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As a spa professional, one of the biggest keys to creating a life you love is getting more clients in the door. Easier said than done, right? With the Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast, you can get all the tools you need. Join host Daniela Woerner, licensed esthetician, to get simple, proven strategies for marketing your spa business.

EP 010: Is Being a Solo Aesthetician the Right Fit for Me?

Maybe you crave the freedom to set your own schedule.


Perhaps you want to have the choice of what protocols and products you use with your clients, or you want all the perks you’ve heard about being your own boss as a solo aesthetician.


No matter the reason, there’s no doubt that operating as a solo aesthetician comes with a variety of benefits, but one thing our industry tends to not shine as much of a light on is the behind-the-scenes.


The reason being: sometimes the behind-the-scenes isn’t as desirable or “sexy” as what you see paraded as the benefits of being your own boss.  


Now don’t get me wrong, these less-than-desirable things don’t make being an entrepreneur any less of an excellent choice, it just makes for one that should be thoughtfully considered before taking the leap into operating as a solo aesthetician.




Because not everyone is cut out to run their own show or take on the endeavor of entrepreneurship.


That’s why in this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m sharing some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned on my path in building a business as well as the key factors you’ll want to think long and hard about before taking the leap as a solo aesthetician.


Here’s what you’ll learn:


  • Why the spa industry lends itself well to branching out on your own using your unique skill set
  • The pros, cons and major lessons you’ll learn as a solo aesthetician
  • And the three questions you need to consider to decide if being a solo aesthetician is the right fit for you, your goals, and your circumstances


References Mentioned in Episode #010: Is Being a Solo Aesthetician the Right Fit for Me?



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EP 011: How to Revamp Your Spa’s Branding

When you hear the word “brand,” does your mind automatically think “logo”?


Well, I’ve got news for you, your logo is not your brand. But don’t worry, I once had the same thought just as little as five years ago.


But as I began to build my business, I began to notice that while, yes, your logo is a visual piece of your brand, your brand as a whole is so much more.


It’s the glue that holds all your marketing efforts together and is the vehicle for spreading the values that you and your business stand for.


Needless to say, it’s crucial that your brand is accurate and cohesive to be effective in drawing in your ideal clients.


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m walking you through the top three reasons why you need to consistently reassess your branding on both a quarterly and annual basis, and I’m also taking you through the four major components of your spa’s brand step-by-step.


After listening to this episode, you’ll have a clear roadmap for how you can reassess your brand for small tweaks throughout the year as well as an annual revamp if you find that it’s time to make some more substantial shifts as you and your business evolve.


Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:


  • How your brand cohesively connects your online presence with your client’s in-spa experience
  • Why you should check-in to reassess your brand as often as every quarter
  • The three primary reasons why your brand might be due for a revamp plus the danger of shifting your brand too much, too quickly
  • And the top four facets of your brand that you’ll want to evaluate for clarity, accuracy, and consistency


References Mentioned in Episode #011: How to Revamp Your Spa’s Branding


  • Click here to download the free Brand Revamp Checklist that goes over the four areas of your brand to reassess and revamp throughout the year.



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EP 012: The Must-Have Metrics for Understanding Your Spa’s Growth with Amy Coats, CFO of Scottfree Salons

Early on in my career as an aesthetician, I learned the value of looking to my fellow aesthetic peers in the salon industry as a valuable two-way relationship.


Whether it was forming a referral partnership or developing a gift card marketing strategy, when you serve the same clientele with complementary services, the opportunity is a natural fit!


And from that early realization in the value of working with salon professionals, I’ve always found it interesting to learn about how the salon industry approaches various facets of business such as retail sales and metrics compared to that of spas.


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m satisfying my curiosity (and getting a little nerdy with numbers) as I chat with salon industry veteran and Chief Financial Officer of Scottfree Salons, Amy Coats, all about the metrics that go into gauging the health of your spa or salon.


Now I know metrics doesn’t seem like the most fun business topic to explore, but as Amy explains, when you understand what you’re measuring, see the benchmark, and have a guideline for growth, watching those numbers go up can become a huge motivator in moving toward your vision for success!


