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As a spa professional, one of the biggest keys to creating a life you love is getting more clients in the door. Easier said than done, right? With the Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast, you can get all the tools you need. Join host Daniela Woerner, licensed esthetician, to get simple, proven strategies for marketing your spa business.

EP 185: #Beautybomb – DiamondGlow

Welcome to our weekly #Beautybomb, a burst of info on the latest and greatest ingredients, products, and treatments in the spa industry to help you expand your knowledge and stay on top of your game as an aesthetic expert. 


In this week’s #Beautybomb, I’m talking about DiamondGlow, Allergan’s newest star treatment to join their line-up of medical treatments and products that is gaining tons of popularity with both aestheticians and skincare lovers. A full 3-in-1 experience that exfoliates, purifies and infuses, this treatment provides an intense glow-up that is taking the treatment room by storm. 


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • What DiamondGlow is, how it works, and how DiamondGlow is positioning themselves to be different than other facial hydra-dermabrasion and infusion treatments on the market
  • Who makes for an ideal candidate for DiamondGlow and why this treatment makes for fantastic upgrade options 
  • Where you can connect with other DiamondGlow providers to see the visual nature of the treatment in action 


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, request future #Beautybomb topics and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

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EP 184: Launching a Podcast to Market Your Spa

If you’re reading these show notes, I already know you’re a podcast listener, so now I want to know — is your audience also filled with podcast lovers? 


With lives getting busier and busier, podcasts have quickly risen the ranks as one of the top strategic marketing channels for establishing your authority, growing your audience, and driving your sales engine. 


There are plenty of stats to prove it, which I’ll be sharing in this week’s episode, but I want you to think about your own experience as a podcast listener…


Isn’t it the longest form of content you consume? 


(You may listen to a 20-30 minute show, but never would sit and read a blog that long!)


And don’t you feel more connected to the hosts of the podcasts you listen to? 


(I don’t know about you, but the podcasts I listen to on a weekly or daily basis feel like an intimate conversation. If I ever met the host in real life I feel like I’d talk to them as if we’ve been long-time friends.)


In this episode, in addition to sharing why podcasts are such a powerful platform, I’m also sharing the behind-the-scenes of starting a podcast — from selecting your show topics to understanding your overall strategy in creating a podcast as a core marketing channel. 


Plus, I’m sharing my entire podcast production system from A to Z so you know exactly what goes into starting your own show. 


If you’ve ever tuned into a podcast and thought, “Maybe I should do this!,” I’m here to tell you that the best time to start is now! 


In this episode, you’ll learn: 


  • Why podcasting is quickly rising the ranks as one of the top content marketing channels and how it can position you as an industry and local authority 
  • How to decide on your show’s topic and considering the end goal of creating a podcast as a marketing strategy 
  • My top podcasting tool recommendations plus a complete walkthrough of my team’s podcast production system 
  • Top tips for effectively sharing your show to drive listeners and the best style of episode content for your time and bandwidth


References Mentioned in Episode #184: Launching a Podcast to Market Your Spa 



As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on Apple Podcasts, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on Apple Podcasts, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked

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EP 183: #Spasocialbeat – Instagram Reels

Welcome to our weekly Spa Social Beats. From our best tips and tricks to simplify your social media strategy to our top recommended tools, our Spa Social Beats are bite-sized episodes that pack a punch of practical advice so you can stop stressing over social media for your spa. 


In this week’s Spa Social Beat, we’re discussing:


  • The nature of Instagram Reels and how they differ from other sub-channels within the Instagram platform 
  • Why Reels are worth spending time to learn and look into plus key considerations to keep in mind when creating Reels for your profile 
  • Insights on when might be the right time for you to jump on the Reels bandwagon or if you should at all plus our top tips for creating Reels content efficiently 


Tune in every Friday for a new Spa Social Beat episode with Daniela and Danielle, and be sure to connect with us inside the Spa Marketing Made Easy community to share your biggest takeaways and how you’re putting these tips into play! 


To learn more about Post With Purpose, click here

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EP 182: #Beautybomb – Ultherapy

Welcome to our weekly #Beautybomb, a burst of info on the latest and greatest ingredients, products, and treatments in the spa industry to help you expand your knowledge and stay on top of your game as an aesthetic expert. 


In this week’s #Beautybomb, I’m talking about Ultherapy, an innovative treatment that uses the power of ultrasound technology to target areas in the neck, brow, décolletage, and under the chin area to boost your natural collagen to lift and tighten. 


