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EP 300: How to Ensure Your Team Knows Your Top Priorities

“No one will ever care about my business as much as I do.” 


“Doesn’t my team know that when they help us grow, we ALL win?”


“I feel like I try to create a great work environment, but the people on my team don’t seem motivated.”


Ever uttered or thought something along those lines before? 


If you have, you’re not alone, and I’m no mind reader –  these are sentiments I hear from the spa owners inside the Spa Marketing Made Easy community and in my Growth Factor Framework program all the time.


And while it is true that as the Spa CEO, you will always be the one most invested in seeing your business grow and succeed, there are countless (future) team members out there who will see and love your vision, and be excited to help you take it forward. 


So, how do you ensure that when you’ve hired the right people they follow the trajectory that aligns with your vision, values, and goals?


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, we’re going to shift our perspective over from “I’m struggling to build a team that believes in making this business thrive as wholeheartedly as I do” to “here are our clear and defined priorities, so that we’re all on the same page and working toward our greater growth goals together.” 


Sound enticing? 


I know it does because this practice of systemizing your priorities is what allows you and your team to come together to achieve “dream team” status.


And that’s a beautiful place to be. 


In this episode, I discuss:


  • The critical reason why you need to get all your company’s and team’s to-do out of your brain, off of paper, and into a legitimate project management system 
  • What you should really be focusing your time on as the Spa CEO 
  • My do-not-skip exercise to understand where you’re spending your time and efforts and where to begin in reallocating them 
  • How to set up your project management system so that your team can succeed with becoming aligned with your priorities 


References Mentioned in Episode #300: How to Ensure Your Team Knows Your Top Priorities



 Episode Transcript


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