Even if you’re not convinced yet, after listening to this episode, I know we’ll light a little fire under you to crunch the small numbers that can make a massive impact.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • The most important metrics to keep track of to gauge the health of your business
  • How the standard benchmarks in the salon industry compare to that of the spa industry and strategies for how we can work together to create smart partnerships
  • Why client retention should always be a top metric to measure and ideas for how to keep current clients engaged and connected while simultaneously drawing in interest from new clients
  • How to use your metrics to manage the growth actions and tactics you’re currently focusing on


References Mentioned in Episode #012: The Must-Have Metrics for Understanding Your Spa’s Growth


Join the free Aestheticians Connect community on Facebook where you can ask

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EP 013: 3 Ways to Create Balance as an Aesthetician with Kimberly Spreen-Glick

As service providers, especially aesthetic experts who are inclined to give so much of ourselves to see our clients happy, it is all too easy to neglect our own self-care.


However, as my guest on today’s episode, Kimberly Spreen-Glick, explains, if we don’t fill up our cup first, we can’t expect to be able to provide our clients with the highest level of quality that we’re capable.


With over 25 years in the fitness, yoga and wellness industry, Kimberly has worked as a teacher, trainer, coach, program developer and director and has presented at workshops and conferences all over the world. In 2017, she founded the Make A Difference Academy, an online platform that provides inspired growth for Difference Makers everywhere, and remains a passionate student of life who uses her gifts to help others feel empowered to be themselves, let their authentic light shine and live the life they were meant to live.


In this episode, she shares the why and how behind her three critical steps for cultivating self-care, maintaining presence, and balancing our energy, especially as service providers.


If you find your mind wandering during treatments, feel mentally burnt out by the end of a workday, you’re finding it tough to find inspiration or motivation for growth, or you’re in an emotional rut, I know you’ll find the insights and takeaways Kimberly shares in this episode to be light-giving on a variety of levels, and I can’t wait to hear how it inspires and motivate you.  


Be sure to share those takeaways with me by leaving a review or posting in the free Aestheticians Connect community.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • The importance of, plus how to initiate a consistent self-care practice
  • What role self-care plays in our businesses in addition to our mental and physical wellbeing
  • Inspiration for how you can fill up your self-care cup that doesn’t require any more than a few minutes of your time
  • Why it’s paramount to our lives and business to maintain a mindset of continued learning and growth


References Mentioned in Episode #013: 3 Ways to Create Balance as an Aesthetician with Kimberly Spreen-Glick


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EP 014: Giving Back and Owning Your Role in Supporting the Aesthetic Industry

As aestheticians, I wholeheartedly believe we provide more than just beautiful skin. We’re also healers and confidence creators, so when I heard from one of my guests on today’s episode that 50-60 percent of aesthetic schools have closed since 2009, I was honestly shocked.


I had no idea our industry was experiencing such a shortage of educational avenues, and it got me thinking, “How can we as aestheticians be doing more to support and enrich the community and industry we’re a part of to ensure that it doesn’t slowly die?”


As I pondered that question, one of my guests on today’s episode, Maxine Drake, a leading spa consultant and coach, stepped in to help shed light on the subject and share how she’s giving back and creating educational opportunities on a larger scale.


Along with Maxine, I’m also talking with Malinda McHenry, a veteran aesthetics educator and Co-Owner of Bronzed n Beautiful (among many other notable accolades), about the current state of aesthetic education, the importance of giving back to the aesthetic community and industry, and how we can continue to professionally thrive through education.


In addition to those topics, we’re also talking about the incredible event Maxine is hosting in Hawaii on October 14 and 15, the 2018 Beauty Business Summit!


When you buy your ticket to the Summit, not only are you investing in your professional growth, but you’re also giving back to the aesthetic community since all proceeds from the event will go toward a funding grant for an aesthetic education institution.


I’m honored to have been invited as a panelist at the event where I’ll be speaking on “Retail Selling With Confidence.” I would love to meet you and learn with you there, so get your ticket today!