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • What Ultherapy is and it’s unique technology that allows it to go deeper within the structures of the skin than other toning and tightening treatments on the market
  • Who makes for an ideal Ultherapy candidate as well as contraindications and precautions 
  • Key info to know about pricing, results and expectations, as well as the healing process 


Resources mentioned in this episode: 



To keep the conversation going, ask questions, request future #Beautybomb topics and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

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EP 181: Unveiling Our New Brand + Assessing Your Branding

New year, new brand!  


This past year brought so much into perspective here at AddoAesthetics, and one of those things was what we truly help our people with. 


After having countless phone calls with spa owners all over the country and hearing first-hand how we helped spa owners bring “calm to the chaos,” it was clear that what we did and how we shared that, weren’t entirely aligned. 


We dug deep and got clear on how we help spa owners create systems and processes that pave the way for true freedom, flexibility and financial growth and through that, discovered that it was high-time to give AddoAesthetics a visual glow-up! 


I’m so excited to unveil our new brand and website with you, but of course, wanted to make sure you walked away with some solid takeaways that you can apply to your own brand and business. 


So, in this first episode of 2021, I’m discussing what factors came into play to realize that it was time for AddoAesthetics to get a rebrand and the three key questions you can ask yourself to assess where your brand stands between who you are and what you do with who you serve and how you serve them. 


Let’s dive in! 


In this episode, you’ll hear: 


  • What brought me to the decision of a rebrand and why 2020 was the best time to make a big project like that happen for the business
  • How I found what our “brand superpower” was an how it boils down into our brand story
  • The 3 key questions to ask yourself about your brand as we enter 2021
  • Why you have to dig deeper into your “why’ to get to the crux of what your brand does 


References Mentioned in Episode #181: Unveiling Our New Brand + Assessing Your Branding



As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on Apple Podcasts, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on Apple Podcasts, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked

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EP 180: #Spasocialbeat – Social Media as the “Top of Funnel”

Welcome to our weekly Spa Social Beats. From our best tips and tricks to simplify your social media strategy to our top recommended tools, our Spa Social Beats are bite-sized episodes that pack a punch of practical advice so you can stop stressing over social media for your spa. 


In this week’s Spa Social Beat, we’re discussing:


  • Where social media falls within your ideal client or customer’s journey 
  • How thinking of social media as “top of funnel” helps to inform your social media strategy 
  • Why being active and consistent on social media is crucial for feeding people into your funnel and steps to move people closer toward booking or making a purchase


Tune in every Friday for a new Spa Social Beat episode with Daniela and Danielle, and be sure to connect with us inside the Spa Marketing Made Easy community to share your biggest takeaways and how you’re putting these tips into play! 

To learn more about Post With Purpose, click here.

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EP 179: Conducting a Yearly Review for Future Success

Whew, friends, we made it! 


Well, nearly…as we come close to crossing the threshold into 2021, you might find yourself barreling toward the finish line ready to put this year in the rearview and race as far away as possible. 


I hear you and I get it. 


This past year was every adjective for “not normal” in the book, yet it’s also been a year filled with boundless opportunities and proof that when we need to rise up and be strong, the spa industry isn’t going down, and definitely not without a fight. 


From the very start of Quarter 2 when the pandemic began, I saw spa owners build out an ecommerce store overnight and craft all new offerings that expanded their audience from local to nationwide.


I saw some spa owners close their brick-and-mortar businesses, dive all-in on building a brand online, and begin utilizing their esthetic influence and expertise to start educating and consulting. 


I also went on a full 2-month maternity leave at the very beginning of the pandemic and saw once again the power of systems and processes in business, and how even in the shakiest of times, it’s those systems that keep the ground underneath your business steady. 


Yes, it was a year of tough times and tribulations, but I truly believe that if we approach reflecting on this year with the right mindset, 2020 be that pivotal point in our journey where we can look back at how much we’ve grown and accomplished and think, “that’s the year it all changed.”


I want to take a moment to reflect with you in this week’s podcast episode and to set the stage for a great year ahead. If you’re ready for a restart, first, we’ve got to plan for it, which is exactly what I’ll guide you through in this final episode of 2020. 


So sit back, pill up an earbud, and let’s close this year out with a bang and a plan! 


In this episode, I’ll guide you through: 


  • Reflective questions to ask when assessing how you want the next year to look and feel
  • Pinpointing areas of growth and development that you would like to focus on
  • Structuring your calendar and your time to give you the space and bandwidth for reaching your goals 
  • Getting clear on your goals so you have milestones to hit and benchmarks to reach that will help you indicate whether you’re on course or need to pivot 
  • Putting the pieces together to form your marketing action plan that carries you through all of 2021


References Mentioned in Episode #179: Conducting a Yearly Review for Future Success



As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked

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EP 178: Reflecting on a Year of Growth and Scaling with Sara and Melissa of Sykes & Lanno

While many are happy to see 2020 come to a close, this ending is bittersweet as my time chronicling a year of growth on the show with my Growth Factor students, Sara and Melissa, the founders of Sykes & Lanno, is wrapping up in this episode. 


