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As a spa professional, one of the biggest keys to creating a life you love is getting more clients in the door. Easier said than done, right? With the Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast, you can get all the tools you need. Join host Daniela Woerner, licensed esthetician, to get simple, proven strategies for marketing your spa business.

EP 059: #BeautyBomb Peptides

Welcome to our weekly #Beautybomb, a burst of info on the latest and greatest ingredients, products, and treatments in the spa industry to help you expand your knowledge and fine tune your client communications.


In this week’s #Beautybomb, I’m talking about something that many aestheticians use for their clients, but may not fully understand how they work within the skin, and that is peptides.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • The chemical composition of a peptide and why it matters to the skin
  • How introducing peptides into a skin treatment or regimen works to combat signs of aging
  • Various classifications of the most popular peptides we use in skincare and how they uniquely benefit the skin


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, request future #Beautybomb topics and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.


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EP 060: Growing Your Spa with the Help of Groupon with Nora Kaitis

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve likely heard of Groupon, and maybe you’ve even bought one for a local experience yourself. But have you ever considered using Groupon to grow your own aesthetic business?


I’ll admit I’ve been skeptical of Groupon in years past, but after hearing feedback from multiple six-figure aestheticians on how they grew their practice with Groupon, I knew I wanted to dig in deeper, which is why I brought on today’s guest, Nora Kaitis.


Nora has been a rep at Groupon for 8 years and as a self-professed makeup and beauty junkie, sparked the initiative and launched the Health and Beauty category of Groupon that works specifically with spas and salons.


In this episode we discuss:

  • How Groupon works as a marketing tool and insights for how to make Groupon a driver of loyal clientele
  • Nora’s top tips for creating a winning deal that grabs the attention of the right people
  • The process of working with Groupon to run a campaign on their site and the biggest mistakes to avoid
  • How to leverage Groupon as a brand new business versus an established aesthetic practice

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and seek support for your spa marketing efforts, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.

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EP 061: Level Up by Niching Down with Gisel of Elevate Esthetics

To be an expert means knowing a lot about one thing rather than knowing a little about a lot of things. As an aesthetician, you may be afraid to stake a claim and specialize out of fear of not bringing in enough clients, but as my guest on this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy can testify, niching down is what it took for her to level up in a major way.

In this episode, I’m chatting with Gisel Campbell, the owner of Elevate Esthetics, who since niching down on her aesthetic specialty of waxing has been able to build a base of loyal clientele, grow her business by over 120% and spurred the need to expand beyond her solo operation and into a spa.


In this episode we discuss:

  • How Gisel made the transition to a menu of services a mile long to focusing on one core aesthetic service
  • Why she chose her specific specialty and how that has opened doors for her beyond those of her aesthetic practice
  • The steps Gisel took to determine the smartest direction for her niche and how becoming an expert in that core area helped her exponentially grow her business
  • How you can begin to elevate your aesthetic expertise and get into a mindset that will you set the stage for your success

References Mentioned in Episode #061: Level Up by Niching Down with Gisel of Elevate Esthetics

 To keep the conversation going after the episode, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.  

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EP 062: Becoming a 7-Figure Spa Owner and Spa Retail Rockstar with Amanda Whelband

One of the (many) reasons I love sharing stories of successful spa owners and solo aestheticians is that to grow to new levels; it helps us to see others who are already doing it. Their stories of how they navigated the journey shows us what’s possible, and their lessons on how they stepped up their game serves not only as motivation, but invaluable insight we can invite into our own businesses.


On this episode, I’m joined by one of those successful spa owners, Amanda Whelband who is the owner of Absolutely Fabulous Spa and has built a team and brought in over 7-figures. She’s smart, savvy, and also one of my Spa Retail Rockstars who won our Finish The Year Strong contest.


Here’s what you’ll learn from Amanda:


  • Her journey to starting her own spa and her top strategies for building up her clientele fast, which she still uses today
  • The winning strategies she implements with new leads to convert them into loyal clients
  • How she doubled her holiday gift card sales from the previous year in just 2.5 weeks, which led to her winning our Finish The Year Strong contest inside Spa Retail Rockstar
  • Why Amanda has embraced a membership program for her spa and the benefits it brings to her bottom line 

To join the Spa Marketing Made Easy community on Facebook and receive more marketing insights, support and feedback, click here.

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EP 063: Bundling Products for a Major Profits Boost

If you work within the medical aesthetics environment, you’re likely familiar with the concept of product bundling and its benefits, but as I’m sharing in this episode, solo aestheticians and day spa owners can benefit from product bundling, too!


In this episode you’ll learn:

  • The key to getting your potential client onboard with an at-home care regimen
  • How product bundling can apply to non-medical treatments such as waxing, lashes, microneedling, and more
  • The long-term statistical benefits of product bundling for your new clients
  • Why it’s crucial to present your product bundles properly and provide options  


References Mentioned in Episode #063: Bundling Products for a Major Profits Boost

To continue the conversation and get more marketing insights to help you build a thriving career and business, click here join the Spa Marketing Made Easy community.

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EP 064: #Beautybomb CoolSculpting

Welcome to our weekly #Beautybomb, a burst of info on the latest and greatest ingredients, products, and treatments in the spa industry to help you expand your knowledge, fine-tune your client communications, and stay on top of your game as an aesthetic expert.