During this episode you’ll learn:


  • The current state of aesthetic education institutions and why it’s critical they receive outside support from those thriving in the aesthetic industry
  • Various ways we can give back to the aesthetic industry by imparting our gifts of knowledge and helping up-and-coming aestheticians gain greater experience
  • How Maxine saw an opportunity to help up-level aestheticians’ business acumen while simultaneously giving back to aesthetic education through the Beauty Business Summit
  • The benefits of participating in industry events and making professional connections
  • How you can get involved with giving back no matter where you’re located or how much time you have


References Mentioned in Episode #014: Giving Back and Owning Your Role in Supporting the Aesthetic Industry


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EP 015: 3 Takeaways from The Japanese Culture to Enhance Your Spa’s Client Experience

When I first traveled to Japan in 2016, I immediately fell in love.


Not just with the place, but with the people.


They’re kind, inviting, present and take immense pride in their work, and as I explored some of their most prominent cities, I noticed that my experience with the people remained constant whether I was in a 7/11 convenience store or an upscale sushi restaurant.


Needless to say, it’s not uncommon to be inspired by travel, but Japan and its people genuinely offer an experience that’s uniquely it’s own, and I believe we have a lot we can take away and bring into our spa client experience.


So, in today’s episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, which I’m recording while on my second trip to Japan, this time to Kyoto, I wanted to share while immersed in the surrounding culture, the three core principles that I’ve experienced within the culture and among the Japanese people that you can use them to transform and enhance your spa’s client experience.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • What it looks and feels like when you make people your priority
  • How details matter when crafting a client experience that leaves a lasting impression
  • What it means to be “simplistic” in a way that adds immense value (without creating a ton of extra work for you)
  • How approaching an attitude of gratitude and service is one that can only come authentically


References Mentioned in Episode #015: 3 Takeaways from The Japanese Culture to Enhance Your Spa’s Client Experience


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EP 016: The Key Traits and Practices to Become a Successful Spa Entrepreneur

Do you consider yourself an entrepreneur?


Traditionally speaking, an entrepreneur is someone who owns their own business, which if you own a spa or operate as a solo aesthetician, would mean that you’re an entrepreneur!


But even if you work as an employee for a spa, and don’t necessarily have aspirations to run your own show, the insights shared in this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy will still apply because as you’ll see, every successful spa expert needs to possess these key qualities to achieve their definition of success.


After all, as an employee, you still have sales goals to meet and client bookings to fill, right?


So, as long as that’s the case, there’s always room for improving our entrepreneurial traits in skills, and this episode will help you do just that.


Today I’m joined by my good friend, Nicole Simpson, an aesthetics industry educator, aesthetician, international speaker, and most recently the AVP of Global Education for SkinCeuticals.


She’s traveled and worked in more than 37 countries educating on the skin, cosmeceutical science, as well as on business development and social media for aesthetics clinics around the world.


And as a co-founder of Aesthetic Influencer, an aesthetics education and support company created to provide the aesthetics industry with resources for business and social media growth, Nicole remains at the cutting edge of the aesthetics world to carry out her mission of elevating and supporting the industry she loves.


(You may also be familiar with her as she is one of the panelists from the Aesthetic Marketing Seminar I hosted in San Diego this past spring!)


In this episode, we discuss which qualities every skincare and spa entrepreneur needs to have and develop to build sustainable success on your terms.


Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:


  • Why it’s critical to define your vision for success and how that aligns with the journey you take to achieve it
  • The purpose of “starting with why” and how to find your “why”
  • How your “why” and purpose helps you overcome entrepreneurial roadblocks the steps you can take to cultivate your why further and have it drive the actions you make in your work
  • What a successful entrepreneur’s mindset consists of and the consistent attributes between successful entrepreneurs
  • How understanding your own personality and perspective allows you to shape your journey to success


References Mentioned in Episode #016: The Key Traits and Practices to Become a Successful Spa Entrepreneur


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EP 017: Finding and Creating Your Aesthetic Niche with Regina Brows

You’ve likely heard the saying, “there are riches in the niches,” but if you haven’t, you’re going to learn the truth behind that saying today.


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m chatting with Regina Felix aka Regina Brows of Build Your Brow Biz on how she became known as the go-to brow lady for natural brows, and how that expertise exploded her business.