( If you haven’t listened to their episodes, I think you’ll enjoy going through the series starting at the beginning to hear it all unfold – head to the links to all our past episodes down in the Resources section.)


At the start of the year we mapped out their goals and milestones for 2020, and by Quarter 2 we were discussing their rapid pivots amidst the global pandemic, and in this episode, we’re taking stock of the incredible expansion they’ve been able to achieve this year despite all the struggle in our industry and the world has faced. 


In a rapid recap it looked like this – map out events and promotions for the year, get an ecommerce store launched literally overnight, host virtual trainings, go live on a daily/weekly basis and launch a premium bespoke Beauty Collection that amplified their esthetic expertise as retailers to their own consumers as well as other industry professionals. 


It’s been a whirlwind year, but their story is one of strength, persistence, and tenacity, and in this final episode, we’re wrapping it all up in a bow and popping the confetti for a year that’ll go down in their business books as a glowing success. 


References Mentioned in Episode #178: Reflecting on a Year of Growth and Scaling with Sara and Melissa of Sykes & Lanno



As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked

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EP 177: Discovering the Difference of Environ with Candace Noonan, LE – Master Educator for DermaConcepts

As any aesthetician knows, skin care is both a science and an art, and a brand I’ve recently come to learn more about and experience as a client in the treatment room is one that exemplifies this notion to a tee. 


I’m talking about Environ, a brand under the DermaConcepts umbrella that has a unique approach to both its formulation and application philosophy. 


In this episode, I’m chatting with Candace Noonan, L.E., a Master Educator for DermaConcepts, where we dive deep into the background of the brand and how its founder, Dr. Des Fernandes carved out his own spot in the marketplace with the fusion of his philosophy and scientific findings. 

We also dive into the nerdier details (if you love my #BeautyBomb episodes, you’re going to love this episode!) of Environ’s vitamin and antioxidant-based ingredient stack as well as the multi-system framework they use to achieve results for even the most sensitive skin types.


From their philosophy on formulations to brand standards on packaging to their unique step-up approach, after listening to this episode, I think you’ll agree that Environ is a brand worth noting and learning more about. 


In this episode, you’ll learn: 

  • The beginnings of the Environ brand and its founder’s history
  • How Dr. Des Fernandes carved out a unique spot in the marketplace with the fusion of his philosophy and scientific findings 
  • What makes Environ’s approach to skincare different through it’s formations and varying level-up system 
  • The carefully considered elements of Environ’s branding, client experience and training, as well as product packaging that are fully focused on driving results for both the aesthetician and the client


References Mentioned in Episode #177: Discovering the Difference of Environ with Candace  Noonan, LE – Master Educator for DermaConcepts



As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked

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EP 176: Unlocking the Power of Hiring a Virtual Assistant with Esther Inman

The natural path of a business owner starts like this:


  • Have a big dream
  • Dare to take a chance on that dream
  • Dive in head first 
  • Proceed to wear all the hats and do all the things


While the first three things in that list are incredible and exciting, that last one? 

Well that leads to burn out real fast, not to mention, it leads to scaling your business realllll slow. 


And that’s why the only way to get out of that hands-in-every-pie syndrome is to pass some pies off to someone else, and by someone else, I mean a virtual assistant. 


VAs are incredible at wrangling tasks and making things happen, often at a fraction of the amount of time it would take you as well as the cost. 

That’s right, the cost of you doing everything yourself is significantly higher than the cost of bringing on a VA. Mark my words. 


And here to help me make my case is my guest on this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, Esther Inman. 


Esther is a military spouse, mom, and travel lover who quit corporate America knowing that there was a better way to work that also worked with her life and family dynamic. 


After quickly becoming an in-demand VA, she saw the opportunity to help others find flexible work as well, and her VA agency was born. Then, after taking her agency to 6 figures, she moved on to develop her signature program, 90 Day VA, where she has helped over 4,000 women work online as virtual assistants around the world. 


Esther’s VA matching services is actually how I came to find my Operations Extraordinaire, Annie, who has now been on my team for years and keeps Addo Aesthetics running like a well-oiled machine so I can live in my entrepreneurial visionary zone of genius. 

All of that 👆🏻started with a search for a VA to help with operational tasks and grew from there. 


So, if you’re burnt out, tired, stretched to the limit, and yearning for more, I’d say it’s about time to really dig into the idea of bringing on a VA — pull up an earbud and tune into Episode #174 featuring my conversation with Esther. 


