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As a spa professional, one of the biggest keys to creating a life you love is getting more clients in the door. Easier said than done, right? With the Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast, you can get all the tools you need. Join host Daniela Woerner, licensed esthetician, to get simple, proven strategies for marketing your spa business.

EP 089: Moving Your Results From Zero to Hero on Google with Alana and Jared Mitchell

Alright, I’ve got a challenge for you…


I want you to open another tab on your browser, key in Google, then search for spas or aestheticians in your area. 


Where do you fall on the page of results? 


Are you on the first page at all?


Whether you’re at the bottom of the page, or if you’re nowhere to be found, settle in and pull up an earbud because this is an episode you can’t miss. 


(And if you happen to already be a search engine rockstar and you’re number one, still listen in because the world of Google is always changing, and I know you’ll still get some new tips to put into action for your biz!)


Now, if you’ve been around for awhile, you know I’m a big proponent of social media, especially Facebook Ads, but more often than not, your ideal client will find you on Google first, then they’ll check you out via your website and/or social media to see if you’ll be a good fit for them. 


But it all begins with Google, it just depends on where you land on the results page and what your potential client finds when you pop up. 


And joining me today to spill their top tips for snagging that coveted number one spot is Alana and Jared Mitchell. 


You may know them from Episode #078 where we discussed their journey of building and growing a seven-figure e-commerce empire, Alana Mitchell Skincare, but let’s face it, that’s a lot of info to pack into one episode, so I had to have them back! 


In this episode, we’re diving deeper specifically into the platform of Google, which is where Alana and Jared have found their sweet spot in exponentially growing their business, and now they’re breaking down exactly what you need to do to get your business to the top, too. 


In this episode you’ll learn:

  • The current state of search and why it’s critical that you claim and customize your presence on Google 
  • Why Google is one of the best places to focus your online efforts whether you’re brand new in business or looking to step your marketing up a notch
  • The first step in ensuring that your ideal client finds you on Google and how to quickly get not just on the first page of rankings, but at the top of the page 
  • Jared and Alana’s ninja tips for filling out your business listing, getting reviews, having your potential client spend more time on your business listing, and more to help give you on edge on Google


References Mentioned in Episode #089: Moving Your Results From Zero to Hero on Google with Alana and Jared Mitchell 


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 


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EP 088: How to Grow into the Leader Your Business Needs with Njeru Nthigah

We’ve all heard the term “born leaders,” but the reality is, everyone needs to be a leader to steer their life in the direction of the reality they seek to create. 


Because you are the leader of your life. 

And when it comes to your business, it doesn’t matter whether you work as a solo aesthetician or you’re leading a team, successful businesses only become so when there’s someone effectively steering the ship and keeping it on course toward its desired destination. 

But what if you’re not someone that considers themselves a “born leader”? 

Or what if you’re moving from being a leader of one to a leader of many?

As my guest on this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy explains, everyone has the capability to be a great leader; it’s simply a matter of owning your personal leadership and crafting a Growth Plan to help you get there. 

His name is Njeru Nthigah, and he’s a speaker, mentor, and the founder of The Leaders University, and if you’ve never heard Njeru before today, you’re in for a treat because he is the American Dream personified and is an unending source of Inspiration and motivation. 

( No lie, we had about 20 of his quotes to pull from with this episode because he is chock full of immediate wisdom-packed takeaways!)

Together, we discuss why it’s critical to own your personal leadership no matter what your title as well as how to begin doing the work to refine and grow your leadership skills. 

If you’ve ever had your sights set on “more” for your life or your business…more time, more freedom, more money, more flexibility, more opportunity…

It’s all possible, but becoming a better leader from the inside out is what’s going to help you make those things you seek your reality. 

