶…
No, not just the holiday season — goal setting season.
Ah yes, the time to round out the year with reflection on all that’s transpired and look to the year ahead to vision and put an action plan to the dreams swirling inside our heads.
Now, I know not everyone loves goal-setting as much as I do (….I know, but can’t say I fully understand 😜 I’m just a nerd when it comes to goals)
But whether you’re a spa owner who lives for a good goal-planning session or consider goal-setting to be your business arch nemesis, this week’s episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy is for you.
In this episode, I’m joined by absolute Spa CEO powerhouse (among a multitude of other titles including registered nurse and 20-year retired police sergeant from the busiest agency in Indiana), Mechelle Barras, whose personal story and professional accomplishments will give anyone (goal-lover or not) a good dose of what it means to craft goals for greatness and strive to reach your fullest potential.
Now that she has grown and scaled her business, Pure Image Laser and Spa, to the next level, Mechelle is focusing on her life success and women’s empowerment coaching practice, where she helps professional women who are action-oriented, ambitious, and ready to discover their passion and live to their fullest potential become a leader in their field, and design a life filled with balance and passionate purpose.
As you’ll learn in this episode, Mechelle approaches her goals with an even mix of realistic benchmarks, clear goal posts, and a heavy dose of dreaming bigger, but it’s her mindset that really serves as the key to unlocking true greatness.
I dare you to listen to Mechelle’s journey and not be inspired and motivated to take action on your goals.
In this episode, we discuss:
- The journey of Mechelle’s personal milestones and professional achievements and the biggest lessons she’s learned along the way that now inform her unique approach to mindset and setting goals
- The concept of drive and whether it’s something we’re born with or can build, and Mechelle’s top tips for harnessing it
- How Mechelle has navigated the last year of intense change in her professional life and what that’s brought to her personal life and goals
- Her insights on setting goals that get you fired up for reaching your own version and vision for greatness
References Mentioned in Episode #256: Mapping and Fulfilling Your Goals for Greatness with Mechelle Barras
- Connect with Mechelle and learn more about her coaching work via her website and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook
- Listen to her podcast, Mindset Great Podcast, and join Mechelle’s Facebook community, Mindset Great
- Join the Growth Factor Framework waitlist to be the first to know when we open doors to enrollment
- To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.
As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you!
It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!
If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked!
Episode Transcript
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- marketing
Let’s face it – Facebook doesn’t work like it once did.
Organic page reach is lower than low and recent changes to the ad platform and its ability to target means it’s time to branch out, and Facebook groups are the place to do it!
The good news is that this isn’t about you creating and managing a Facebook group, it’s about tapping into and leveraging the active niche communities already taking place on Facebook.
If creeping ad costs and low organic reach has you feeling like it’s all not worth it for the ROI, or lack thereof, you’ll definitely want to tune in to this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy as I give you the step-by-step Facebook group strategy for getting more clients for your spa in a matter of a week!
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- How Facebook groups can serve as a long-term client acquisition strategy
- The results one of my Growth Factor Framework students is experiencing using this strategy for the last 5-6 months
- The step-by-step strategy of using Facebook groups to drive in new clientele and the considerations around getting your ROI
- My swipeable post sample copy to get you started bringing in new clients asap
References Mentioned in Episode #255: How to Use Facebook Groups to Get New Clients
- Recent changes to the Facebook advertising platform based on iOS changes
- To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.
As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you!
It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!
If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked!
Episode Transcript
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How do you define being and feeling rich?
Maybe it’s a little bit about money, and my hunch says it also involves a heavy dose of desire for freedom.
As my guest on this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, Selina Gray, explains – richness isn’t a number in the bank, it’s a state of being.
After working 100+hour work weeks across 12 countries, leading a global team of 30 for almost a decade as CPA, Selina found herself in the hospital for an extended period of time and facing an auto-immune diagnosis, which was her wake-up call to embody new forms of richness.
Now as the Founder & CEO of Richness Revolution, Selina has dedicated her life to empowering CEOs to lead themselves with unwavering energetic intelligence, emotional richness and financial power to break through ceilings in their business and earnings, as well as create massive ripple effects in their lives and communities.
If you’ve found yourself frazzled, or even burnt out in the quest to hit a certain monetary benchmark, it’s time to reassess and reevaluate your relationship with “richness,” and I can’t wait for you to tap into the wisdom Selina has to share in this episode.