In this week’s #Beautybomb, I’m talking about CoolSculpting, which has gained increasing popularity as more consumers look to achieve their desired aesthetic results without going under the knife.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • What CoolSculpting is and how it works both procedurally and physiologically
  • What areas most commonly treated with CoolSculpting and who makes for an ideal candidate
  • Why an in-person consult is necessary to gauge whether CoolSculpting will achieve the client’s desired results and the treatment investment.

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, request future #Beautybomb topics and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.

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EP 065: Creating and Running a Spa Incentive Program

You know your sales numbers could benefit from an incentive program, but where to begin? Whether your spa has a team of two or twenty, incentive programs are one of the best ways to motivate your team to meet and exceed your spa’s sales goals.


However, running an incentive program that actually works requires more than picking a prize and turning your team loose to sell, sell, sell. In this episode, I’m giving you the 4-step process for creating an incentive program that will effectively move the needle.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • Why the start of a new quarter is the perfect time to introduce your new incentive program
  • What requirements your goal needs to have to get your team on board and be achievable
  • Some of my favorite incentive ideas to base your program around
  • My top tips for keeping your team motivated and excited by your incentives


To read the full show notes, click here.

Click here to continue the conversation and ask questions on starting your spa’s incentive programinside the Spa Marketing Made Easy community.

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EP 066: #Beautybomb Halo

Welcome to our weekly #Beautybomb, a burst of info on the latest and greatest ingredients, products, and treatments in the spa industry to help you expand your knowledge and fine tune your client communications.


In this week’s #Beautybomb, I’m talking about a treatment I recently got and am experiencing fantastic results with, the Halo – Hybrid Fractional Laser by Sciton. This treatment is highly effective at addressing numerous common skin concerns and is an ideal treatment for being proactive against signs of aging.


Here’s what you’ll learn about Halo:


  • How the Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser works, how it differs from other lasers, and works within the skin
  • My personal experience getting treated with Halo and my post-care notes and results as it relates to my skin texture and appearance
  • The benefits of getting a Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser treatment and when clients can expect to see full results

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, request future #Beautybomb topics and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.

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EP 067: Building Trust With Proper Phone Etiquette

You’ve heard it before, and the saying is true: you only get one shot to make a great first impression. In today’s world of social media scrolling and online booking, the internet is likely where your client will initially make that impression, however phone calls are still a number one business communications channel whether it’s to inquire about services or for client/customer support.


And beyond it being the first step of your client’s journey, it’s often the first one-on-one interaction you’ll have with your client so it must be handled with the utmost care and etiquette to begin building a connection and trust.


In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Why everyone on your team should be trained in handling phone calls and how this sets a standard of service
  • The hallmarks of positive language and closed-loop communication plus why these concepts are essential to having great client conversations
  • How to handle a negative call with tact and the great opportunity a negative phone provides


Click here to read the full show notes on the Spa Marketing Made Easy blog.

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.

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EP 068: #Beautybomb Laser Hair Removal

Welcome to our weekly #Beautybomb, a burst of info on the latest and greatest ingredients, products, and treatments in the spa industry to help you expand your knowledge and fine tune your client communications.


In this week’s #Beautybomb, I’m talking all about everyone’s favorite spring and summer treatment, laser hair removal. This is a treatment I’ve received and have loved the results, and today I’m sharing everything you need to know to explain how this treatment works to your clients.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • How laser hair removal works to damage the hair follicle and prevents future growth
  • The effectiveness of laser hair removal and why patients need to receive a series of treatments
  • Who makes for an ideal laser hair removal candidate and key insights to manage patient expectations
  • The various lasers you can use for hair removal and my personal gold standard device

To keep the conversation going, ask questions, request future #Beautybomb topics and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.

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EP 069: Gaining and Retaining Clients Through The Power of Email Marketing

Email isn’t dead, but the days of sending a monthly promotional e-blast are!


With more communication channels than ever before, it’s critical that we treat our client’s and potential client’s emails as sacred spaces to not only retain our existing clientele, but convert our potential clients from subscribers to buyers (of treatments and retail). And the way we do that is by specifically catering the message, timing and sequence of our emails with smart email marketing strategy.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • Why you need to be actively list building for people who are both clients AND non-clients
  • The one email you need to send to every single person on your list
  • What automation tools you need to have in place to save you time and money plus my top tips for boosting your email open rates  

Click here to continue the conversation and get your email marketing questions answered by joining the Spa Marketing Made Easy Community on Facebook.


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EP 070: #Beautybomb CBD Oil

Welcome to our weekly #Beautybomb, a burst of info on the latest and greatest ingredients, products, and treatments in the spa industry to help you expand your knowledge and fine tune your client communications.


In this week’s #Beautybomb, I’m talking about a product that has gained insane levels of popularity (and controversy) in the wellness, beauty, and skincare industries in the last year: CBD oil.


In this episode listen in as I discuss:


  • What CBD Oil is and how it compares with other ingredients on the market such as hemp-based products
  • The skin concerns CBD Oil addresses and remedies
  • My curiosity around the emergence of CBD in skincare and my call for CBD experts to start a conversation with the Spa Marketing Made Easy community


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, request future #Beautybomb topics and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.


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