In this episode you’ll learn: 

  • Njeru’s entrepreneurial backstory and how he discovered that personal leadership is at the core of everything we do
  • The one thing all great leaders possess and the area where real growth happens in owning your personal leadership
  • Extending your leadership skills into the area of building a team and creating a structure and processes that ensure your team and business’ success
  • Njeru’s top tips for creating your own Growth Plan where so you can wholeheartedly step into owning your leadership

References Mentioned in Episode #088: How to Grow into the Leader Your Business Needs with Njeru Nthigah

– Learn more about Njeru’s work with The Leaders University and connect with him on Facebook

– Read John Maxwell’s, “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Your Potential”

Read “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

Read “The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It” by Micahel Gerber

Listen to these books on the go with Audible

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

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EP 087: How to Recalibrate Your Energy and Invite Abundance into Your Life with Lisa Gornall

As aestheticians, we share touch and personal connection with our clients, which means that energy exchange plays a huge role in our client experience. 

And if we come to our work with our energy unbalanced, or we find our energy affected by that of a client, it’s critical that we’re able to recalibrate and realign with a lighter, brighter energy. 

Now, before I go on any further, let me give a disclaimer if you’re reading and you’re thinking this sounds a little too “woo woo” for you…

Listen, I get it.

Although energy work is still relatively new to me having only become aware and slowly immersed in it over the last couple of years, it’s still something I’m discovering and wrapping my brain around.

But what I’ve realized in recent years is that these topics of energy work, inner work, and mindset, aren’t “woo,” it’s real, it’s science, and it’s totally within your power to shift if you’re willing to approach these concepts with an open mind and heart. 

So, with that said, I want to introduce you to my amazing guest on this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, Lisa Gornall. 

Lisa is a spiritual medium, healer, and coach, and uses her natural-given abilities to intuitively empower successful female entrepreneurs like you to reclaim your time, relationships, abundance and energy and live a fulfilling and balanced life.

After recording this episode, Lisa shared her intuitive and energetic gifts with me, and it resulted in a calm that washed over me like I can’t even describe. She’s the real deal, and I can’t wait for you to soak up all of her takeaways in this episode. 

I know you may be in the habit of listening as you commute to work, or as you cook or clean, but I highly encourage you to listen or re-listen when you’re in a space where you can be still, turn inward, and apply some of Lisa’s teachings as she explains it to really allow yourself to feel the energetic shift in real-time. 

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Lisa’s background in energy work and spa, as well as what energy work is and how it differs from other energetic practices such as meditation
  • A simple process for calming and balancing your energy at the start and end of your day and in between client sessions 
  • How to change the composition of our energy and shift into the power of positivity to clear and release  negative energy 
  • Why we need to operate in a place of abundance and presence rather than fear and lack 
  • How being in tune with our energy and mindset gives us insight into the growth of our businesses and careers and how it impacts our personal and family lives

References Mentioned in Episode #087: How to Recalibrate Your Energy and Invite Abundance into Your Life with Lisa Gornall

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.

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EP 086: Creating a Month’s Worth of Video Content in 15 Minutes with Katya Varbanova

It’s no secret that video has completely taken over as the dominant form of content on social media, but just because it gets superior results in terms of reach and engagement doesn’t mean that it’s any less scary to create! 

Video requires another level of vulnerability, but that’s precisely why it’s so valuable in connecting you with your ideal clients and creating greater impact. 

When your ideal clients can see you and hear you, and even interact with you in real time, it builds trust quickly and provides a tremendous opportunity for sharing your expertise in a dynamic way that both displays your personality and your brand so that you can command attention and stand out among the competition. 

In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m joined by Katya Varbanova, who is the founder of 20K Nation, and an expert at helping entrepreneurs become icons in their industry and stand out on social media through the power of live streaming. 

Throughout this episode, we not only discuss tangible tactical takeaways that you can run with to create high-impact video content efficiently…

Just wait ’til you hear her genius “Hamburger Method” for creating a month of content ideas within 15 minutes so you’re never left wondering, “but what do I talk about?!”

But we also discuss how to overcome your inner critic who’s keeping you fearful of facing the camera so you can breakthrough the chatter in your brain, and instead show up as the expert your clients want and need. 