In this episode, we discuss:
- Selina’s story of climbing the corporate ladder in the world of finance on the quest for wealth and how that journey ended and prompted the Richness Revolution Selina now helps other business owners have today
- Defining conscious wealth and how to identify and separate worthiness so they can create new connections and a healthier relationship with money
- Why money and richness can be a highly emotional trigger and how Selina navigates releasing the labels and expectations we may have ingrained since childhood
- Questions to ask yourself and actions to take to identify and reframe your stories, blocks and beliefs
References Mentioned in Episode #254: Discovering Your Worth and Igniting Your Richness Revolution with Selina Gray
- Learn more about Selina’s work as a financial empowerment coach via her website and follow her on Instagram.
- To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.
As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you!
It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!
If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked!
Episode Trasncript
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Call it a gut feeling or the nagging voice in your head that won’t go away, we’ve all faced dreams and decisions that, for one inexplicable reason or another, are terrifying to face.
However, as my guest in this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy shares, that’s your purpose calling, and it’s time to answer with courage.
In this episode, I had the honor to talk with Dave Hollis, a New York Times best-selling author, host of the popular Rise Together podcast, a keynote speaker and a life and business coach on GrowthDay, and a dad to four kids. Dave’s history includes CEO of a media start-up, former President of Sales for the film studio at The Walt Disney Company, a talent manager across film, TV, and music, and work in publicity, research, and technology in the entertainment sector.
It goes without saying that he has worn an array of hats, but as you’ll hear in this episode, despite whatever role he’s filling at any given time, he’s found that courage is the key to finding his way to his more purpose-, intention- and impact-filled life and work.
In this episode, we discuss:
- Having a fixed versus growth mindset and how our childhood experiences can pave the way for our adult mindset and decision-making tendencies
- Dave’s journey from shifting his career from a massive corporate world and culture into the entrepreneurial space and how that set off a domino effect of change in perspective
- How courage is the ingredient that brings our greatest purpose to life and moves us toward our vision, even if we’re not entirely sure what that is yet
- Finding team members with intrinsic drive and motivation and how to identify it within potential team members quickly
- Dave’s intention for his new book, “Built Through Courage: Face Your Fears to Live the Life You Were Meant” and his strategic and purpose-led approach to bringing his book into the hands of his ideal readers
References Mentioned in Episode #253: Living and Leading With Courage with Dave Hollis
- Learn more about Dave and his work via his website
- Connect with Dave on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
- Get a copy of Dave’s latest book, “Built Through Courage: Face Your Fears to Live the Life You Were Meant”
- To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.
As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you!
It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!
If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked!
Episode Transcript
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Everyone’s journey into spa ownership begins at a unique trailhead, so to speak, but soon enough you’ll find yourself on one of two main paths:
1- the path of entrepreneurship
2 – the path of self-employment
Don’t be fooled, these two paths may sound the same, but they look and feel very different and end up in starkly different destinations.
Tune into this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy as I take you down both paths and paint the picture of each journey so you can see what works for your style of spa ownership.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- Why knowing your “why” is crucial for deciding which path to travel and the common reasons why you would want to choose the path of business ownership over self-employment and vice versa
- Comparison of both paths to see what you’ll encounter and where you’ll end up
- How you have to navigate the path of business ownership as a Spa CEO and what this path enables you to do with your time and resources
- The questions to ask yourself to determine what it is you truly want out of your business
References Mentioned in Episode #252: The Difference Between Building a Company vs. Creating a Job
- Get access to the most recent Aesthetic Marketing Seminar (AMS) session replays here
- Interested in the Growth Factor Framework program? Click here to enroll or get on the waitlist to join.
- Tune into Episode 244: From Solo Aesthetician to Retired Spa Owner in 18 Months with Andrea Klein
- To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.
As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you!
It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!
If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked!
Episode Transcipt
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Beautiful events have always been one of my favorite ways to bring an infusion of buzz, leads, and sales into a spa, and of course, over the last year and a half, events have been either entirely virtual or non-existent.
Now with in-person events inching back into the repertoire of ways we can market, I was thrilled to talk shop and strategy with my Growth Factor student and brilliant businesswoman, Taylor Moody.
Taylor is a licensed aesthetician and the CEO of Allure Aesthetics in Flagstaff, Arizona, which she founded at just 20 years old.
Within three years of starting her business as a solo aesthetician, she quickly became the fastest growing med spa in Flagstaff with a team of seven and growing!
In this episode, we’re diving into all the details of her latest marketing initiative, an exquisitely executed event that brought in over 5-figures of revenue in one day.
In this episode, we discuss:
- Why Taylor chose to go with an event as her big marketing push and sales driver
- The breakdown of time and financials that went into pulling off the event and making it a huge success in turnout and sales
- How she structured her event operations and giveaways, plus the biggest mindset pieces that contributed to her event’s success
- Her top tips for pre-event planning, post-event wrap-up, and what she’ll do differently next time
References Mentioned in Episode #251: Hosting 5-Figure Spa Events with Taylor Moody
- Learn more and visit Taylor’s spa, Allure Aesthetics, via her website
- Get on the Growth Factor Framework program waitlist.
