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EP 111: The 3 Biggest Mistakes Aestheticians Make On Instagram

With the ever-changing world of Instagram, I know it can be hard to stay on top of the feed changes, the evolving platform features, and the trends, but here’s the good and the bad news…


(I’m always a fan of bad news first, so let’s jump right in.)


Bad news: there are a few key mistakes that I see a TON of aestheticians making on Instagram and these are mistakes that are making it hard for your ideal clients to find you or if they do find you, hard to connect with you. 


The good news: these few mistakes have simple solutions that you can fix starting today. 


And the bonus good news is that if you fix these mistakes pronto and stay consistent, you’re likely to see an improvement pretty quickly. 


In fact, I hesitate to even call these mistakes because the reality is, they’re “areas of opportunity.”


I know it can feel frustrating to keep up with the fast-paced nature of social media, but I want you to think of social media and platforms like Instagram as a huge opportunity rather than as a chore. 


Instagram is a free marketing tool that allows you to directly connect and engage with people who live in your immediate area. It’s pretty powerful to say the least. 


And while I’m a huge proponent of running Facebook/Instagram ads (something you know well by now if you’ve been around here for a little while, and if you’re new, you’ll learn!), you have to get the basics down first. 


It’s these areas of opportunity that I see 90% of the aestheticians I connect with missing the mark, and they’re all tied to the basics, which is why improving these areas is going to provide a quick boost in your engagement and overall efforts on the Instagram platform. 


So let’s get to fixing them, shall we?!


In this episode, you’ll learn:  

  • The 3 biggest mistakes you might be making on Instagram and how they’re holding you back from connecting with your dream clients
  • How to remedy those mistakes aka “areas of opportunity” to start gaining traction on Instagram 
  • My top tips for optimizing your profile and creating a variety of content, plus an example of how to craft captions for conversions


References Mentioned in Episode #111: The 3 Biggest Mistakes Aestheticians Make On Instagram

  • Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts — for every 25 reviews we receive, we’re sharing a new downloadable resource to help you grow your business 
  • Use Linktree to house multiple links in the single link allowed in your Instagram bio
  • Learn more about Post With Purpose, our monthly membership for learning how to post to social media purposefully with a process. 



To keep the conversation going, ask questions, and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, click here to join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community. 

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