It’s a common misconception among business owners that if you niche down too much or you get too specific in your specialty, you’re limiting your opportunities and cutting out too many potential clients.


But let’s think about that for a second, do you really want to be serving everyone?


No way!


We all have clients we can think of and think, “I couldn’t handle more clients like that,” or on the flip side, “If I could have ten more clients like her, I’d be ecstatic!


The way you bring in more of those dreamy, I-wish-I-could-clone-them clients is by turning down the volume on speaking to the masses and instead, getting specific and finding your aesthetic specialty so that your ideal client can hear you loud and clear through all the rest of the marketing noise.


In this episode you’ll also learn:


  • Regina’s journey from a generalist to a specialist and how she saw her business expand by shrinking her offerings
  • How she began sharing her specialized expertise on social media and how her brand and rates were affected
  • The mindset shifts she’s made as her brick-and-mortar business has now added an online platform


References Mentioned in Episode #017: Finding and Creating Your Aesthetic Niche with Regina Brows


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EP 018: Getting Comfortable with Live Video as an Aesthetic Expert with Tiffany Lee Bymaster aka Coach Glitter

Does the idea of going live in front of the camera leave you feeling frozen?


Yes, you know that doing things like Facebook and Instagram Live can be great for your marketing efforts, but you feel awkward being on camera, you don’t know what to talk about, and then the fact that you’re LIVE and can’t click the stop or pause button?


Forget it!


Listen, I 100 percent understand that putting yourself out there via live video can feel scary, but if you were brave enough to venture out on your own as a solo aesthetician or spa owner, you’re brave enough to sharpen your camera-ready skills.


Thankfully, with tips from experts like Tiffany Lee Bymaster aka Coach Glitter in your back pocket, you can build your on-camera confidence to begin leveraging the power of live streaming.


In case you haven’t guessed by now, Coach Glitter is my guest on this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, and she’s here to give you the honest-to-goodness truth: you can’t afford to not connect with your audience via video.


In case you’re still on the fence, according to a study conducted by HubSpot, 72% of respondents said that where both video and text are available on the same page, they would rather use video to learn about a product or service.


If that’s not enough reason for you to embrace video marketing for your services, I don’t know what is.


So, if you’re ready to get on board with today’s most effective social media strategy, listen in as I discuss Coach Glitter’s unique background as a pro makeup artist and how she became a live video expert, plus how to use these tools to boost your aesthetic expertise and grow your audience.


(And with a name like Coach Glitter, how can you not be intrigued?! Trust me, she is an expert who will give you the boost you need to finally click the “Go Live” button with confidence!)


In this episode, you’ll also learn:


  • How Tiffany was forced to take the plunge into live video and has since gone live over 1,000 times, and has never looked back
  • Why live streaming can provide a much-needed boost around building our audience and promoting our services
  • How to stop playing small and start showing up through your online video marketing
  • Her top tips for getting started with what to say, do and show when you go live plus how to leverage that live streaming content through your other marketing channels


Recommended Resources from Episode #018: Getting Comfortable with Live Video as an Aesthetic Expert with Tiffany Lee Bymaster aka Coach Glitter


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EP 019/020: Creating a Sacred Space in Your Spa’s Treatment Room with Silke Tyler

Energy healing, Reiki, incense and essential oils…if you’re anything like me, these ideas and concepts have always been a bit, well, “woo woo.”


But as I’ve opened my mind to holistic practices and how they can correlate with business, I’ve seen the benefits and, dare I say, become a bit of a believer.


From crafting gratitude and presence practices in my personal life to seeing how those practices correlated within the spa industry, I wanted today’s episode to dive deep into the concept of energy healing and energy flow, and I couldn’t think of anyone better to help lead this discussion and answer my questions than Silke Tyler.


For the past 30 years, Silke has honed her expertise as an energy healer and teacher of various modalities, including being a Reiki Master, as well as an artist. Not only does she have a breadth of knowledge when it comes to energy work and healing, but a true depth as well


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, she gives insight into how we can make our treatment rooms a sacred space for our clients as well as ourselves as we give so much of our energy as heart-led service providers.