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why we fear live video and Katya’s personal journey with facing her fear of getting in front of the camera
  • Katya’s top tips for overcoming the problem of “not knowing what to say”
  • Her “Hamburger Method” that will help you create a month’s worth of content in 15 minutes 
  • What showing up on video and live streams helps you to supercharge your marketing efforts and impact 

References Mentioned in Episode #086: Creating a Month’s Worth of Video Content in 15 Minutes with Katya Varbanova

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EP 085: How to Hire a VA and Reclaim Your Time

Stop doing $10 an hour tasks in your business.

Stop doing $100 an hour tasks. 

So, what are the tasks you should be doing in your business? 

The $1000 an hour tasks. 

Now let me momentarily backpedal because I already know what you may be thinking…

“$1000 an hour tasks…what are those?!”

“I don’t have the revenue to stop doing $10 and $100 an hour tasks; I’m just barely keeping up!”

“I know I need help, but I don’t know the first place to look.”

Well, sit back, pull up an earbud, and fire up your notes app because in this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’ve got you covered on all things hiring a VA.

If you’re not familiar with the term VA, it stands for virtual assistant and let me tell you; they are a game-changer for the burnt-out, overworked, run-ragged business owner.

(Even if you’re not burnt out, you can still use a VA because they help you continue to stay sane and help you sustain growth as you scale your business!)

Virtual assistants are the key to setting yourself free from tasks that don’t fall within your zone of genius (aka the $1000 an hour tasks) so you can pass off the to-dos that take you forever to cross off to someone who can do them in mere minutes thus saving you a ton of aggravation and getting you a massive return on your investment.

However, as you get searching for a virtual assistant, you’ll find there is no shortage of potential hires to choose from.

In this episode, I’m sharing with you my top tips, tools and resources for finding your perfect fit VA, getting them set up and ready to roll, and creating a system so they can help you achieve your mile-markers for success.

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • How you and your business can benefit from bringing on a virtual assistant (VA)
  • What a VA is and what types of tasks they are equipped to handle 
  • What to consider concerning pricing, hours, and hiring locally, domestically, or internationally 
  • Tips for finding and working with your perfect fit VA 
  • Resources for where to begin searching for virtual assistant help

References Mentioned in Episode #085: How to Hire a VA and Reclaim Your Time

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

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EP 084: 10 Ways to 10X Your Revenue with Facebook Ads with Tara Zirker



The 2020 Aesthetic Marketing Seminar is going VIRTUAL! 

Save the date (and your FREE seat!) for August 24-25 for the 2020 Virtual Aesthetic Marketing Seminar, which will feature top experts in the spa industry speaking on today’s most effective marketing strategies to build, grow, and scale a successful aesthetic business.

[ Click Here To Save Your FREE Spot Today ] 



EP 084: 10 Ways to 10X Your Revenue with Facebook Ads with Tara Zirker

What if you could have a system that operated as your 24/7 salesperson that brought in new, qualified leads even while you’re on vacation, or playing with your kids, or even in the treatment room with another client?

THAT is the power of Facebook ads, and they’re no longer a question of “should” you be doing them for your aesthetic business, but how should you be using them to maximize your marketing budget and get more of your ideal clients aware of your business. 

On this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m joined by my dear friend and repeat guest, Tara Zirker, who I’ve dubbed as the Facebook Ads goddess because, you guys, she makes magic happen through the power of Facebook ads. 

In her career, she has worked with business owners in all industries, but especially owners of clinics in the aesthetic and wellness space, and has helped generate millions of dollars in profit.

And now through her membership, Successful Ads Club, Tara’s helping entrepreneurs like you harness the power of Facebook ads with top-notch education and strategies roadmaps. 

In today’s episode, we’re giving you ten time-tested strategies that we know WORK for spa and aesthetic business to help you get going with Facebook ads in as little as a couple of hours. 

Whether you’ve never ventured into Facebook ads before, you’ve already dipped your toe in the water and are ready for taking your ads up a level, or you’re a pro looking for fresh ideas, there’s a little something for every aesthetician in this episode! 

So pull up an earbud and a pen, and let’s talk strategy! 