- To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.
As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you!
It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!
If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked!
Episode Transcript
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Every year it seems like the talk of Black Friday promotions comes earlier and earlier, and while that may not be great from a consumer-perspective, through the business owner lens, it’s never too early to start thinking about Black Friday promotions.*
*Critical note – I’m not advocating promoting your Black Friday deal in August., but that August is the time YOU should start your promo planning. So before you break out in a cold sweat, take a deep breath, this is all about planning.
Rule of marketing thumb in business is to think in terms of “Christmas in July”….so by the time summer rolls around, you’ll want your mind to be in holiday marketing mode.
Now, if you’re a little behind the 8-ball with your spa’s Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion, not to worry, there is still plenty of time to pull together a well-planning promotion without flying by the seat of your pants.
That’s exactly why I’m focusing this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy on the breakdown and my top tips on my three go-to promotions that you can run for your spa’s Black Friday special.
It’s a quick listen, but packs a punch of info you can take and run with.
So tune in and be sure to let me know when you’re off to the races!
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- Why it’s never too early to begin planning for events, promotions and launches
- My top 3 promotions to consider running through Black Friday / Cyber Monday weekend and my top tips for each promotion to make them mutually beneficial for you and your client and/or new purchaser
- How to frame these promotion ideas within your marketing to ensure the concept is communicated properly and why social media should be a top channel for getting leads
References Mentioned in Episode #250: Planning for a Booming Black Friday Promo
- Listen to Episode #103 – The “Buy $100, Get $100” Spa Gift Card Promotion
- Sign up for Gusto, and easy, all-in-one platform for payroll, benefits, and HR (affiliate link)
- To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.
As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you!
It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!
If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked!
Episode Transcript
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- marketing
If you’re a long-time listener to Spa Marketing Made Easy, this topic won’t be new to you, but it may be one that’s left you scratching your head.
And if you’re newer to the business scene or not a digital marketing nerd, I promise you’re in good company because if there’s one thing in marketing that can get even the most seasoned biz owner stumped — it’s funnels.
Thankfully, my guest on this episode and return guest on the podcast, Stacy Tuschl, is here to demystify and simplify the process of building and running funnels in your overall marketing strategy.
Stacy is a business coach and marketing strategist, best-selling author, and the creator of the Foot Traffic Podcast.
Stacy has been in business since she was 18 when she started hosting dance classes in her parents’ backyard that she has now transformed into a 7-figure performing arts multi-location empire.
When it comes to marketing, she’s gone from door hangers to digital, and her wealth of insight isn’t to be missed!
In this episode, we discuss:
- Why business owners today can no longer sit on the sidelines of the digital marketing movement and why funnels are the key to modern marketing success
- Stacy’s journey as a business owner from the door-to-door days to the current digital trends of today and why every digital strategy blows ROI out of the water compared to traditional marketing methods
- The number one mindset shift you need to overcome to be successful with funnels
- The key pieces that compose your funnel and what facets to evaluate when testing and tweaking it to make it the most effective at bringing in new leads and/or converting clients and customers
References Mentioned in Episode #249: Demystifying Funnels with Stacy Tuschl
- Learn more about Stacy and her work by visiting her website and connect with Stacy on Facebook and Instagram
- Listen to the Foot Traffic Podcast and join the Foot Traffic Community
- Listen to my first episode with Stacy as a guest, Episode #079: The Spa Marketing Keys to Increasing Your Foot Traffic with Stacy Tuschl
- To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.
As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you!
It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!
If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked!
Episode Transcript
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If there’s one core area of business that ruffles feathers more than any other, I’d say it’s marketing.
It entagles emotions, sets business owners on a rollercoaster trying to find an ROI, and just when it seems you might have it nailed down, something changes.
Well, as my repeat guest on this episode shares, with some marketing mindset shifts and a simple yet solid framework in place, you can create marketing campaigns and messaging for your spa that are impossible to ignore, but to do it, you have to “Get Different.”
Joining me for this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy is Mike Michalowicz, an entrepreneur who leads two new multi-million-dollar ventures, which allows him to test his latest business research for his books aimed at small business owners.
Mike is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal and business makeover specialist on MSNBC, is a popular main stage keynote speaker on innovative entrepreneurial topics; and is the prolific author of Get Different, Fix This Next, Clockwork, Profit First, Surge, The Pumpkin Plan and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur.
