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Success Stories

Amanda Luisa

CEO of The Beach House Skincare and Spa

Amanda’s story: Dedication to female-led community

Growing up near San Francisco in California, Amanda Luisa knew she wanted to take the best parts of the state and put them into her spa in Central Illinois.

“I love pulling my favorite parts of Cali and putting them into my business,” she said.

Apart from her husband and two fur babies, Amanda’s pride and joy is her vibrant three-room day spa, The Beach House Skincare and Spa, which she first opened in 2019.

Beach House Skincare and Spa is a woman-owned company dedicated to inclusivity and community, which has recently seen year-on-year growth, with the expansion of the business to a team of five.

“Before Addo I was so overwhelmed because I didn’t have a team, I was beyond burnt out, and I was not paying myself. It felt like I was spending every second working and I wasn’t seeing any of the reward,” she said.

“Now I’m paying myself and my team well, and that feels really, really good. I have a system for everything in my business which creates stability and a stellar team culture because everyone is on the same page on what happens, and when and how it happens.”

The Beach House Skincare and Spa is an ally for the LGBTQ+ and POC community and Amanda’s made sure to make her company values of safety and kindness ring true across every aspect of the business.

A skincare professional for more than seven years, Amanda loves a simplified beauty routine, which she enjoys sharing with her clients, and her passion lies in helping her team develop their skills to better help the Peoria community on a larger scale.

Amanda first began working with Addo Aesthetics after signing up for Spa Retail Rockstar and then applied for Growth Factor Framework for two years.

“It was incredible. I’ve been able to lead my team with confidence and now when something goes wrong I see it as an opportunity instead of a disaster,” she said.

Amanda says she’s proud that she’s become a leader to her employees and her broader community, while also creating financial stability for herself and her family.

“As a result of working with Addo, I no longer feel like a fraud and I am able to contribute to my family financially. I finally have the confidence to embrace my new title as Spa CEO,” she said.

Leaning into Leadership
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