In this episode, you’ll learn: 


  • What a virtual assistant (VA) is and what tasks they’re able to take off your plate as an entrepreneur 
  • The opportunity cost of not bringing in help to your business and crunching the numbers of investing in a VA and the time and money you’ll get as a return on your investment 
  • What kinds of tasks VAs can assist you with and how to go about finding the right fit for your team 
  • The average cost of a VA, pros and cons of outsourcing domestically and internationally, and the process of using a hiring service like Esther’s to help you streamline your hiring process


References Mentioned in Episode #174: Unlocking the Power of Hiring a Virtual Assistant with Esther Inman



As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked

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EP 175: Planning for Profitability and Managing Money with Ease with Danielle Hayden

Money — As entrepreneurs it’s something we all want, yet it’s the piece of business I’d say the majority of the spa owners I speak to and that are my students struggle with the most. 


Whether it’s not being clear on your cash flow or wondering when in the world you’ll be able to pay yourself a livable salary (or at all), understanding your money is critical to your spa’s success. 


Not to mention, even though money is by no means the measure of personal success as a human, we can’t understate the importance of money as a tool to make the dreams we have for our family and future come to life. 


However, you can’t measure what you don’t manage, so if your money matters are a hot mess, or you simply know that you could have a better wrangle on your numbers, this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy is a must-listen!  


Here to discuss with me the steps to planning for profitability and doing so in a way that’s easy and builds your confidence is Danielle Hayden.  


Danielle is a reformed corporate CFO who is on a mission to help rule-breaking female entrepreneurs understand their numbers so they can gain the confidence needed to create sustainable profits. After spending 10+ years in the boardroom, Danielle is now in her sweet spot as the co- owner of Kickstart Accounting, Inc. where she helps business owners with bookkeeping, financial analysis, and education and as the author of the Profit Planner book series.


As we discuss in the episode, it’s never too late to get your money affairs in order, so let’s start planning for profit right now. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:


  • Danielle’s journey from studying cosmetology to falling in love with numbers and shifting into a career of corporate finance to breaking out of the boardroom and into entrepreneurship 
  • The key money management documents and financial records we need to know how to read for our business to see where we’ve been and where we’re going
  • Danielle’s top tips to understanding these various documents and the key insights that can help us gauge the financial health of our businesses
  • Why budgeting and forecasting is crucial for meeting your financial and overall business goals 


References Mentioned in Episode #175: Planning for Profitability and Managing Money with Ease with Danielle Hayden 



As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked

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EP 174: Your 7-Step Funnel Building Process

Let’s put the “fun” in funnels, shall we?! 


Maybe you’ve never heard of funnels and this is brand new (and mysterious) territory. 


Or you might’ve heard funnels are essential for closing sales on auto-pilot, but when you began the creation and set-up process it felt like a tech nightmare… until now! 


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m breaking down the simple 7-step funnel-building process with my top tips and insights from crafting an irresistible offer all the way to knowing your top conversion metrics so you can see whether your funnel is missing the mark or on track to be a souped up sales machine. 


Not only will these 7 steps allow you to get your next or first funnel up and running in a matter of hours (perfect timing to get it in gear for your Black Friday weekend and holiday season promotions), but having this funnel know-how in your back pocket will be integral in your spa’s ongoing growth and scale goals for years to come. 


So get your notepad ready, you’re going to want to make sure you don’t miss a step! 


P.S. – If you’re tuning in when this episode originally aired, you know that you still have the opportunity to jump in on the Spa Marketing Funnel course for just $197 (a $300 savings)! Click here to sign up before this deal disappears! 


In this episode, you’ll learn: 


  • What a funnel is and why it’s such a valuable asset to have up and running within your business 
  • The key elements of what goes into a funnel and the 7-step process of getting your first funnel up and running 
  • My top tips on crafting a funnel offer that’s enticing and irresistible and how to craft your nurture sequence to warm up a cold audience member into a paying client 
  • Numbers to keep an eye on through the entire funnel-building process from selecting a profitable offer to understanding conversion numbers 


References Mentioned in Episode #174: Your 7-Step Funnel Building Process


As a thank you for being a loyal listener to the Spa Marketing Made Easy podcast and for helping us to reach more aestheticians working on growing their businesses and creating a life they love, we have created a free resource portal just for you! 


It’s totally free to join, and for every 25 reviews we get on iTunes, we’ll add a new training video, PDF, tracker, or other high-value resource to help you grow your aesthetic business!


If you have yet to leave a review, click here to leave one on iTunes, and click here to access the free resources already unlocked!

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