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Why you need to leverage Facebook ads for your aesthetic business and how to approach getting started 
  • The 5 things you need to have in place before running any of the VIP strategies in this episode 
  • 10 strategic ideas for Facebook and Instagram ads that you can begin running today 
  • Promotional ideas as well as out-of-the-box marketing ideas to help you stand out from the crowd and expand your market

References Mentioned in Episode #084: 10 Ways to 10X Your Revenue with Facebook Ads with Tara Zirker

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 



The 2020 Aesthetic Marketing Seminar is going VIRTUAL! 

Save the date (and your FREE seat!) for August 24-25 for the 2020 Virtual Aesthetic Marketing Seminar, which will feature top experts in the spa industry speaking on today’s most effective marketing strategies to build, grow, and scale a successful aesthetic business.

[ Click Here To Save Your FREE Spot Today ] 



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EP 083: Exploring the Benefits of Business Relationships with Rachel Perry

There’s an old sentiment when comes to business relationships and how it predicates your success…

“It’s all about who you know.”

While this is true to a degree, because knowing who influences various areas of your community is essential in knowing how to leverage your relationships to be mutually beneficial, what’s more important is how well you’re getting to know people. 

How much effort are you putting into nurturing your relationships?

What are you doing to invest in your existing relationships to make them stronger as well as develop new relationships?

Now, if you’ve listened to even a few episodes of Spa Marketing Made Easy that feature guest interviews, you’ve probably noticed a pattern: all my guests are people I’ve personally connected with or met and developed a relationship with before having them on the show. 

Whether it’s meeting them through my coaching or mastermind groups, business events, or working relationships, our connections are what drive our conversation forward. 

And in this week’s episode, I’m talking with another one of my connections made through my coach, Rachel Perry, who is also a coach herself, as well as one of the sweetest and funniest people I’ve had the opportunity to chat with. 

Today we’re exploring the benefits of business relationships both with clients and with other business owners, and how the power of relationships isn’t so much about the who, but rather the how in how you approach developing relationships with everyone within the sphere of your business. 

Whether you’re brand new in business, you don’t own a business but are working to grow your clientele, or you’re well-established, but looking for new opportunities to expand in your career, this is an episode you won’t want to miss.  

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why investing in finding and nurturing entrepreneurial relationships is important and necessary 
  • How to create stronger client relationships that make a client feel valued and how that benefits your business in the short- and long-term
  • Simple ways to keep track of your relationships and why you should be keeping track
  • The differences in approach to developing relationships with clients vs. fellow business owners 

References Mentioned in Episode #083: Exploring the Benefits of Business Relationships with Rachel Perry 

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.

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EP 082: Finding Beauty in The Breakdown with Shannon O’Brien of iSugarUniversity

When I speak with aesthetic experts who have recently taken the leap to start their own aesthetic business whether it’s as a solo practitioner or a spa with a team of aestheticians, one of the most common questions I get asked is, “how do I build a business that lasts?”

We’ve all heard the stats: 20 percent of small business businesses fail in their first year and 50 percent within five years. 

It’s not exactly a hopeful statistic when it comes to longevity, and that’s why I love to share stories like those of my guest on this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, Shannon O’Brien. 

Shannon is an industry vet with over 17 years of experience where she has started and grown not only a successful day spa in Tahoe but has also moved on to a new area, launched again as a solo practice and built it up with a team and a boutique to boot. 

She knows what it takes to build a business from the ground up, scaling her team and services, and building a brand that will be successful for the long haul, but this journey didn’t come without its bumps in the road. 

In this episode, Shannon and I are getting vulnerable on what it looks like to navigate the entrepreneurial journey through tough seasons of life and how you can find beauty in the breakdown to help you build your business to the vision of success you hold, and even beyond your wildest dreams. 

Today, Shannon is the founder of iSugarUniversity where she is bringing sugaring education and community to the online space, and I’m so excited for you to hear her inspiring story of how she arrived to where she is today. 