If you’re already on board with the “woo” side of business, I know you’re going to love all the actionable takeaways Silke shares, but if you’re someone who’s maybe a little more analytical like me, I encourage you to approach this episode with an open mind and heart.


Because beyond learning a new practice that can impact your business, Silke offers advice that can genuinely transform the experience of your spa for both you and your clients for the better, and that is always something to strive for!


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • What energy work and energy healing entails, Silke’s journey into this line of work and her philosophy on how energy healing can benefit everyone
  • The importance of creating a sacred space as an aesthetician and what defines a sacred space
  • How to begin creating a sacred space in your treatment room that allows for positive energy flow and a more connected client experience


References Mentioned in Episode #019: Creating a Sacred Space in Your Spa’s Treatment Room with Silke Tyler


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EP 021: How to Grow Your Spa by Expanding Your Team with Nicole Simpson

No business owner with the desire to thrive is immune to the hustle mentality.


And while strong work ethic is a good thing, and necessary for being a successful business owner, there comes the point where if you want to grow, you’ve got to learn to let go.


I know, it sounds counterintuitive…


We think that the harder we work, the more reward we’ll gain or the faster we’ll achieve our vision of success.


But the truth is, when we’re bogged down with the daily minutiae of tasks that don’t best utilize our zones of genius, we get stuck in the grind.

You know the one I’m talking about.


The grind of just skating by with keeping up with client management, treatments, and only the most pressing admin tasks while the other things on your to-do list get perpetually pushed to the next day, week and month.


As a result, business growth has slowed if not come to screeching halt, and you’re feeling more frazzled than ever, which means it’s time to let go, hire, and delegate.


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m welcoming back my friend Nicole Simpson, an aesthetics industry educator and international speaker, to talk all about when it’s time to hire for your spa and grow your team so that you can effectively grow your spa business.


Trust me; if you find yourself scrambling to “do it all” in managing your spa, this is an episode you can’t afford to miss because the only thing continually being frazzled will get you is financial trouble and a fast-pass to full-blown burnout. And that doesn’t have to be the case.


Here’s more of what you’ll learn in this episode:


  • What indicators to look for and notice for when it’s time to start bringing on help in your spa
  • The process for how to approach your initial hire, so you feel confident and prepared
  • Mindset shifts and best practices to take note of when choosing your new hire
  • How to start wearing your CEO hat more frequently once you have hired in order to see continued and sustainable business growth


References Mentioned in Episode #021: How to Grow Your Spa by Expanding Your Team with Nicole Simpson


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EP 022: 5 Keys to Unlocking the Power of the Mind-Body Connection with Rachel Llanes

As the world of health begins to focus more on how our mentality fits into our overall sense of wellbeing, you might have increasingly heard the term “Mind-Body Connection” used around various topics of wellness.


For some (maybe this rings true for you?) the phrase “Mind-Body Connection” can conjure up feelings around “woo woo” or existential concepts, but as my guest on today’s episode explains, the Mind-Body Connection has long been rooted in science, and is only continuing to gain further scientific evidence of its presence and importance in our lives.


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m talking with Rachel Llanes, Health Educator for the Army Wellness Center on Oahu, who is not only obsessed with learning and teaching about optimal human performance but helping others achieve it through the Mind-Body Connection.


Through her work, she’s educated and coached a vast array of people from all walks of life including active duty service members, dependents, civilians working with the Department of Defense, as well as veterans.


And if you’re at all familiar with the military, you know they’re only investing in programs and education that have been shown to work, so even though there’s still much to be discovered about the way our minds and mindset corresponds with the physical health of our bodies, there’s proof in the pudding that the Mind-Body Connection, while largely intangible in its anatomical presence, it has a very concrete presence in our overall health, happiness, and even relationships.


Listen is as Rachel shares with us the five keys to unlocking your Mind-Body Connection.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • The definition of “Mind-Body Connection” and how you can utilize it and understand it for your business
  • How working through your body can change your brain chemistry, and thus, your energy and mood
  • The five essential resources that we all have access to become our best selves
  • The first step you can take to engage with these five Mind-Body Connection points


Resources Mentioned in Episode #022: 5 Keys to Unlocking the Power of the Mind-Body Connection with Rachel Llanes


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