With a mission to eradicate entrepreneurial poverty, Mike brings simplicity to small business owners by taking some of the biggest challenges businesses face and creating solutions that work and stand the test of time, and I am so excited that he has finally tackled the topic of marketing in his newest book that we dive into in this episode.
Happy listening!
In this episode, we discuss:
- Why Mike is now finally addressing marketing as a core focus for one of his books after numerous titles on everything from finances to systems
- Why it’s critical that we conduct our outbound marketing differently now and continuously into the future to maintain a thriving business
- Mike’s signature D.A.D. Framework for marketing differently to ensure that your marketing doesn’t get ignored by your ideal client
- How his latest book, “Get Different” fits into the overall landscape of the library Mike has written and how you can use his books to set-up, grow, and reinforce a business with longevity and sustainability
References Mentioned in Episode #248: Get Different with Stand Out Marketing with Mike Michalowicz
- Get your copy of Mike’s latest book, “Get Different – Marketing That Can’t Be Ignored” plus additional tools, tips, and resources at GoGetDifferent.com
- Learn more about Mike, his books, and ethos via his website and connect with him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube
- Tune into my previous episode with Mike, Episode 225: Becoming a Profitable Shareholder of Your Business with Mike Michalowicz
- Explore all of the books Mike has written here
- To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.
As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you!
It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!
If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked!
Episode Transcript
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It’s been in the intro of the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast since it’s debut in 2018, and it’s my central mission here at Addo Aesthetics: to help aestheticians and spa owners build a life and business they love.
Someone who embodies that notion to a tee is my friend, JoElle Lee, who in the last 17 months has built an extraordinary online-based business, but as you’ll hear in this episode, there were many turning points that led to the place where she is today.
If you don’t know JoElle, she is a skincare expert and celebrity aesthetician (she was Michelle Obama’s personal aesthetician during her time as FLOTUS), a professional speaker, published author, and educator, trainer and skincare business consultant.
Tune in as we talk about how to navigate being an expert in your field while pivoting your business to fit the chapter of life you’re currently in so you can experience both a life and business you love.
In this episode, we discuss:
- JoElle’s path through the aesthetics field to get to where she is today and how each chapter of her journey served her differently and properly at the point she was at
- The questions JoElle asked herself when making a pivot and how she navigated making strategic changes in her career
- Tips and steps for moving forward to make your goals happen even when it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day
- Why it’s critical to overcome the mindset hurdles and limiting beliefs in order to begin building a business that aligns with the vision you hold for your life
References Mentioned in Episode #247: Building a Business Around the Life You Want with JoElle Lee
- Connect with JoElle and her educational trainings, course, and resources on her website joellelee.com
- Connect with JoElle on social on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn
- Listen to my previous episode with JoElle – Episode 148: Developing the Critical Skill of Treating Multicultural Skin with JoElle Lee
- To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.
As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you!
It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!
If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked!
Episode Transcripts
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- marketing
With a title like “$5K in 7 days,” how could you not be intrigued?!
Well, in addition to that metric being a smashing success, what makes me love this story of how Emilie created a great cash infusion into her business is that she worked through it in true CEO fashion: she got her mind right, devised a strategic plan, executed, and evaluated.
No wild emotional rollercoaster, wondering if it’ll work, and throwing out the plan in the thick of the action, she exhibited amazing promotional prep and follow-through, and she has the successful results to show for it.
Here to break down the whole experience and share her top takeaways in this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy is Emilie Drolet, a licensed esthetician with a bachelor’s degree in communications who has been working within the beauty industry for over 10 years.
She’s currently in the process of taking over her mother’s legacy — a skin clinic that’s been in operation for 42 years in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and she’s also a student inside my Growth Factor Framework program.
If you’re looking to see what’s possible through a dedicated promotional retail push plus the power of ecommerce, especially as our industry continues to navigate the ongoing pandemic, I highly recommend you tune in for a strong dose of inspiration, encouragement and tangible takeaways.
In this episode, we discuss:
- How Emiie has navigated the last year of running her spa with multiple shutdowns that lasted for months at a time
- Why she pivoted her focus primarily to ecommerce retail sales and why she decided to run her 7-day promotions
- The steps she took to make $5K from her 7-day promotions plus the key things she noticed made buyers move and what she’ll do differently next time
- How she’s preparing for continued resilience in business and the mindset piece she feels has made all the difference
References Mentioned in Episode #246: $5K in 7 Days – Crushing Promotion Goals and Pivoting to Online Success with Emilie Drolet
- Connect with Emilie on Instagram @themetafairy and tune in and subscribe to her podcast, The Meta Skin Care Podcast
- Get on the Growth Factor Framework waitlist and be the first to know when door to enrollment open
- To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.
As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you!
It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!
If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked!
Episode Transcript