I know her story will give you hope, especially if you’re in the midst of a rough patch of life or business, but even if you’re not, her story is a case study in the grit and perseverance needed to succeed, and is chock full of takeaways that will help fuel your growth personally and professionally. 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Shannon’s evolution as an aesthetician who owned a successful day spa and moved to a whole new city to start over 
  • How Shannon discovered sugaring, how it compares to waxing, and why it’s a beneficial treatment to be able to offer your clientele 
  • Shannon’s top tips and mindset shifts for navigating difficult seasons of life and business-ownership to build the dream you envision for your life
  • Why finding your focus is one of the most critical entrepreneurial skills you should develop 

References Mentioned in Episode #082: Finding Beauty in The Breakdown with Shannon O’Brien of iSugarUniversity 

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EP 080: Behind the Beauty Business Summit with Maxine Drake

Last year I was honored to be able to join in on the Beauty Business Summit virtually, but this year, I’m thrilled to be hitting the sands of St. Pete and attending the 2nd Beauty Business Summit live!

If you’re a long-time listener of the podcast, today’s guest, Maxine Drake, will be a familiar voice as she was a guest on episode #014 where we talked about all the things that were leading up to the inaugural Summit, which in case you missed the word on social media, was a massive success!

And now in the blink of an eye, it’s time for round 2, and you might be thinking, “Is this for me?”

First, let’s start with the fact that it’s no secret that professional networking and continuing education are crucial for growing as an aesthetic expert, however not all events are created equal.

Some focus more on the continued learning, without much time for connecting with industry peers or educators, while other events are all business. Both of those events have their place and exist to meet certain goals.

But the beautiful thing about the Beauty Business Summit is that it’s a little bit of everything a beauty professional needs to succeed and is an authentic growth experience for the heart, mind, and body.

Maxine is the embodiment of community over competition, and based on what she has put into this event this far to make it take shape is a true testament on how it is (and will continue) creating impact in the industry, and that’s a really exciting thing to be a part of, so I hope I’ll see you in St. Pete!

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The origin story and the purpose of the Beauty Business Summit
  • How Maxine is working to elevate the aesthetic industry through the Beauty Business Summit’s mission
  • What kinds of beauty professionals the Summit is for and who will reap the greatest benefits
  • Maxine’s vision for this year’s summit and how she anticipates it evolving in the future
  • The big reveal of this year’s keynote speaker!

References Mentioned in Episode #080: Behind the Beauty Business Summit with Maxine Drake

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.

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EP 081: Uncovering the Science of ALASTIN Skincare with Nai’a Bradshaw

When my dear friend Nai’a, who is my guest on this episode, sent me some products from the new skincare line she began working with, I was excited…

I know anything she loves and represents will be something I’ll also love, but guys, this brand has blown me away.

See, I’ve consulted with a number of the top physician dispensed skincare brands, so I’ve got products galore (not a bad problem to have), but it can also be hard for me to pick true “favorites.”

But after trying ALASTIN, I’ve got favorites. That’s right, plural, multiple favorites.

In addition to having fantastic everyday use products for your day to day skincare regime, the products that have been formulated to work with specific treatments such as CoolSculpting, bring this brand to a whole other level, which is why I wanted to bring Nai’a on the show.

Together we dive into the science behind the brand and the story of how it all got started, plus how ALASTIN Skincare’s products can elevate the results you’re helping to achieve for your patients and clients.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Nai’a’s journey from aesthetician to becoming a product rep
  • The origin story of ALASTIN and why the founders set out to carve out a new market within the world of medical grade skincare
  • A breakdown of the various ALASTIN product lines, the science behind the products, and how they coincide with treatments being offered at various practices
  • My favorite ALASTIN products and how you can win one of my favorites!

References Mentioned in Episode #081:Uncovering the Science of ALASTIN Skincare with Nai’a Bradshaw

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.

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EP 079: The Spa Marketing Keys to Increasing Your Foot Traffic with Stacy Tuschl




The 2020 Aesthetic Marketing Seminar is going VIRTUAL! 

Save the date (and your FREE seat!) for August 24-25 for the 2020 Virtual Aesthetic Marketing Seminar, which will feature top experts in the spa industry speaking on today’s most effective marketing strategies to build, grow, and scale a successful aesthetic business.

[ Click Here To Save Your FREE Spot Today ] 



EP 079: The Spa Marketing Keys to Increasing Your Foot Traffic with Stacy Tuschl

Online excitement and engagement are nice, but at the end of the day, the marketing metric that matters most for your spa is…can you guess?

Foot traffic!

If clients and customers aren’t actually making it into your business, your online marketing efforts aren’t going to translate into sales, but then comes the question, how DO you get people to take that step through your door?

Well, that’s the million dollar question.


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m talking with my friend Stacy Tuschl, who in addition to being a business coach, marketing strategist, and best-selling author, also started a local business (a dance studio) that began in her parents’ backyard when she was just 18 and today is a 7-figure business with multiple locations that Stacy still owns and operates.

In this episode, we cover everything from client retention marketing to social media marketing to the crucial pieces of marketing you need to have in place to continuously drive foot traffic through your doors both from new clients and existing clients.

If you’ve been a long-time listener of the podcast, you know that I’m a huge advocate for focusing on keeping clients and not running on the hamster wheel that is constantly having to acquire new clients, which is why I love everything that Stacy is preaching in this episode.

Marketing isn’t solely for the people who’ve never heard of you before; it’s also for the people who have already decided to buy from you and still stand to be a massive source of profit for your business.

Tune in to learn:

  • Stacy’s entrepreneurial origin story and her journey to growing her 7-figure local business empire
  • The one thing she and her team do with every new client at her dance studio and what you need to be doing to bridge the connection between your brick-and-mortar and online presence
  • How to choose what to focus on when it comes to social media and gain visibility using leverage
  • The three points of Stacy’s Foot Traffic Framework and the power of PR and social proof for more sales

References Mentioned in Episode #079: The Spa Marketing Keys to Increasing Your Foot Traffic with Stacy Tuschl

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.



The 2020 Aesthetic Marketing Seminar is going VIRTUAL! 

Save the date (and your FREE seat!) for August 24-25 for the 2020 Virtual Aesthetic Marketing Seminar, which will feature top experts in the spa industry speaking on today’s most effective marketing strategies to build, grow, and scale a successful aesthetic business.

[ Click Here To Save Your FREE Spot Today ] 



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EP 078: The Journey of Growing an E-Commerce Empire with Alana and Jared Mitchell

If you’re an aesthetician who has branched out into the world of going solo or opening up your own spa, whether you know it or not, you’ve got the entrepreneurial bug.

And if you haven’t experienced it already, you likely will soon, that having the entrepreneurial bug means big dreaming with endless possibilities.  

Maybe those big dreams entail growing a team or expanding to multiple locations, or if you’re like my guests in this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, it could mean starting your own skincare line.

Now I’m not just talking about private labeling some products, although that is a fantastic avenue to explore, especially as you’re starting out with crafting your spa’s retail strategy.

(And if you want to learn more about this, be sure to go back and listen to Episode #048 with my dear friend Nicole Di Rocco.)

In this episode, my guests Alana and Jared Mitchell are discussing their journey of building a successful e-commerce store and launching their own proprietary skincare line that has exploded all the way to crossing the 7-figure mark and continues to charge full steam ahead.

 Alana and Jared started as day spa owners and quickly saw the opportunity for potential growth that existed in the online and e-commerce space, so they put their entrepreneurial skills to work and began building their empire.

Tune in to hear about their journey to branching out beyond the treatment room and into the digital realm and how you can take your big dreams and scale them to wherever you set your sights.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • How Alana and Jared started as day spa owners and saw an opportunity for growth in the area of e-commerce and internet selling
  • Their journey of starting their initial website and how it evolved into Alana’s own skincare brand
  • What Alana and Jared spent the majority of their time on to build their businesses to 7-figures and beyond plus how they manage to balance their relationship, family, and home life with their entrepreneurial dreams and goals
  • The most powerful activities Alana and Jared contribute to their exponential growth and motivation for achieving any dream you set your sights on

References Mentioned in Episode #078: The Journey of Growing an E-Commerce Empire with Alana and Jared Mitchell



To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.

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